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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm not a doctor, but none of these symptoms sound like hemangio. There are three types that I'm aware of, skin, which obviously you see on the skin, cardio which would cause shortness of breath and tiredness, and splenic which you usually don't find out until it's too late. My Brindle had splenic. There are many others on this board that have had the other two as well. While it could still be cancer, it just doesn't sound like hemangio. An ultrasound will be able to rule out a lot. I'm not a doctor either, but this doesn't sound like what I experienced with hemangiosarcoma either. I've lost two dogs to it and neither of them had any of these symptoms. Good luck and keep us posted.
  2. I'm so sorry. What a beautiful tribute to your beloved Perry.
  3. Super handsome boy! Congratulations and welcome to GT!
  4. Welcome Jenna & boys! We look forward to seeing pictures of Lion & A.C.
  5. Oh she's lovely! Welcome home Remy!
  6. Congratulations, Lucy's a beauty! I love the brindled heart on her side.
  7. galgrey


    I'm am so sorry.
  8. Hoping Lula gets a good report tomorrow.
  9. We're glad to have you & look forward to seeing pictures of Remy!
  10. I've not personal experience with this, but just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.
  11. She's adorable! Happy Homecoming, Goodness!
  12. Sending good thoughts to you and your girl. There are other causes of spleen enlargement: hepatitis, injury, infection, benign tumors, etc. Enlarged Spleen in Dogs. I've lost a greyhound and a weimaraner to hemangiosarcoma. One was completely asymptomatic until the end and the other showed abdominal tenderness that led to the diagnosis. I hope you get good news about Lula.
  13. Welcome to GT! She's lovely & it looks like she knows she's home.
  14. galgrey


    I'm so sorry.
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