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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Oh no! I lost one suddenly like this to hemangiosarcoma in 2003. The shock was horrific. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Run free, Rocky.
  2. Congratulations! She is definitely a cutie!
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  4. Princess loves all fruit with the exception of citrus.
  5. galgrey

    Twister Sheba

    What a beautiful tribute. I'm so very sorry she had too leave so soon.
  6. Beautiful tribute to your beautiful and much loved boy.
  7. Jordan, both of you are tucked into my heart.
  8. Welcome to GT! Very handsome boys you have!
  9. galgrey

    Jumpin Jackson

    I'm so sorry he had to leave so soon.
  10. A beautiful tribute and photo. I can feel the love in your post and see it between you. I'm so sorry.
  11. I got samples (salmon and lamb) a few months ago and all three of mine wolfed down the samples. I was going to switch them from TOTW Pacific Stream, but then got laid off at work. So I ended up having to switch from TOTW to the Costco equivalent, Nature's Domain, due to the price. When I get re-employed I may give it a try. All three of my dogs LOVE peas. They will beg for them when I eat them.
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