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Everything posted by jenners

  1. Thank you for including my hedgies Miss Jennie
  2. jenners

    just betty

    From the album: jenners

  3. http://tinyurl.com/nks7n8k Jennie
  4. "The last thing he knew on this earth was love." Perfectly said. Thank you for that, Donna Jennie
  5. I know some of you treat your houndies to tripe. There's been a recall of some types ... http://tinyurl.com/nkemn2p Jennie
  6. I think I'll put this over in "Food" too, I want to make sure everyone sees it. Jennie
  7. "I use good old Tripett canned" Yum, my favorite Miss Jennie
  8. I know some of you treat your houndies to tripe. There's been a recall of some types ... http://tinyurl.com/nkemn2p Jennie
  9. Wow! Hard to match the 2 gorgeous girls you already had butt you did it! Ivy! Miss Jennie
  10. Run free and fast through those grassy fields on pain-free feet, sweet Emma. You will be so missed Jennie
  11. From Food Safety News: "An Oregon veterinarian is waging an educational campaign to inform dog owners about the dangers posed to their pets by xylitol, a sugar alcohol-derived sweetener with one-third the calories of regular sugar that is being used in some nut butter products ... Most dogs like peanut butter and seem to enjoy licking it off a spoon or trying to get it out of a rubber toy. However, xylitol is extremely toxic to them, Nicholas said, and there are no warning labels on the products alerting pet owners about the problem or telling them how much xylitol the product contains. The nut butter products using xylitol for sweetening are not like regular peanut butter but are actually high-protein nut butter spreads with added whey protein isolate and flax seeds, chia seeds and other ingredients. They include P28 peanut spread from a company in Syracuse, NY, Nuts ‘N More from Providence, RI, and Krush Nutrition’s Nutty by Nature brand from Wellington, FL ... It takes very little xylitol to create serious problems for a dog. Ingestion causes a massive surge of insulin release much more than from the same amount of sugar, he said. “That surge of insulin drops blood sugar and causes hypoglycemia and, as a result of hypoglycemia, there’s not enough glucose in the blood and it causes weakness, ataxia (like staggering or drunk walking), and can cause collapse and, because the brain isn’t able to get the energy it needs, it can cause seizure and coma,” the vet said." For complete article: http://tinyurl.com/nmfahkj Jennie
  12. What a sweet little man. doGspeed, Mikey, you were so loved. Jennie
  13. What a lovely and loving face I'm so glad he had his last 5 years with YOU Miss Jennie
  14. "nom nom nom nom ... Mom! My leg hurts!" Jennie
  15. Get OUT! ::SHOVE:: There is no way that puppy is knot photoshopped. No one can be that incredibly cute "Super, super sharp teeth and wants to bite everything" Including hisownself, silly pupper Jennie
  16. I love that; "Run with the Wind, Barb" Jennie
  17. What a greyt name And isn't she pretty ? Jennie
  18. Those across the Bridge will be so happy to see you, Barb, you are so loving and kind. But we here on Earth will miss you terribly. Rest well, sweetheart. Jennie
  19. She's so pretty Congratulations ! Jennie
  20. You were so meant for each other. doGspeed, sweet Cashy, you were loved beyond reason. and , Miss Chris and Misser Dennis Miss Jennie
  21. What a wonderful, special, awesome girl I'm so sorry she had to go. Warm and quilly Jennie
  22. Godspeed, dear one. They're in for a treat across that Bridge! Jennie
  23. I'm very interested in hookworms, here's why: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helminthic_therapy So I wonder if there are auto-immune diseases in dogs that would be treated with hookworms? Jennie
  24. Goodbye, sweetheart. I will be forever honored that we were able to meet and take a walk together. You were the best houndie you could be and will be so missed. Miss Jennie
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