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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Sending good thoughts to both of you.
  2. Congratulations! Welcome home, Idol!
  3. Easy's really handsome and very photogenic.
  4. If you start slowly and build up you shouldn't have any problem. My girls love it and will eat it in solid form right off a spoon if I offer it to them. My galgo is another story. As I said before, he loved it for a while and now he doesn't. But he's that way about nearly everything. Hope all of you like it as much as the girls and I do and get equally great results. ETA I love coconut oil as a moisturizer when I get out of the shower. Love Vitacost!
  5. I take them and so do my dogs. They've made a tremendous difference for all of us. Here's a brief article on the benefits supplemental enzymes if anyone's interested: Enzymes for Dogs
  6. I recently started mine on coconut oil and have been very impressed so far. Here are some links that convinced me to give it a try for my gang. And the girls absolutely love it! Their skin and coats already look better than they did on large doses of fish oil or salmon oil. Coconut Oil for Dogs Crazy About Coconut Oil I've been meaning to thank you for posting the article Crazy About Coconut Oil. What brand do you use and where do you get it from? I originally bought the Spectrum brand at a local health food store, but because I use so much I now order it in larger quantity (54 oz.) from Vitacost.com. I order a lot of supplements from Vitacost. Great prices, reasonable shipping, and fast delivery. I ordered the Nutiva brand last time.
  7. I use it for cooking too. Love it. My dogs are already shedding and it's really helping it to go quickly. Princess has already lost most of her winter undercoat (or underfluffen, as I call it). I'm thrilled to have underfluffen mostly gone by the first of March! Carly, OTOH, is the original underfluffen monster (super thick fluffy coat) and she looks pretty darned good right now too.
  8. I am building them up like the article suggests and watching to make sure they don't get loose stools. So far no loose stools and coats are awesome! I've used fish oil, Hair of the Dog, and salmon oil in the past, but for some reason mine are looking the best they've ever looked on the coconut oil. My girls absolutely love it, but my galgo true to form loved it for about a week and now has decided he doesn't like it. He does this with just about everything though. I've never, ever had a dog who was such a picky eater.
  9. I recently started mine on coconut oil and have been very impressed so far. Here are some links that convinced me to give it a try for my gang. And the girls absolutely love it! Their skin and coats already look better than they did on large doses of fish oil or salmon oil. Coconut Oil for Dogs Crazy About Coconut Oil
  10. galgrey


    I was on the old AOL forum and remember well when you adopted her. I know she was loved and adored and will be missed beyond measure.
  11. I too hope it stays "as it" for a long time and that you have many, many wonderful days ahead.
  12. Congratulations to all of you! She's a beauty and I love the name Aoife!
  13. Purebred dogs are selectively bred for certain physical characteristics and skill sets. Sighthounds haven't "needed" or been selectively bred for their receptive language skills like some other breeds. They can all learn but the learning curve is different IMHO. And, of course, within a breed you'll have some individuals that are quicker to learn new things than others. I've now had 5 retired racers in my life and the "smartest" by far is Princess. She is incredibly social and oriented to words and cues - more so than any of the others I've lived with. She makes intense eye contact everyone and seems to actively listen to what you say to her. She's the only greyhound I've had that does this. Everyone that meets her, especially other greyhound owners, comments on it. Her eye contact reminds me somewhat of my beloved weimaraner, Hannah. Hannah was often too smart for my own good! She learned a couple of new words or phrases every day even into her senior years. It didn't take her long to recognize familiar words when I spelled them and not only did she know her name (no big feat I know), but she knew the other dogs' names! When I would say their names, she would look at them and then back at me and then back at them! I was talking on the phone to a friend one day about my new next door neighbor and her two dogs & said their names. She jumped up and ran to the window and looked out at their house wagging her tail furiously hoping to see her friends. I was amazed that she knew what I was talking about! Combined with this intellect was a tremendous amount of energy and stamina that needed channeling constantly or she would find something to get into in order to entertain herself. I adored her beyond words, but in my older age, sighthounds are more my speed.
  14. I've never had a dog do this, but I used to have a horse that did it. Lame away from the barn but sound if you turned him around.
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