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Everything posted by NevadasMom

  1. Today is another good day. She was a little restless last night. She ate well again today. I think that she may be getting a little water obsessive again.......the jury is still out. I spoke to my Vet today. She doesn't think we made her Addisonian. So the plan is to wait to see when her cushing's symptoms start up again & then very carefully start low dose Mitotane again. She's going into the Vet on Monday for an electrolyte panel & a check up. Poor Nevada has always been so ultra sensitive to medication. The funny thing- tonight on our walk she wanted to chase a cat.........yeah right Nevada......15 years old with a bad back & a weak legs from a crisis and you think you can catch a cat???? That made my day! At least the interest in life is still there.
  2. Thanks for your support & prayers. I'm happy to report that today is a much better day. She slept thru the night & ate well this morning & this evening. She even greeted me at the door tonight with tail wags. She hasn't done that in weeks. I'm hoping that this just isn't the prednisone that she got yesterday. She didn't need any this morning. I'm kind of hoping that this episode pushed her into Addisons disease, which is so much easier to deal with than Cushings disease. I think she will feel better too. Keeping my fingers crossed that she continues to do well.
  3. Nevada could use your good thoughts right now. As many of you know, she is 15+ years old and has cushings disease. She is on Mitotane for the cushings. Well, today she went into an Addisonian crisis. She scared the crap out of me. Luckily prednisone is a miracle drug & pulled her out of it pretty quickly. I now have a few more white hairs on my head. She, of course, is snoozing quietly on the floor right now. I'm very lucky to have a very supportive Vet. We'll be talking again tomorrow to figure out the next step. My poor baby girlie.........
  4. Wishing you all well. My thoughts are with you.
  5. Nevada acts a little weird on Tramadol-she became very restless & panty. Vet said that sometimes dogs don't tolerate it well-others do. She does better with Rimadyl.
  6. Nevada's excessive drinking/peeing etc turned out to be Cushings disease. Does Rickie have any other symptoms? Is he becoming food obscessive? Is he becoming kind of aloof in personality? Body looking kind of stocky? Fingers crossed that you don't have to be on the Cushings rollercoaster..............
  7. I know what you are going thru. You are all in my thoughts. Hang in there & enjoy your quiet moments together.
  8. I think that she looks remarkably good. I don't think the bruising is bad at all considering the trauma of the fracture & the surgery. She looks bright & alert. All good signs.
  9. Sending tummy tickles & hugs her way..........If I could send you a Margarita from here in Arizona I sure would. I'm sure that you need one right now!
  10. The chemo yuckie poohs were bound to hit at some point. Think of it as her body fighting the nasty C & getting rid of it. Just let her rest & she'll be zooming around again soon. Sending her kisses...........
  11. For a man that I've never met.........I sure adore him! I've never heard his personal story........where he is from & why he loves GH's so much etc. Could someone share this info? Foxysmom.......please give him a HUGE hug from all of us!
  12. The pee-pee pads that Nevada uses are made for a mattress & are washable. I wash them in Odo-Ban and they don't stink.
  13. My Nevada (15 years old) still has a bladder of steel until her cushings disease flares up (like right now) and then she can't hold it all day. I've trained her to go on pee-pee pads. She's very good about using the pads & only seems to use them when she really can't hold it all day. There are days that she can hold it & the pads don't get used. She's a smart, good girlie!
  14. Great news! I'm so excited for you............
  15. Jan- I've folded it like a burrito. I made sure that the pill was in one end of the "burrito" and gave that end to Nevada first. That way if she decided to bite down, the pill would hopefully be further into her mouth. Worked 90% of the time-until she bit into one.........she now is suspect of ham/turkey. Had the pill giving conversation with my Vet today. She laughed and said that she has NEVER met a hound quite like Nevada. She was stunned that she did not like Cheese Whiz or liver. Luckily she is a friend & I didn't take it personally.............maybe I should??
  16. Whatever would make you think that Jan??? Actually I think that Mitotane has made Nevada become more "picky" about what she eats. I've noticed that over the past 2 years, since we started the Miotane, she rejects things that use to be her favorites. Including treats. It's weird. Her taste for certain things has definately changed. I did buy cat food also to see if that would work...........
  17. I bought Pill Pockets on Friday. They have been rejected too. So far the Hormel meatloaf is working. Jan- I bought a wooden spice grinder at WalMart & use it to break up the chewables into a powder & then mix with tuna or sardines. The little 15 year old diva will not eat regular dog food anymore either. She prefers my homemade cooking now...........little stinker!
  18. I can comiserate with you. I'm having a devil of a time with Nevada and her pills right now too. And she's only on 4. So far we've gone thru PB, cheese, sliced ham and turkey, meatballs, cream cheese, boneless chicken breast. She hates liver so braunschweiger is out (I've tried it too). As of Friday I've been buying the Hormel pre-made meatloaf and cubing it up. I make a slice in the cubes and put the pill inside it. So far, so good. I also grind the "chewable pills" up and mix them in some tuna to hide the smell. Believe it or not, this dog will not eat the chewables either. She's become suspiscious of anything I hand her. One of her pills is bitter tasting & unfortunately she has bitten into one. I think she can smell it too. Any suggestions would be helpful to me & my little diva too............It's very frustrating.
  19. What facinates me is his shaved areas. He almost looks like he should be a blue boy.........
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