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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Agreed. I have a lab that I can teach obedience and tricks with. The greys job is to look pretty I only expect manners. They don't have to sit or lay down, but they are not to jump all over guests, steal food or be snarky.
  2. I'm so sorry... It sounds like he had a seizure, how old was he? Hugs to you...
  3. Is he having a seizure?
  4. kamsmom


    I'm so sorry Holly
  5. kamsmom

    Darla Is Home

    It's not crazy. When my husbands dog, Bozley, passed away I had never had to "deal with death" up to that point. I was the one being weird about having the cremains and was ooged out by having him put the box on the mantle. But, as the years have passed and I have my own "heart dog" I think about "the box" a lot. I too wonder what I will do when I have mine. I don't want a collection of boxes but want to do something to honor them. It's funny because now it is me that my husband and kids tease about the box on the mantle. You see, every so often when I am cleaning and dusting it off I find myself talking to Bozley and telling him what has happened in our life since the last time I dusted (((Hugs))) to you, Ms Darla will be happy what ever you choose to do.
  6. Maureen I have no idea but wanted to say I am sorry that Scout is hurting Hopefully someone can give you some great advice and help you out.
  7. Rest well sweet Bailey. I am happy and proud to have met you
  8. He is very handsome! Congrats
  9. I have no idea Pam, but wanted to pop in and say "Hi" while you are on the computer
  10. Mo, I don't have any thing to add but wanted to bump this up for you.
  11. That doesn't look like a corn to me... it looks more like a bruise to me
  12. I talked to Pam yesterday... Poodle is doing better and is holding food down. She was without heat/electricity yesterday but by 8pm she had it back. She can't update until she gets to the library to use the computer so I am sure that she will update later or tomorrow.
  13. Just talked to Pam, Poodle is back at home but did have to return to the vet for more fluids and then came back home late. He is eating very, very little. Please keep Poodle in your thoughts, Pam is very worried about her little guy.
  14. Just my opinion but I wouldn't. I would just wash it twice a day and probably put some triple antibiotic ointment on it. Basically just watch it and keep it clean. It is a small wound and should be ok to heal on it's own. However, it is your dog and I am only judging based on one photo.
  15. Thank you everyone! He finally came out of the bathroom yesterday when it stopped raining. He stops eating when this goes on as well but he finally ate half of his dinner. It isn't raining this morning so I think he will probably eat his breakfast today. I gave him a 3mg melatonin yesterday afternoon and it did seem to calm him. I had run up to the store and gotten some regular, plain melatonin tabs. Thank you for this! The melatonin with thianine I got at Costco and was much cheaper than the bottle I got at the store. I think I will double check with the vet but this may be what I use.
  16. I am ignoring... I may need to go get a white noise machine. At night the rain is all you hear so I guess that could help. I'll just run up to the store and get some regular melatonin for him. The thianine is supposed to help with stress I take it... But not sure if it is ok for dogs. Do you give the melatonin during the day and at night?
  17. Steak has thunder phobia. He panicks as soon as it starts to rain. He paces, pants, and cries. He keeps us up all night long. Then as soon as the thunder starts he gets worse and shakes and cries. He does well in the bathroom or in a small hallway with a bed but he still gets up and down and paces. I have heard of people giving melatonin to help. Can you tell me what you do? I have a bottle of Melatonin 3mg tablets at home. They also have 25 mg of Theanine in them... is this ok for him to have? Is it ok to use during the day or should I just use it at night so that we can all sleep? Help from a very sleepy mom!
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