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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. I had mentioned that Elsie was whimpering when lying down. Not when going down, but when just laying there. It stopped, started, stopped and started again. Last night there was a lot of whimpering and barking, but when I got down to her level, she would stop and if I offered her a cookie- she took it and ate it happily. She has been her usual loud, demanding, bossy and playful way. As I am typing this, she is mouthing me and barking. Now she has a toy that she is playing with. When I was at work today, I had the cam up and she was laying down and barking. No one else was. That was unusual. Then, I saw her laying down and it looked like she was panting heavily. Her chest was heaving in and out. I paniced and left work immediately. I have a 2:30 appointment with the vet. I am so afraid it's something terrible. She survived breast cancer back in the summer. She is always so playful and up my butt- how could anything be wrong? But yet, I am so scared. So... any ideas of what could be going on.
  2. Hey Shelley- the way you posted the pic on your profile is the same way to post on the threads. Here is your profile picture.
  3. My Beau does this, he was a racer and we adopted him at 2.5 so I doubt it has anything to do with his puppyhood! We never did figure it out with Beau- but he tends to do it when his tummy is off - he does suffer from IBD.
  4. Poor poodle. Hoping he is feeling better soon.
  5. Well it's about time you joined, Shelley. I am so happy you are here! Welcome to GT!!!
  6. I am so sorry for the loss of your Casey.
  7. RobinM


    MP- I am so sorry. She fought long and hard.
  8. Hi Irene- I don't know how I missed this. How is your boy today? This must be very scary. If you ever need the clavomox- Just so you know clavomox is very expensive and it's the same drug as Augmentin (human stuff) so if you have a doc that will call it in for you, it's very helpful to have. I try and keep all meds in the house ... just in case! Chloe is prone to UTIs so we are prepared.
  9. What a sweet looking boy. He looks so tall and regal! Congrats to you and Roscoe!
  10. This is going to be it. Cuz.. we said so. Come on Smiley- let's do it and move on... literally!
  11. Well, there has been serious blood shed over a cookie left so free feeding is not an option. And the set up of her house is just not doable.
  12. Claudia- there is no way that Nancy can leave any food out during the day as she has 4 hounds and leaving food out is weell, just not an option. Her house set up just doesn't make that feasible. That would be the best option if it were doable. What Nancy didn't tell everyone is that Bobbi (littermate to my beloved Polli) has always been a horribly picky eater. I spoke to Brad Holomek in KS from the farm they came from and he said that every dog in this litter didn't eat. They would go 3 days without eating- even when they were racing. he said he had never seen an entire litter like this! As far as Bobbi goes... Nancy, I feel for you. I would see if she would take some ensure and go through the cycle again with the EVO and all the things she loved at one time. See if you can cycle through it again. I am going to call you now. I also think Aunt Robin needs to pay Bobbi a visit.
  13. What a shame and such a loss. God Speed Ozzie.
  14. 2 x a day. Depending on what you are feeding and what the weight of your dog is depends on how much. My 85 pound boy gets 2 cups 2x a day of pro plan with a dollop of high quality canned food mixed in. treats are low fat only. My 65 pound boy gets 1.5 cup 2x a day.
  15. Keeping you and your sweet girl in my prayers. I am sorry. Cancer sucks.
  16. Congrats on your baby. Glad everything is working well. There will be a lot of different transitions as Arlo gets mobile as you know, but you sound very creative and willing to do what it takes to make it work for Maggie and your little family. Now, we need pictures, please!
  17. I am going to buy it here and then probably get it from Road Runner. http://www.canadapharmacy.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product/name/Entocort.Budesonide/product_id/1506.htm
  18. So hard to believe the year has come full circle.
  19. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet Annie. We are here in whatever way you need.
  20. RobinM

    Miss Bonnie Twist

    Very had to believe a whole year has past without Bonnie. She is missed, hugs to you.
  21. Yes, he will be perfectly fine. Polli had 4 in 2 years at the age from 8-10.
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