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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Incredibly heartbreaking. I didn't hear about Thor. I knew about Guiness and Lucy.
  2. I'm so so very sorry. I've lost more to hemangio than OS. (three) She was way too young.
  3. I'm so sorry, what a blow to have to mourn your Dad and your beautiful broodie.
  4. He was so handsome. I'm sorry he's gone. But please be thankful you did have him 9 months. (I had Crystal 18 days).
  5. Rogan is really going to build up some nice butt muscles if he keeps walking like that! As far as the sutures...if the site is healed just remove them. Snip and pull. I do it all the time. If he's a wiggle butt have someone hold him. They might stick a little but for the most part I found they just slide right out.
  6. Oh Greg, my heart is breaking for you. I lost my little old lady Onyx last year at 15 when she lost the use of her back end. Her spirit wasn't ready but her body was. You'll be in my thoughts.
  7. There's a small article in the Morris Animal Foundation newsletter: Animal News. For dogs Drug decreases postoperative bleeding in Greyhounds Dr. Guillermo Couto The Ohio State University More than 25 percent of retired racing Greyhounds experience abnormal bleeding after routine spay/neuter surgery. In people, the drug epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA) has been used to decrease the need for blood transfusions during certain surgeries. The drug works by strengthening and accelerateing clot formation. Because oral EACA is known to be safe for dogs, reseachers wanted to see if it could help stop postoperative bleeding in Greyhounds. With funding from Morris Animal Foundation, they studied the effects of EACA on Greyhounds that underwent routine spay/neuter surgery. Study results indicate that giving dogs EACA before surgery decreased their odds of postoperative bleeding by 79 percent. The findings have the potiential to significantly decrease the likelihood that a Greyhound will suffer from postoperative bleeding.
  8. Oh what a handsome man he was. I'm so sorry. He'll be missed at Dewey this year.
  9. It's the last week of August, the most popular vacation week. Is the surgeon out this week?
  10. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your handsome boy. In May I lost his first cousin (your boy's daddy was the littermate to my girls momma) Crystal Falcon. I hope he looks her up, as I'm sure she'll welcome family with open paws.
  11. I can't help with the stomatitis, but if she can drink, Ensure for weight gain will help her keep weight on. She can drink it. ALL my girls have loved it.
  12. It's my back yard. Right now, very green, we've had rain. But not so recently the grass was wet. I've had lots of greys run in my backyard and Joe's the only one that really has hurt himself. Two of my girls routinely tear around at breakneck speed and they don't get cut up pads. But since it is an acre, they do get up to full speed.
  13. The problem will be finding something that will stay on when he's doing sharp turns at 40 MPH. And something that wouldn't be more slippery in the grass when he does that.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear the news. Many of us have gone thru something similar. Unfortunately, every time is an individual and painful decision. Just remember that whatever decision you make it out of love for her. So no decision is wrong.
  15. greytmom_chi I just wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear the horrible news. KB is way too young. Unfortunately many people here have lost young ones. (I lost a 5 yr old to liver disease). I've also lost 3 to hemangiosaroma and one to OS. I drove from NJ to OSU for her amp surgery. I had her for another 6 months before OS struck another leg. My heart and prayers go out to you.
  16. Oh not another one! Did you know she had OS? Two so close together is just so heartbreaking and unfair. I can't even fathom that. (I've lost two within 2 months and lost one after having her only 18 days....but to lose two within weeks. How horrible). My heart breaks for you.
  17. Awwww good boy Larry for getting better. Kim you need to get a new signature with Larry in it too.
  18. CHECK HER TEETH! My Pearl was misdiagnosed with it and put on prednizone. That's the worse thing you can do for a hypertensive dog which Pearl was. Her BP was hitting the 200 range. It turned out to be an abscessed tooth. One of the little ones way in the back.
  19. Oh how sudden! But it sounds like she went very peacefully. Godspeed Star
  20. Where are you located? Maybe someone can come help you. But this is an emergency. She should go now.
  21. Hi Kim, I didn't do the special diet with my cancer kids (I didn't even have the time to think about it for 4 of them). But I just wanted to give you and Nubers a cyberhug.
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