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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. WELCOME from Long Island! Your Frankie is GORGEOUS and your pictures are really nice. You are going to have a l ot of fun photographing him and you have a very captive audience with us! Congrats!!!! have fun. Oh and BTW- we are related to Frankie through Molotov along with 7000+ others! Ks Flak on the other side too. All my dogs are related one way or the other!!!
  2. I'm sorry Donna. Keeping your little guy in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. Ok- we can leave him with a frozen kong since he is by himself. And spray.. I want to catch him doing it so we can say NO and spray water so he knows that is not acceptable but he's done it while we are away.
  4. Came home to find my triple dresser eaten. It's being picked up by the person who made my den furniture next Friday and it will be repaired and delivered back the following week. $400.00. I plan on spraying the dresser this week with something as a deterent. Did I read someone that when they eat wood there is a defienceny of some sort? Oh and by the way, it was the perfect Ollie who did this while we were at work. He is seperated from the others by an x-pen- in the same room, just divided. I keep the 3 boys seperate by the open ex-pens.
  5. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  6. Adrienne- I have read and followed Wilbur's diagnosis, prognosis and everything in between since November. I have prayed for this boy and for you-as I know how much of a struggle this has been. I kinda had a feeling but of course prayed it was not the case especially after all he has been through. Because I have been through this, I do tend to go "there" quicker than I used to. I did not want to be right. I am so sorry. I hope you and Wilbur have many good times ahead and most importantly, I hope he can remain comfortable. I know that is your biggest concern. I am so sorry.
  7. I am so sorry Donna. I have missed the whole H&M for the past couple of days (for my own mental health reasons) Marybeth is at the vet conference in Florida and will be back in the office on Saturday. I hope Flex comes around quickly. Which doc did you wind up seeing?
  8. yes, pepcid. Is she eating? if so, give pedcid 30 minutes before eating 1x a day. Max 20 mg a day. Hope it passes soon.
  9. RobinM

    Cj Justa Swingin

    TOO TOO young. I am so sorry.
  10. Welcome and congrats! She is very pretty! Until you know for sure, I would avoid any off leash dogs. Give her more, (much more time) to become acclimated to your home life. This must be very overwhelming for her to be around so many non greyhounds (which she has never seen before) Unless you have been told otherwise, she should be fine and actually happy with the other greys. She may be a girl who doesn't like other dogs of any kind in her face. My Teddy is not other breed safe at all but he is greyt around other greyhounds.
  11. I am so sorry. That is the exact thing that happened to my angel Polli. God Speed Chance.
  12. Karen- I am so very sorry. You yourself have been through so much... only to have to go through this with your boy. No words. I understand your pain having lost my very beautiful, sweet and full of life, Polli to this horrendous, hideous monster. Take loads of pictures, as Burpdog suggests eat lots of icecream and I pray you have many good times ahead.
  13. Beautiful tribute for a beautiful lady. I am so sorry.
  14. Shocked and heartbroken along with you. I am so sorry.
  15. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. I am a member of that club too and it sucks. RIP Gladys Barre & Mr. Mitz
  16. Mucho better today. Neoporin with pain relief. She took off any and all bandages, socks, ace wraps!!! but it does look better today! Thanks all.
  17. What about a hydrolized diet? Z/d is the only food that is 100% hydrolized. It's a pre digested protein. That might just work for him. My Beau is a very sick dog with severe IBD and he is on pred and imuran to keep him from flaring. He did OK with the Royal Canin HP with higher levels of pred, but as soon as we dropped the pred, he started to flare as HP is not a hydrolized food. In any case, I hope the HP works for Roger. It's suppossedly more palatable for them. If he starts to react from that, go to the Hills Science Diet, Z/D ULTRA. That's the one that's hydrolized. I sympathize with you and for Roger.
  18. Welcome from NY! We need pics!
  19. yes, the ramp. We had that too for our angel Polli- she used it after her amp while she she was still with us. I taught Elsie to use it too and she only uses the ramp while the others never use it!
  20. Thanks Dani! You know I have a special place in my heart for both you and Star. Can't wait to see more pics of your beautiful girl.
  21. good idea but i don't have any here and Jordan only weighs 22 pounds soaking wet. Chloe weighs close to 70. I have amox., doxy and augmentin ( Clavamox) Pick one and I will start it tonight!
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