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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Your tribute is beautiful. The love shines through. I can barely see through my tears. Run free sweet boy, you are loved.
  2. OMG, what a shock. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know there is someone on GT who had a similar situation several months ago with their pup.
  3. I answered your email. Please have that right leg xrayed today. I am around if you need me.
  4. Prayers for you and Penny. Praying for a miracle. They do happen. Keep the faith.
  5. I would take him at this point. He is in pain, otherwise he would not be holding it up. Last Memorial Day, Beau was being silly in the yard while I was out there and I heard THAT scream and he came tripoding around the pool screaming with his leg up. I immediately took him to the vet and he had pulled the achielles heel away from the bone and needed 3 hours of orthopedic surgery. The vet said, in 35 years, he had never seen anything like this.... So... you never know what you will find with x-rays. I hope it's just a pulled muscle. but I would not wait any longer.
  6. OH no. I have no words. I am so sorry.
  7. yes, I have that too. But he does not seem to be in pain. I gave the deramaxx to him if there was inflamation. I have the webcam on ( ) and he seems ok. We did do a walk this morning. He put weight on it and seemed otherwishe OK. I think he either banged it or slept wrong, my silly Beau Beau!
  8. I figured it was best to wait, makes the most sense. It's once a day, evey 24 hours. Apparently he either banged the leg he had the extensive orthopedic surgery on last memorial day or slept wrong, but last night he was tripoding. He had a waggy tail and was happy wanted to walk but we didn't. With an injury as severe as his was, we expect a residual limp now and then.
  9. I gave 75 mgs to Beau last night about 10ish. is it OK to give it again this morning about 9AM or should we wait until we get home from work at about 4 or give it even later? It should be given 1x a day as needed.
  10. Major prayers and good thoughts coming yours and Penny's way. ETA- Teddy wants his half sister (Craigie Whistler) to know he's doing extra prayers for her.
  11. I agree to have it removed. I'm a believer in removing lumps and bumps that don't belong there.
  12. Phoneix AKA Nick was returned to Greyhound Angels Adoption 20 pounds light then when he left and with a gaping hole in his leg that had never been treated. GAA took in donations from all over to help in the vet bills for this beautiful 7 year old boy. Even after all this abuse, Phoenix would still try and stand up when you walked up to his crate with a wagging tail. Eventually, he was well enough to be put into his 4ever home with Judy and her existing hound, Chubbs. Judy took him to the U of PA where it was decided that the best course of action was to amputate since the bone had healed with a nasty infection in it which would require many surgeries and no guarentee that Phoneix would have use of the leg. That is the short story. Much love and best wishes to this beautiful, brave boy.
  13. Merlin will be just fine! We are all sending good thoughts your way and Merlin's! Update when he is home.
  14. Agreed. Please update and let us know what's up.
  15. OMG- I am so sorry. Hugs to you both. There are just no words.
  16. Oh No. I am so sorry. He will of course be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you.
  17. This is for you, Stanley and xxoxox Polli
  18. Update please, we are all praying for you and your pup.
  19. Hi- I don't have any advice. I just wanted to say that I will be thinking about you and I do hope it's nothing serious. I too have a "spoiled" 9 year old and I know I panic when she doesn't eat well. I do know that 2 out of my friend's 3 hounds who normally eat like PIGS have not been eating well lately. I sometimes wonder if the dogs are somehow getting into or onto checmically treated lawns eating it and feeling sick? Anyway, hugs to you both, please update. I hope someone has the silver bullet for you.
  20. Got my cards today! Thanks a bunch. I happen to have a M&G tomorrow so the timing is perfect!
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