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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. The beautiful Bee Wiseman! I'm sure she had no idea how much she was loved by humans who never even met her. Hugs to you and Burke as you miss your special girl.
  2. Welcome to GT and congrats on your handsome new boy!
  3. Glad he's feeling better and eating so well.
  4. Congratulations on your beautiful new girl!
  5. Welcome, Monica, June, & Sydney! Congrats all around!
  6. Congrats on your new girl! I really like the name Lyric. Looking forward to seeing pictures.
  7. I'm so sorry to see this. I'm sure she and Trish have already had a joyful reunion. She was so lucky to have found a second family to love her.
  8. Yes, it's done here in the US. There's a place here in Charlotte that offers breast thermography. It's more expensive than mammography and isn't covered by insurance. Here's what is said about the difference. I have no personal experience with it. Just passing this along. The Difference Between Mammography and Thermal ImagingOn top of the radiation, compression, cost, and psychological issues caused by mammography, there is another thing that differentiates it from thermal imaging. The difference is in what the two detection systems look for: “Mammography and ultrasound depend primarily on structural distinction and anatomical variation of the tumor from the surrounding breast tissue…Infrared imaging detects minute temperature variations related to vascular flow and can demonstrate abnormal vascular patterns associated with the initiation and progression of tumors.”xxi In other words, thermal imaging can detect tumorous activity as it begins to develop a blood supply to sustain its growth. Any increased heat from a localized blood supply would suggest pathology. Yet for mammography, the tumor has to have formed sufficient physical mass and size to be detected. I
  9. My girls aren't really having any joint problems at 10 , but I started them both on Fresh Factors a few months ago as sort of a preventative and with hope that it would improve Carly's coat which has never looked as good as I thought it should. Both girls have beautiful coasts now and Carly's horrific shedding has decreased. I'd been giving them coconut oil with good results, but the Fresh Factors gave them a gloss I'd not seen in years. My girls get 4 a day (two at each meal).
  10. No advice re: Tylan, but sending lots of good thoughts that he recovers his appetite and gains so weight. Thank you for bringing this sweet boy home.
  11. Hello and welcome to GT! Can't wait to see pictures of your new girl.
  12. No experience to offer, but just so sorry to hear this.
  13. I hope the medication gets his pressure back within normal limits. And thank you for sharing this.
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