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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. She skinned one of her knees. I cleaned it and put gentocin on it BUT it's 6 days later and she is licking it like crazy and it looks as bad if not worse then it did last week. What should I do?
  2. Beau had a stye when he was on higher doses. It went away on it's own in about 5-7 days.
  3. Incredible. Keep the faith. Many prayers sent your way.
  4. It would not be looked down upon at all and it is very very common. There is a GH group in NJ with a kennel for boarding or you can have someone watch him/ her in their home with their greys.
  5. RobinM


    Hugs to Java's mom for her loss.
  6. She sounds simply amazing. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. Kim- contact me via email rlm410@optonline.net You do not have enough posts to PM yet.
  8. Welcome from NY. My adoption group is in NJ. They board greyhounds and there are many who will sit for your grey while you are away as well. I think it's greyt that you did your reading ahead of time. Go for it!
  9. RobinM

    Remembering Ember

    Oh God Tom. What can I say that hasn't already been said? My heart hurts for and with yours.
  10. Oh yeah. Beau has IBD and started 50mg of pred about a year ago. (he flucuates between 5 and 10mg now) but when he was on the higher doses, he would have to pee EVERY 3 hours round the clock and when he did pee he did for 3 minutes straight. It was terrible, poor guy. It's gotten better on the lower dose.
  11. I am so sorry. I hope you have many happy and healthy days ahead.
  12. I'd be a bit on the hesitant side to have a kid walk any of my dogs. But then again, I don't know what a "kid' means to you. I would trust my son who is 18 to walk one of my dogs at a time. Most kids have never walked a GH before. You can show them the proper way to hold leash but kids are kids. I see adults walking their dogs on retractable leashes, while talking on their cell phones oblivious what their dogs are doing, where they are doing it and what other dogs are in the vicinity. And those are the adults!!!! I'd be leery of a HS kid. A dog walker has a business to run and a repuation to keep.
  13. When we first adopted Teddy 3 years ago, I would count my fingers after he took a treat from my hand. A lot of GH are like that when they first get home. Over time, Teddy has mellowed out enough, he knows he is going to get a cookie, get fed, etc. Now, my 2 year old granddaughter is able to give him cookies- he is that gentle. Beaker won't always be like this.
  14. Thanks for your insight-nice to hear from another newbie! I'm going to try leaving him alone outside his crate for short periods of time to see how he does and if that goes well, I may even get him up to being alone all day outside the crate! I also got in touch with a dog-walking firm, but haven't heard back yet-gotta try whatever it takes! maybe a reliable neighbor? If you have a fenced in yard, I would put a pad lock on it so there are no accidents and see if a neighbor could let him in the yard for a pee and romp???
  15. Well it IS about time Jane! Welcome to GT.
  16. Sorry I missed this DeVon- but happy to hear she had a good potty break. Hope the rest of the day was good too.
  17. If the dramaine is an option, I'd opt for that too!
  18. Instead of crating him, why don't you securely baby gate him in an area such as a kitchen or bedroom (Do not close the door) leave, his bed, tv or radio on, lights (Since you are away so long it could get dark) a stuffed frozen kong, and several toys. A nylabone or a none ingestible bone so he can chew is good too. (you don't want to leave him with anything he can choke on) It's not working in the crate- time to try something else. I'd still look into a dog walker. When they are racing, they are let out 4-5 times a day for an hour each time. Just because he can hold it that long, doesn't mean he should have to. That is unfair.
  19. Now, that seems like an overdose, but I am not a vet. I was told no more than 20 in a 20 hour period. That's a huge discrepancy.
  20. it's not. It was what we gave 53 pound Polli. And we could repeat every 20 hours as needed. AS stated above, they metabolize it different than humans. Most humans would be knocked out from 10mg, the dogs are not, just relaxed. They do get the munchies from it- it can act as an appetite stimulant... FYI We currently give Elsie (65 pounds) 10mg of valium as needed to T- storms. Just calms her down. Nothing more.
  21. Sorry, DD is now 29 and her daughter is 2 so no more screen doors.
  22. NO zoloft. Only valium with vets OK. 10mg but please, check with your vet first. All it takes is a phone call! have you tried natural remedies first? ETA Zoloft is not an instant acting drug. it takes time for it to work. Weeks, not minutes. Valium can be used as long as the dosage is not too high. Dogs metabolize valium completey differently than humans do. Call your vet.
  23. When I had my daughther 29 years ago, I had a kitty. Although I loved kitty very much, I did not want kitty to go into the babies room for many reasons, but the main one was I was afraid that she would jump into the crib and cuddle with the baby and sufocate her. I couldn't close the door to the bedroom for several reasons so I came up with a greyt idea. I bought a wooden framed screen door and took off the solid door for the time being and stored it in my garage. I painted the door frame white and added a hook and eye to latch the door. Now, the cat couldn't get in, I could hear the baby and everyone was safe. We did this when my granddaugter was born at my house here and my daughter did it at her house too. Tradition! I have noticed more &more young moms and moms to be so adopting greyhounds (which I think is wonderful!) and I wanted to share something that worked really well for us.
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