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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. If you search for posts from Giselle, she has a video whereby she uses "look at me" to train dogs in these situations. You need to be careful and do this properly though so you are not rewarding for lunging or unwanted behaviour, rather, you are rewarding for "wanted" behaviour such as calmness, or non-lunging behaviour.
  2. Excellent advice. When Bailey had her toe amputated the remaining tip always bothered her when she walked on hard surfaces. Best widhes for an uneventful surgery and recovery.
  3. I hope he starts to improve soon and is feeling better...poor baby
  4. We adopted 2 females who preferred women initially even though they were around lots of men at the track. I thought perhaps it was because men were louder or had a deep voice or something similar. Brooke is still more wary of men then women.
  5. Some dogs sense fear, so perhaps you emit fear or anxiety when near him since you don't always know what triggers the aggression which may also cause this.
  6. How heartbreaking this is...I'm so sorry.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss...Win was still so young...rest in peace sweetie, free from pain.
  8. Our 10 year old pup can still do that distance quite easily. I think it's just like humans...there are varying degrees of fitness determined by your activity level, amount of effort, frequency, etc.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. Have you considered having a dog behavourist come to your home to help? After reading your first post, it sounds like you have some expectations that he's not meeting. But it does sound like you've introduced him and your daughter successfully. I suspect with a 2 y/o you have less time to exercise him and spend time with him. Can you take both of them - baby in stroller, dog on leash for a long walk? I also agree that he may be picking up on your frustration. Pooping in his crate is worrisome...hopefully, your vet has some answers.
  11. Oh Kyle, I can't begin to express how sad I am for you. I am so sorry for your loss of Jack.
  12. Claudia, I am so sorry to hear this...dear sweet Ekko, rest well sweetie...you left quite a legacy.
  13. Hoping Kato continues to feel better.
  14. I'm am so sorry for your tragic loss of Jasmine. How sad...I wish I had some comforting words, but this just brings tears to my eyes. My condolensces to all who knew and loved Jasmine. What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget.
  15. Congratulations, he's gorgeous!
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss of Patrick.
  17. Here's hoping Munchie feel better ritawayquik..poor little munchkin deserves it.
  18. No advice...just for Kebo. Poor guy, you're right, enough is enough.
  19. Awwww...poor Opal...sending healing thoughts for a quick recovery.
  20. Aimee, I'm so sorry to hear about Alimony's dx. I had no idea. How painful it must have been for you to lose your dear friend. Hopefully Boo will help you with your grief over Michael and yet bring you some peace knowing you helped Michael when he so badly needed you. I hope you have many quality days with Alimony.
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