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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. How much Rimydl is he on? mgs? We had Beau on 75 mg once a day. 50 - 100 mg of tramadol every 6 hours. Was it his right rear leg?
  2. We too had a bad "zoomie" experience 2.5 years ago. Beau was doing zoomies in the yard and cut the corner too short and pulled the achilles tendon away from the bone. He had to have orthopedica surgery for 3 hours. He has plates and screws. Recovery wasn't too horrible. LEASH WALKS ONLY EVEN IN THE BACKYARD FOR AT LEAST 6 WEEKS which I am sure your vet told you. We were able to walk Beau short walks in the beginning and increased every few days. He was very lucky it wasn't worse. We have been there. I hope he bounces back quickly.
  3. Some need to be sedated. Some don't. And when they are "out" they can really get good films of all angles. It's hard to bend them into pretzels when they are awake. Hope it's nothing.
  4. That was such a sweet tribute. The tears are pouring down my face. He sounds like a character and how lucky to have you and Soul. Fly free pretty birdie. You will be missed.
  5. Yup! Even after 3 ++ years there are still changes! Some good, some not so good!!!
  6. Agreed with Jilly above. He sounds like he is very anxious. Have you done your reading? Remember, no 2 greys are alike. If you are freaking out and on the verge of a nervous breakdown, do you have any idea of what kind of vibes you are sending off to him which is making him worse! I know you don't mean to, but that's what will happen. So, take a big deep breath and start over. Establish a routine for every day of the week- even days off. They don't know the differnce between Monday and Saturday. Do you have a fenced in yard or is it walkies only? I would plan on walking them at least 40 minutes 2 x a day for excercise and to tire them out in addition to the pee/poop outings you need to do. Do the 1st one prior to leaving for work and the 2nd one an hour before bed. You can leave him something to chew on (NEVER bones or rawhide, bully sticks etc) like stuffed kongs. This will get better. it's not too unheard of. Congrats. We would love to see pictures.
  7. you mean a boarded internist who deals with gastro issues. No, my vet is not a boarded internist. We went to one when Beau was 1st diagnosed. She agreed with everything my vet was doing. Except she had me add oil to Beau's diet which caused him to flare more. So- since she was 100% on board with the meds, we didn't need to go back.
  8. Yikes. Very sad. Please send our condolences.
  9. My vet's concern about the budesonide (well, last year at this time) is that there is not a lot of clincal trials with the bud especially with the greyhounds. 2nd walk of the day and Beau is not interested. He is eating, tail will wag, he gives kisses and will cuddle, but he is looking to lay down, not be up and about. He is only 5. We will see if it's any better once the pred is dropped.
  10. Welcome! I see absolutely no reason why Phobe wouldn't do OK with another greyhound. Please be sure to post pics of Phoebe AND her new friend!
  11. As most of you know, Beau was diagnosed via open exploratory abdominal surgery a year ago with moderate to severe IBD. He went from 50 mg of pred and 50 mg of imuran to between 5-10 mg of pred and 12.5 mg of imuran a day. When we get down to 5 mg he starts to flare again and we bring him back up to 10mg for a while and try to lower again. He is currently on 7.5 mg of pred / 12.mg of imuran. We have his labs done less frequently now- they they were done last week and were "beautiful". However, Beau is flat. Just not into any of the things he used to be into. My silly crazy boy is just... there. We think long term use of the pred/imuran is just starting to get to him. Are any dogs on budesonide and if so, is that with pred? how long have they been on it? How has it been?
  12. That said, it doesn't sound particularly like Elsie's is having pain from arthritis. I would be more inclined to suspect a pinched spinal nerve or LS. It could be an old muscle/ligament injury from racing (or, heck, whelping) but that would probably be more intermittent. The soft crying while laying down would make me more likely to think it's spinal in nature. What kind of supplments is she on? She is on Greyhound gangs glucosomine, MSM and CMO. Since I mentioned this on GT, she is fine.
  13. Check this out. Since I made the appointment for her... NO WHIMPERING. Meanwhile it was going on for 3 weeks. How weird??? No relation. Angel Polli's litter were bodies of water. But Curfew is related to my Teddy through Craigie. Wow! Cool that My Curfew and Teddy are related! Makes us relatives, right? :-))) yes, half brothers. Craigie Whister. Teddy looks like his Dad. And Dee, that makes us, half sisters, once removed!
  14. No relation. Angel Polli's litter were bodies of water. But Curfew is related to my Teddy through Craigie.
  15. I am so sorry Nancy. God Speed sweet boy.
  16. Any reason why you are crating him? If it's not working, you need to try something else! Can you leave him in a baby gated room, lights on, radio or tv on, stuffed kong to keep him busy for short periods of time? Some dogs can't handle the crates alone and will do better with the open room. Is another greyhound at all feasable at this point? a confident female may be what he needs. But if not, you really need to do some alone training which you can do a search for on GT and learn from that. It's very workable. You are not alone but the crate should be stopped before he does something even worse and from what you've written, and that's bad enough.
  17. The only reason I don't think it's arhritis is at the time of her dental in April- I asked the vet to do base line x-rays on her limps. Since we got Elsie at 9- we had no history so I just wanted to know what if anything was lurking. Her x-rays were clear - arthritis was not mentioned.
  18. Beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss.
  19. Weather is actually pretty warm (in the 40's) and dry for the last 10 days. I'm thinking it's time for acupunture but I don't know where to target! Made an appointment for acupunture on Monday eve.
  20. I was thinking of acupunture but there is no "spot" to concentrate on. She did have a dropped uterus which is why they retired her from brood duties. Thanks.
  21. Elsie is 10 years and 8 months. She is very, very lively, playful, runs around like a banchee, literaly. She does the steps although doesn't like them. She kinda needs to think it through before she does it. We have a ramp in the back though from Polli's amputation. She uses that. She needs to do the steps into the house from the front, although we could build something but in the house, there are no options other than to move down to the den to live. Which if we had to, we would. She is up and down from a lying position 100x a day because whenever I move, she is up and about. Still! About 3 weeks ago, she started whimpering when lying down. Like right now, she just finished playing with toys, running around the bedroom with Teddy and Chloe and she is lying in a dog bed whimpering loud enough that DH and I can both hear her. She is about 15 feet away from us. And now it stopped. She unilaterally made the decision to not take the after dinner walkie. She is just getting a 3/4 mile walk in the early morning. If she doesn't want the evening walk, she doesn't have to go. She gets all sorts of greyt joint supplements from Greyhound Gang. She is eating greyt, drinking, playing, smiling, running, etc. Every once in a while I see her rear end quarters look a little bit unstable. What could be causing her to be whimpering. I am hoping she is just verbal. I hate to think she is in pain and we are doing nothing about it. Any ideas?
  22. The "Hard Facts" page was the first thing I've noticed. Wonder where these "Facts" came from? The 'Hard Facts' page Maybe they should look into getting the "Facts Straight" Page. Good one Kristen.
  23. Dee- I have not been checking out H&M for the past few days. I am sorry I missed this. You are always there for everyone. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for your sweet curfew.
  24. Welcome. IMHO- The "hard" facts on your website is going to get a lot of pro racing people pretty darn ticked and I can't say I would blame them. There are things stated that are just not true. Better research would be a better start. Your hearts are in the right place.
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