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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Dang. What is it about that line and osteo? My Argus (Gable Dodge pup) fell to that also, as did Gable Dodge. My (completely unscientific) theory is that Dodge/Dodgem dogs tend to be stocky, with a lot of bone. More bone = more susceptibility to osteo? Dodgegem, Gable AND wigwam all died of osteo. Not good.
  2. Just found out it was Osteo. So bummed about that.
  3. I posted a very similar picture of my Beau with the exact same thing but it was on his underbelly, penis, and legs. We have no idea of how it happened. it went away graually but quckly and we never did figure out what happened. If Beau had hurt himself, we would have heard it so we have no idea.
  4. Beau is a MAJOR chatterer. He chatters when he is happyu, scared, nervous, anxious and excited. He basically chatters allll the time!
  5. We opted for amp/chemo and had 5 fabulous months before we lost our beloved Polli.
  6. Sending major good thoughts for you and your boy.
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your very pretty kitty.
  8. For Ollie who was 3 when he was neutered. It took about a month for the sacs to completely deflate.
  9. Although this seems like a PITA and it is... I can not stress enough how effective this is. I did it with 2 of my 3 boyz for about 3 weeks after they came home. The only time they were not attached to me was when they slept at night and we all sleep in the same room. During the day, I would minimize the area he has and continue to belly band.
  10. Unfortunately, large problems = large bills. I think you need to have an MRI to dertermine what exactly is going on. What types of tests has she had? Is she on something other than prednesone (Is that what you meant)? I would think she is uncomfortable. How is she able to urinate/poop and where? What is her quality of life? How old is she?
  11. ROT ROH! Are we suppossed to clean them too??? Yeesh! I used to bath them every 3 months. That was when I had 3. Now, I can't remember and they don't smell! I'll probably do it after Dewey.
  12. We had one day short of 5 months WITH amp/chemo treatments. I hope your baby breaks every recor and is painfree..
  13. So so so wrong that he was soo soo young.
  14. How much does he weigh? 6 cups of kibble and 1 can?? That is a whole lotta kibble. When my 85 pound Teddy was on kibble, he was getting 3 3/4 cups a day and 3 oz of raw beef mixed it and he maintained his weight beautifully. Does Dixon have a super fast metabolism? My Elsie the cow doggie can eat like a cow and maintain a good weight.
  15. Ollie eats raw duck. He had a problem with some bones last week so I started giving Teddy some of the duck parts. Since he likes it so much, he is now on raw too. My other 3 for 3 different reasons do not get raw. So, I feed 2 x a day. Elsie gets fed 3 x a day. My 2 boys who get raw: Ollie- 14 oz 2 x a day. He weighs 92 pounds . Teddy- 12.5 oz 2x a day he weighs 83. They all get a raw duck neck at about 9pm every night (Expect Beau of course, IBD)
  16. Sending good thoughts your way for your special girl.
  17. Last weekend we had a real scare with Ollie when we thought he choked on a bone from his raw diet, wound up in the E-vet, back to the regualr vet the next day hooked up to IVs. On x-ray they saw "something" on the lung. They were not sure if it were a collapsed lung, pnumonia, or something else. He also had esophogusitis and some type of fluid in the lung which could have been him aspirating on the liquid from his food. We took him off all bones in his diet for the past week and just gave him ground duck/beef with ground bone/organ and NO duck necks which he was getting every night as a snack. He was upset We kept him on augmentin 875 mg after we finished the clavamox (Same). Today we had the x-rays redone and all is good. The lungs cleared up. He does have "older dog lungs" which means nothing. Could be scar tissue. Could be nothing. I asked if there any reason he would not live to be 16 with the lungs as is. She said nope! So. we are very grateful Ollie is back to being.. Ollie! Today will be duck necks for all (except Beau of course!)
  18. Although Ollie is # 5 for our pack, and even though there are 4 others here to learn from... Ollie has just recently started coming into himself. Next month will be one year. It's worth the wait. Trust us! let him be and he will progress at his pace.
  19. So so sad to read this. Ollie, his son not only has his daddy'd gorgeous looks, Ollie also was an incredible racer until he broke his right hock Aug. 09. He also had a greyt litter with my Elsie. God Speed beautiful boy.
  20. Ok, we have been using a meat cleaver and cutting the duck into pieces that are waaaaaaay too small. We take a duck drumstick and cut it into 2 pieces.. Duck drumsticks are a lot smaller than chicken. My mistake. We'll give it another try when we get the go ahead from the vet. But I still have another 2 weeks of cut duck that is frozen.
  21. RobinM

    Flying Lynch

    I am so sorry. He was a very beautiful houndie boy.
  22. Just saw this for the first time. Whew. Happy to hear she will be fine!
  23. Ollie eats raw. We had a problem last Thursday. We don't know if this was the cause of his problem or if it were a red flag. He swallows his diiner without chewing and that includes the bones. This time it was a problem. I'm wondering if we are cutting the duck into pieces that are too small. But I'm doubly afraid of him trying to swallow even bigger pieces. So to make a very long story short, he choked and apparantly caused an inflammed esphogus (esphogusitis) so no bones for a few weeks. I am giving him his ground duck with ground organ and bones., ground beef with ground organs and bones. I want to add in raw egg. Question about the egg. Do most raw eaters tend to like the raw egg? I need to crumble the shell well as not to irritate his esphogus which should be easy since I can mix it into the chopped duck/beef. How ofter can you give egg? Do you give regular store bought eggs or organic? Is there an advantage to brown eggs? I don't eat eggs so I'd like to get him the best.
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