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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. galgrey

    Goodbye Gladys

    I'm so sorry. Run free, Gladdy.
  2. I'm sorry for your loss.
  3. Such a beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  4. galgrey

    10 Years

    10 years! I remember when you lost her. It doesn't seem possible it's been that long.
  5. I'm sorry this happened. This is exactly why I no longer go to playgroup. Too many on the field, dominant dogs bullying other dogs, and owners chatting with their backs turned to the field not paying any attention to their dogs getting out of control. I had been bringing this up and several people said I was being "a worry wart". I take no pleasure in being right here, but the last time I attended a passive dog got packed up on against the fence and got had a big laceration in her side. When she cried out it triggered a fight & two dominant males who had been overly aggressive earlier were about to get their muzzles off in the fracas when I intervened. I called out for help and everyone just stood there! When it was over, then the owner of one of the aggressive dogs cursed me out for grabbing his dog by the collar and putting his dog's muzzle back on him. I had told him earlier that his dog's muzzle was too loose and would likely come off if/when it was really needed. I guess that is what made him mad. Call me crazy (other's have ), but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect everyone to watch their own dogs and intervene if their dog is getting out of line. Many years ago I started taking my bridge boy, Keno, to a playgroup. Keno was full of himself in his younger days and could be a real pistol when he got pumped up. I never took my eyes off of him when he was running with the others on the field because I'd seen him pick out a timid dog and slam him/her hard. I knew by his body language when he needed to chill and I would leash him and take him off the field. I finally stopped taking him because he started consistently picking on two particular dogs who were always there. And no one ever had to ask me to watch him or ask take him off the field when he got rowdy. He was my dog and it was my responsibility. I was also the one who made the decision to stop taking him to playgroup. To me it was a no brainer. He could not behave and I didn't want to see him or any other dogs hurt. I hope your group will listen to reason and everyone's willing to be responsible for their own dogs. Running in small groups with dogs well matched in temperment makes it safer for everyone.
  6. So sorry to hear about your loss, but glad to have you here!
  7. Sending good thoughts, Linda! Please post an update.
  8. Bless you for giving her a loving when when you knew she didn't have long. What a gift you gave her and what a gift she gave you.
  9. galgrey


    Only six! I'm so very sorry.
  10. I'm sorry to hear this news. You may have already done a search, but there are several threads on here re: mast cell carcinoma. I had a scare with my galgo, Cruz, back in the winter. He had a lump come up on a foreleg that was suspicious, based on the needle aspiration at my vet's office. My vet removed it with wide margins. This was scary to me since there is very little extra skin on a foreleg. Anyway it was a long healing process to say the least. But when the full biopsy came back after the surgery it wasn't a mast cell tumor! It was some sort of bizarre fungal thing that was releasing histamines into his system similiar to a mast cell tumor. I was relieved, of course, that it wasn't cancer, but I felt horrible that I had put him through that surgery for no reason. It's so hard to know what to do sometimes. Anyway if you haven't already, use the search function to find the previous threads on treatment and prognosis for mast cell cancer. Keep us posted. Sending good thoughts to you and Valor.
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