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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Welcome! Your new girl is a beauty! I look forward to lots of pictures. I'm not a big poster or picture taker, but I have a galgo, Cruz, who came from SOS Galgos. He's curled up beside me right now.
  2. Congratulations to all of you! Welcome home, Grace!
  3. galgrey

    Skyy The Wiggles

    So many gorgeous photos to remember her by! I'm so sorry for your loss. Run Free, Skyy!
  4. galgrey

    Momma Tess

    I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with her. Run Free, Tess.
  5. Congratulations! I love the name Jasper. He's a handsome boy and will fill out in no time.
  6. A beautiful tribute to a much loved boy. I'm so sorry.
  7. I've had really good luck with it here in North Carolina for many years now.
  8. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful and much loved girl. I'm so sorry she had to leave you.
  9. I agree, pancreatitis is not only very painful it can kill quickly. I nearly lost my Keno to pancreatitis within a few months after adopting him. I gave him a pig's ear and he nearly died.
  10. My bridge boy, Keno, did this when he had a severe pancreatitis attack not too long after I adopted him. It started before bedtime one night, but having no experience with it I didn't realize what it meant. Then the diarrhea started sometime during the night and I rushed him to the vet as soon as they opened at 8:00am. He was already dehydrated by then and had to spend the night on IV's. He was in a lot of pain and gravely ill and I almost lost him. I felt horrible when I realized that the pig's ear I'd given him had caused it, but I had no idea he had problems with his pancreas. I was totally fanatical about his diet after that. He only had one other incident and that was when a sitter gave him some chicken with the fatty skin on it I was out of town overnight. Fortunately, when I got home I recognized the early symptoms right (that stretching posture) and got him to the vet before the inflammation got bad. Sending Turbo good thoughts.
  11. So sorry about you losing your Nina. Tessarose is gorgeous, even in the mud. :lol
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