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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. My pretty Polli lost 17 teeth at her first dental and she too is a sloppy ( but oh so cute) eater. Sheeats kibble. She actually prefers her kibble dry!
  2. Teddy bit my Beau, when Beau jumped into Teddy's space and possibly on Teddy when Teddy was eating a kong. Teddy is food aggressive. This is the damage. The vet said "Beau is a VERY lucky dog. Teddy's bite just missed the jugular. Please don't underestimate the damage. Looking at Beau's injury, you would never think it was as bad as i just mentioned. This was the day he came home after surgery. It did look worse before being sewn up. They did an incredible job.
  3. Continued prayers for you both. I don't know what to say.
  4. OH NO. Patti- good thoughts and prayers for you and sweet Cody Angelo.
  5. You may or may not see it. DON'T use RIMYDAL with DERAMAXX. Tramadol is ok with either. I wouldn't mask it, I'd take him in. It sounds inevitable if he is still in pain today.
  6. My rule of thumb is if you have to ask, you need to go to the vet.
  7. Sounds like dehyrdration or kidney stones. Get her to a vet ASAP.
  8. Hi! Welcome from Long Island, NY. Polli, my 9 year old, would like to personally welcome handsome Sam.
  9. Are his nails short enough? Could they be irritating his webbing? I honestly don't know. Instead of 15 minutes running off leash which is a very long time, do 5 minutes of running. See how he is with short sessions of running and take it from there. This way if it starts to get irritated, you can address it earlier. Only suggestion I can think of.
  10. I am so sorry you are going through this. Prayers headed your way.
  11. that's because you have class, Karen. Anyway, glad to hear Filbert is home and doing oK. It's normal for them to be a little down after being at the vet. he'll be back to his old self before you know it. Keep us updated.
  12. I too would wait the 3 days and take him in if this is something that he has not had before. Prayers that it's nothing serious.
  13. I was told no more than 20 mg.
  14. I too put lotion on my white pups, Beau and his momma Polli if they are out in the sun for more than 10 minutes. I use the chapstick 30 for their nose and bare spots.
  15. Now we can all see just how cute he is and he is a cutie!!! WELCOME!!!!
  16. Hope this helps! http://www.arizonaadoptagreyhound.org/blood_tests.html
  17. My heart too stood still when I saw the thead locked. I am so sorry.
  18. She hasn't done it since that night. She does seem to have a sensitive trachea, as I mentioned even scratching her neck with her snout pointed up will cause her to clear her throat. She seems OK. Thanks.
  19. Ahhh-- talkers are wonderful and so are you for opening up your healing heart to this beautiful girl! polli says- anytime you want to pick up the phone and "talk" she's available!!! Congrats to you and your pack!!!!
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