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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. galgrey

    Rip Jim

    I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. I've had it happen and it's such a shock.
  2. Such a beautiful tribute to your boy. I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. I've lost 2 two hemagiosarcoma, a greyhound and a weimaraner. I lost the greyhound quickly but was fortunate to have almost a year with my weim.
  4. Looks good. I wish they had a variety without chicken. Princess cannot eat chicken. It's dard to find anything grain free without chicken that's reasonably priced.
  5. It just gets worse and worse. That report is truly horrific. I wonder if they will check the other Diamond plants based on this.
  6. Sounds like you summed it up perfectly. I'm so very sorry. So heartbreaking.
  7. Gentle hugs and good thoughts for Rourke.
  8. This part gave me chills for you. So nice to read good news in H&M. Very happy for you & your girl. Yes, wonderful to see good news in Health & Medical! So very happy for you!
  9. Ensure is mostly sugar. The first three ingredients listed by volume are: WATER, CORN MALTODEXTRIN, SUGAR (SUCROSE), CORN SYRUP. With 3 of the first 4 ingredients being a sugar that's just too much sugar IMHO. My senior galgo is not eating well and is underweight right now, so I'm struggling with finding something he'll eat that will give him some extra calories but I wouldn't consider adding sugar to do it. I hadn't thought about it, but the mashed potatoes sounds like a better option to me. He likes potatoes, so I think I'll try it. Good luck. It it so hard when they won't eat.
  10. Welcome to GT! Would love to see pictures.
  11. The reason for the recall is that multiple types of their food DID test positive for Salmonella. I believe I did say that this info came from the Diamond plant.
  12. No experience, but I'm sending good thoughts. Please keep us posted.
  13. I just talked to a the owner of a local feed store here about the recalls. He has been in touch with Diamond and was told that two of the three extruders at the Gaston, SC Diamond plant had shown some salmonella bacteria. They know which lot of food came from which extruder and on what date, so they are recalling the lots that came from those extruders. Also, no dogs have been reported sick and supposedly no actual food batches have tested positive, but there have been around a dozen or so people who got salmonella from handling the dog food and the particular salmonella strain was traced back to the Diamond plant through some DNA testing. There have been no human fatalities, but 5 people of the people were hospitalized for treatment but have since made full recoveries. Healthy adult dogs don't usually get salmonella, but puppies or older dogs with compromised immune systems could be at risk. The bigger risk here is people contracting it from handling the food or from close contact with a dog who has eaten the food. Healthy adults may get an infection but it's not life threatening. It's the very young, the very old, and anyone with a compromised immune system that is at significant risk. Just passing this along as it was told to me.
  14. It also now includes some Natural Balance products: Natural Balance Recall.
  15. Yes. Here's the link: Natural Balance Recall
  16. I just went to Earthborn Holistic's website and checked their Coastal Catch. Looks like a good alternative for me. It will be a little bit of a drive since there's not a retailer close by. Thanks for posting this as I wasn't familiar with the Earthborn Holistic line.
  17. After losing a greyhound quickly to hemangio, my weimaraner was diagnosed (tumors in spleen, one lung, and heart) and given a couple of weeks to live. Out of desperation I put her on a raw diet, herbs and supplements to support her immune system. She actually thrived without further symptoms for 11 months when she started to show signs of congestive heart failure due to the tumor in her heart. Sending prayers for Crystal and for you that you both have more time together.
  18. Oh no! I read through this thread hoping it wasn't hemangio because the symptoms sounded way too familiar to me (I've lost two to hemagiosarcoma). So unfair all the way around.
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