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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. So happy she is home and safe. She'll sleep it off and be just fine.
  2. No, her ears are exceptionally clean. I've always wondered how they are as clean as they are, but they are! I suspect, we will never be 100% sure but as I said, as long as it doesn't get any worse, I'm OK with it. I prefer it not to happen obviously.. but it does.
  3. Wow, that's interesting, Lesley. No one has ever mentioned dry mouth to us. Our Rita, who gets fairly heavy plaque fairly quickly after a dental, rarely drinks water, so the dryness makes total sense. We do encourage her to drink by bringing it to her; I hope it helps the dental issues but she's really not interested in drinking enough water on her own. Robin, what are Polli's water-drinking habits? Gotta wonder if that's part of a bad teeth syndrome or something. Marcia She drinks (quite sloppily, I might add due to the missing teeth!) when she is thirsty but not excessively. When I see a wad of salivia in her mouth, I will bring the bowl of water to her and she will take a bit. We have a water bowl in our bedroom as well as 4 in the kitchen.
  4. Anything is possible. We have ZERO checmicals on our lawn for this reason and when we walk them, we keep them off the lawns with the "yellow" signs, but you still never know. It's frustrating and scary and as long as it doesn't escalate, we're OK. My concern is that it can't be good for her nerologically to be having these e en if there are infrequesnt. I just wish there were a silver bullet or a "Ah Ha, that's it".
  5. The thing is we don't use any tick and flea preventative here on LI as we are on the South Shore and it's just not necessary. We use interceptor for 6 months though, starting in March. Hummmm?
  6. Oh God Kim. I am so very sorry. There are just no words.
  7. Hi, I was wondering what kind of anesthesia they'll use on Polli. Our Rita, who also has bad breath -- but not like Polli! -- just had a dental last week. They used sevo and propofol. Torb pain reliever pre-anesthetic and butephoral (sp?) post. She was done by noon and we picked her up wide awake at 3:30. Every dog is different, I know, but I was very impressed that she was that wide awake that soon. She had much prettier teeth too. I brush Rita's teeth every day and she enjoys chewing a pizzle stick now and then but that plaque just keeps on coming. Turkey necks are good for that but she tried to bury the one I gave her in her bed it was so disgusting to her. Did your vet say anything about Polli being a candidate for the new dental vaccine for periodontal disease? I know about the smell filling a house. We once pet sat a girl named Molly who had the same issues and smell Polli has. Omigosh, I couldn't believe it. I'll probably give it to Rita if she ever gets really smelly. The dogs with it probably hates the smell too. It wasn't around in Molly's time. Maybe an adult beverage will help you get through the double dental. One is nerve-wracking enough, but two! No adult beverages for me, no can do. i have to take it like a man! The anethesia used is a gas inahallant and injectable. I don't know what the breakdown is but this group has owned greys and does all the vetting for the 2 LI based groups. I do trust them as much as I can trust anyone with my babies lifes. Polli is 9 and did not take the anethesia well the 1st time and wasn't even able to come home till 8PM around. Beau, Pollu and Teddy At the age of 3 were bouncing around by 3pm. Like you said, they are all different and the age makes a big difference.
  8. Chloe had her 1st head tremor (that we know of) prior to us owning her. She had just been put on Soloxine for her low thyroid (0.2). When we had her, and we needed to increase her dosage a little bit, once again she had an episode of head tremors. All else is fine, tail wagging, she comes when called, will play, eat, whatever... she has no clue it's happenening. Ok, now the meds are adjusted and no more head tremors until we go to our PA house and it's moving day. I notice she has tremors. It was very stressful and I chalked it up to stress. When Beau was rushed to the hosptial from the accident in the yard last Memorial Day, she had head tremors. Again it was stressful. There was another time where there was a strange man the house and she had tremors. Last week she had one and tonight she had one. THey last about 1-3 minutes. One time I took her to the vet while it was happenening but it had subsided by the time we got there. She did notice that Chloe's pupils were fixed. The vet said that was neurological (epilepsy) or that could be because she was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO stressed from being at the vet (her heart was pounding so hard, I could feel it through my jeans and winter coat) I had taken her to the vet without another pup with her. She had never been anywhere since I had her alone. She was freaked. We always travel in at least groups of 2! Anyone else have pups who have head tremors? I am just a bit concerned as they seem to have appeared again out of nowhere. There is no stress in the house. I notice it happens more in the springtime. Is there any validity to this? This of course happened AFTER my call to the vet tonight so I wasn't able to discuss it with her. Thoughts?
  9. Appointment May 8. 16 days from today. I explained my fears and concerns to the vet. She said they could give a little less of the injectable anethesia as that is the one that lingers the most. So.. we are all set. They will also ex-ray her rear end if she is still limping since she will be "out". I apologize in advance for probably driving everyone out of their mind with my insanity and worry.
  10. Oh man, it's always something... Major prayers for your major dude!
  11. Polli came to me last August off the farm at 8.5 years old with the most discusting breath. She could stink up my 3200 sq foot home. No joke. After her 1st dental and losing 17 teeth, they told me I really needed to brush EVERY DAY. And I do, every single day. I also give the CET additive in her water. 7 months later and her breath is discusting... again. I was told by the vet... "yuck, her teeth are awful" she needs another dental. But I'm scared. Anethesia was very hard on Polli. It took her a long time to come out and get back on her feet the last time. BUT... if I don't have it done, her teeth will get worse and then she might have to have more pulled. It doesn't seem to matter that I am brushing everyday, her teeth are just that bad but I will continue to do it since it can't hurt. In the meantime, I'm scared to have it done ... again... so soon. I will have Beau, her baby boy go with her since he needs a dental too. I will need to be sedated having them both go in. Now, to make the appointment.
  12. Oh man, I am just seeing this for the 1st time. What an ordeal! So happy handsome is OK!
  13. Agree with above. Easy to diagnois and easy to treat. Please let us know what the vet says, poor baby. BTW- 8 is NOT OLD!!!!! If you told my 9 year old Polli she was old, you'd have a force to be reckoned with!
  14. Yeah- I've been checking to see this one too.
  15. 1/2 pill on a 90 pound dog, may not be giving him the relief he could get on a full dose.
  16. Yikes. Sending good thoughts your way. Please update.
  17. Tramadol is a painkiller. Why is Alan on it? Like any pain med, there is a side effect of possible drowsiness. Normal. Polli, who weighs 30 pounds less than Alan was on 1-2 times a day.
  18. AWWWWWWW Stanley you adorable boy - stop worrying your momma. We are sending you loads of good wishes and thoughts. (Share them with your momma!)
  19. Oh Abe is sooo cute! it's not a brain tumor! They don't appear like that. More than likely a cyst or benign something. Can it be popped like a pimple or is it under the skin? Teddy had one on the roof of his mouth. I had it removed when he had his dental. I found it when he roached!
  20. Sedning prayers for a quick healing.
  21. Sending loving thoughts to you both.
  22. Oh Holly- I am praying to G-D that this is nothing to be alarmed about. I'm glad you made the appoitnment. Try to enjoy your weekend and give hugs to your sweet "maniac" and know that we are with you in thoughts and prayers. Much love, Robin
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