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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM

    Our Group

    So sorry to hear.
  2. I don't think a charley horse would cause a buldge. Someone else on GT JUST went through this ( is currently going through it, Freddygirl) with Molly. For Molly it started out as a lump on the side of her face. Vet thought it was a bite rom a spider. Here is the link. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=194479 I would bring her to the vet tomorrow if no better.
  3. Celestes Dad- no problem with the dogs??? You said you used it garage, but have the dogs been around it? I would have no problem with a couple of those with the peppermint oil. Thanks.
  4. Thanks everyone. I opted for the oil which I just bought on ebay. They have different sizes of 100% peppermint oil. Hopefully, that will keep them away when we are there. I will have the girl who cleans (and told me she saw droppings) wipe the low lying areas of the living spaces she saw the droppings. When we go up, we will take a look around and where they could be getting in and have our handyman close it off.
  5. I agree. There is a reason we had this monsson as not to go to the house in PA today!! (Sorry east coast!!) It's a good thing that popped in the vet's office and not in the car. I can't imagine the pain she had to be with a hematoma. Poor baby. I hope she is sedated enough that she doesn't care where she is and is comfortable tonight. Please update when you get home. We all love Ms. Molli, my niece. This ones for you, Molls.
  6. Very imformative- thank you. BUT you ahave to understand a trap would only be good if you lived there., not for someone like us who go up maybe 4-6 times a year. Imgine what I would walk into if I left traps out and then came back 4 months later. YUCK!!!!
  7. I know that she needed to go to the vet today since the lump was now bigger than a golf ball, waiting for update...
  8. As you know, I have 4 and my Teddy has a completely bald, neck, thighs and underbelly. For some, it's normal. My other 3 have thick lush hair. here you can see his underbelly-no hair! And his neck doesn't have hair either! We've been using missing link from day one. They all have soft hair, just Teddy's is thinner than the rest. I don't think there is a product on the market for regrowth other than rogaine and it hasn't been approved for the pups!
  9. As far as driving them to a wooded area. This is the poconos! This house is in a wooded secluded lot with nothing but woods!!! I think we will have to learn how to share nicely and just use the peppermint oil as a deterent. They can use the house when we are not there but will have to evict when we come.
  10. You must have read the same book in the adoption kennel that all the other greys have read while waiting for your 4 ever home. Training your human 101. Good job Rex. Your fellow greyfriends, Beau, Chloe, Teddy and Ms. Polli (who have their human wrapped, very tightly )
  11. Loca--- come on over!!!! The problem with any kind of trap is that we are not there to release it. We have no idea from time to time when the next time will be that we go up, it could be months.
  12. We are only up there a few times a year, for one reason or another, we have not been able to go. The last time we were there was November and the time before that, May! We will plan on going up the last weekend in March with peppermint oil and hope for the best. I'm not afraid of them, they are actually cute but I know they are disease ridden so I don't need anyone picking up some strange mousey strain of bacteria or something!!!! Thanks!!
  13. Hi Kristen, thanks for joining the LI search and rescue, hopefully, we will never need to call upon you for that.... Yes, I use a holistic vet in conjuncton with our traditional vet. Teddy has a "disk issue". We had the vet do the x-rays when his gait had been off and decided to try acupuncture. All the labs were done my vet, the holistic vet would not run any tests. All she does is the acupuncture which DID seem to help. We went for a total of 6 or 7 sessions and she gave us some ideas about homeopathics we could use as antimflammatorys (traumee) If you need a good vet, let me know. The regular vet we use is about 20 minutes away from you and they are very, very greyhound savvy.
  14. We have a chalet in the Poconos which we were suppossed to have gone to this weekend but because of the expected monsoon, we are not going. I have someone who cleans it right before I come up and today she called to say that she found some "mice droppings". She believes there are field mice. I don't want to set a trap as I think that is cruel and I don't want to spray because I am afraid that it will be on the dog beds, carpet, etc. We plan on going up in another 3 weeks so we would like to have the problem resolved before we go back up. Any suggestions of what to use to get the mice to stay away (and no I'm not bringing my kitties up there!) without poisoning them or hurting them???
  15. I agree with the thyroid panel and possible shy eater. This must be unbelievably frustrating and sad. I would be flipping. Is her stomach ok? Does she "hear" anything going on in her stomach? Is she gassy? Can she get another opinion? Is the vet being really through?
  16. Oh Jeez. I am so sorry, we are praying for the best. Sending paryers and positive thoughts Dallas' way. Hugs to you and your family.
  17. RobinM

    Cullen's Gone

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. Sending prayers for Dallas. Update when you can.
  19. Sorry! My Chloe is on soloxine for losw thyroid and out of my 4 she drinks the LEAST! I am always commenting that I don't think she drinks enough!
  20. Thank GOD! Let me know how the swelling is. Always something...
  21. We use deadfleaz. com for the frontline. They are an Aussie compaany but very reasonable and VERY VERY fast. For things like soloxine we use pet meds.
  22. Oh Robin. I don't have any words of wisdom. I know that you will gather all the info you can and make Loca comfortable. Please know you and Loca are in my thoughts and prayers big time.
  23. I am so sorry you are both going through this.
  24. I feel exactly the same way. I competely fell apart looking at these pictures. Scott and Tara's love for each other is so apparent. My heart breaks for you, Scott. Run Free Sweet Girl.
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