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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. First things first. I would stop sticking my face in his. Not a good idea. I wound up with 8 stitches over my eye for doing exactly what you described, except, Teddy never growled or snapped. He bit. Lesson learned very quickly. And if he is growling at you while on YOUR couch, no way would I allow him on there. That is a privilegde that has to be earned. I know what you mean about the garbage cans. Even after 4+ years, if I dragged them I would have 5 dogs trying to back out of their collars. time and patience.
  2. RobinM


    I am so sorry, DeVon. God Speed Sweetie.
  3. I have 5 hounds and I wouldn't dare try to brush Beau's teeth! No can do. He is the whimpiest and sweetest of my hounds, yet he would try and take my face off if I try to brush his teeth! Why don't you try raw turkey necks 2x a week. problem solved!
  4. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  5. She looked really good today, althought a bit on the svelt side. Alert, moving well and being more of Bobbi. It was a fun day. Crazy BIOTCH Chloe had a blast!
  6. We moved food to counter since we free feed cats. Be very careful with the litterbox too.
  7. Welcome from Long Island and congrats!
  8. I have an almost 11 year old who thinks she is still 2 who just can not do the steps well either. She needs to stand in front of them and think about how to come up. My other 4 walk up, she bounds up fast too. I give her, glucosomine, MSM AND CMO. When I added in the CMO it really made a difference in her rear end weakness. If you buy it @ www.greyhoundgang.com all it's 100% pure and all proceeds goes to help the hounds. Good luck.
  9. Welcome. Too bad you are not in our area- we would use another "Auntie" to entertain our insane group from time to time!
  10. We all hurt for the loss of yet another beautiful hound. God Speed Daisy.
  11. Beau did that when we first adopted him. We have a very large glass top 3/4 inch thick beveled edge dining room table. He went under- got up too fast and I heard thud. He cried out and he did manage to get a nice gash which we treated. He isn't any more crazy than the was prior! Glad to hear she is OK.
  12. I had so hoped for a different outcome. This was the 1st thing I checked at the end of the day. I am so sorry for the loss of your very beautiful and special girl. You are not alone. We are here for you. God Speed Brandy.
  13. RobinM

    Murphy Moo

    He obviously could not have been loved more, only longer. He sounds like an amazing boy. God Speed Murphy Moo.
  14. Wonderful to hear she is on the mend. The big question is how did she get so dehydrated since as you said, water was always within reach. Keeping your girl in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping she is home with you soon. I know about the waiting and how nerve wracking it is. I also have some hounds who are terrified beyond words about being at the vet. It is very disrtressing to see. Please update when you hear something.
  15. Now, I ask you, how in the world could that beautiful girl do something like that!!!
  16. Please pick up some cow hoofs. Get some z/d at vet, it's prescription(it's easy on the tummy and easy to digest and for some strange reason, the dogs like it) stuff the hoofs, freeze them and offer. Can't hurt.
  17. Cerenia is what was given to Polli after her chemo. It is very expensive so if you want to try it, PM me.
  18. How awful. I am so sorry.
  19. Better chance of exposure if this was under EEG, not H&M. You may want to move it or ask the mods to. Then again, they may do it for you!
  20. Different diagnosis, but Beau has been on prednesone for a while. Over a year. He started out on 50 mg of pred with 50 mg of imuran. When we got his IBD under control and he started to regain the weight he had lost, we lowered the pred. For several months, we would take him out every 3 hours round the clock (set an alarm for 3AM) and we would feed him as well. He needed to gain, the pred made him ravenous so it worked out. I had someone (my son) come by the house during the day to let him out to pee and feed him. That went on for 6 months. Holding at between 7.5 mg and 10 mg (which is low for a gh and not the therapeutic dose) he seemed kinda flat. We weren't sure if it were the pred, imuran or just Beau. Because of the pred, he is suseptable to skin issues, he has lost a lot of hair. He used to have a thick lush coat. Now it is very thin. But he is alive and doing OK. How can I complain about hair!!! With greyt reluctance we switched from pred to budesonide (Fewer side affects) and we are at about 2 weeks now. I am not 100% sure how it's working right now, but he doesn't seem to be as flat so we will see. There are some other dogs on GT that have been on pred for a while. Hopefully, they will chime in.
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