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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Just got back from vet. Polli is 59.4 pounds. I never thought I'd be saying... now we have to watch her!!!! She had her heartworm test and I showed the vet a video of last night. Other that something possibly irritating her throat, she can't figure it out. Her trachea is a bit more sensitive than normal. If her snout is pointed up for me to scratch under her neck, she will cough, clear her throat unlike the others who just enjoy the scritching. If it happens again tonight, the vet wants me to call tomorrow. On another note, after 6.5 months, Polli already NEEDS another dental.She said it shouldn't be more thn 2 months. I brush Polli's teeth EVERY night. EVERY NIGHT. I also give her the CET rinse in the water. Emotionally, I feel like a failure. Logically, I get it. I know I am doing everything I can for her. I hate having to put her through that again. The anethesia is so hard on her. Her breath is ROTTEN again and her teeth ( what she has left) look horrible already. I'm so bummed about that.
  2. Guess no one has heard of anything like this, huh?
  3. Last night at about 1:15 AM, Polli (age 9) starting coughing, it sounded like she was trying to clear her throat. DH and I sat up, turned on lights, her breathing was OK, she did drink water but it did not stop until 45 minutes later only to start again on and off until 5:30 AM. She seemed fine this morning and had her morning cookie. Any clue as to what it could be? We happen to have a vet appointment this evening for heartworm test so I will mention it, but I am curious as to what it could have been. Watching on the webcam, she seems to be OK today.
  4. It is a super newsletter, I got it by email too. Anyone need it or want it, pm me your email and I will be happy to forward it.
  5. She's feeling better after being outside. Yay.
  6. We've been doing quite well with Polli and her eating until this evening. Actually, the last 2 nights have been a little bit off and today she has had NOTHING. I just gave her an extra strengh pedcid and laid down with her on the floor when all of a sudden I heard the gurgles and rumbling of her tummy. It was so loud that Chloe, laying about 5 feet away, looked up and around to see where it was coming from. Polli got up, led me downstairs to go out and she went into the back (where she is as I type this) and I can see that she immediately went to eat some grass. We really don't have any left but she is getting what she can. Other than wait this out, is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable??? I feel so badly.
  7. AS life goes on, I have discovered that boring is good! Greyt news!
  8. My mom had breast ca at 36 years old, I was 9. She lived through that and was then killed in a car accident 23 years later. Not a trace of CA in her body. Go figure. Alice Hochberg May 1, 1930 July 4, 1989
  9. As we have discussed, you will need a full set of x-rays first for the area you need worked on before a holistic vet will work with Alan.
  10. I never knew her, but I do remember her passing. She was very loved and obvioulsy, very missed. That picture Xan made is just spectacular. RIP.
  11. Oh GOD. That must be so hard to watch. My heart is with you. Please update when you can.
  12. Well, of course they are. That's what the meds do. The original numbers don't indicate that she was unequivocally hypothyroid to begin with, tho. As MSU and OSU and others have studied and documented, there's a lot of evidence that T4 for greyhounds can be so low as to be unmeasurable ... and yet perfectly normal. First time around on meds there was no change as the doage was too low and her symtoms were text book. Her labs were done at MSU both times. My vet and the vets at MSU suggested the small increase and sure enough, it made the difference in both the numbers and symtoms.
  13. For reference of what low is for Chloe -(who is on Soloxine) T4--- 0.2 Ref range 1.0-4.0 Free T4 ----5 Ref range 8-40 TSH ----0.10 Ref range 0.00- 0.60 Her numbers are within range NOW that she is on the meds.
  14. RobinM


    What a special friend. He will be missed by many. God Speed George.
  15. RobinM


    I am so sorry. Run free sweet Lizzie.
  16. I am so sorry. THere are just no words.
  17. RobinM


    OH no, I am so sorry.
  18. Was it her whole body or just her head? My Chloe has experienced "head tremors" which is scary to see.
  19. This sounds pretty normal to me. All four of mine have at any given time, a limp. We are closing in on almost 3 weeks with Beau limping on the leg that had the major surgery last June. Being that you do not have a history as Beau does, I understand why the vet wants to wait a bit. After ll, doing a full set of xrays will require Taylor to be put under. A soft tiissue injury could take 3 - 6 weeks weeks or longer to get better. It hasn't even been a week yet. Rest that leg, give the deramaxx every day until Friday and see if it gets any better. Use a scale of 1-10 to judge. If she is better , even in the slightest degree, then you are probably on your way to her healing herself. I have been there so many time already with my 4. Also keep in mind, with x-rays they do a lot of manipulation to get the pictures they need. It could make her worse (temporarily)so the fact that she is taking it one step at a time is good. I see no reason at this point to pull out the "big guns" at U of P. Give it a bit more time.
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