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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. How awful...you'd think they'd know how to do it right the first time...poor Munchiw. Sending lots of warm healing thoughts.
  2. Whatever decision you make will be made from the heart and from the enormous amount of love you have for Tristan. Thank goodness dogs live in the moment and leave all these decisions to us...I would never want my grey to agonize like we do. No matter what decision you make, it will be the right one...please post as much as you need to...we're here for you. I always wish I had more comforting words.
  3. Glad to hear of the improvements...hope the Bean continues to do well.
  4. for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery for sweet Thunder
  5. Who are you going to for the recheck? Is it the one who did the wrong amp? Poor Rogan
  6. Robin, I was thinking of this too. Since he's ok with bikes on the road, maybe Dave and I could ride our bikes by him on the trail as a step towards making him less afraid.
  7. Lots of positive thoughts that it is nothing serious Ducky, perhaps it's better if he doesn't take anything to mask the pain so your vet can get a better idea of the cause and where it hurts.
  8. Robin, when we were with Bailey, we always had to start training when she was calm since it was a real challenge once her fear escalated. One idea is to have a high value treat in your hand to make Iker stay beside you. I used to cup my hand with a real high value treat to try and keep her focuesed on it when I felt something was going to scare her. I know he isn't the most food-motivated guy so it may mean holding onto a piece of dried liver or hot dog...yes, I can imagine the look on your face. When you are on a trail and see a bike, can you stop and move over and keep Iker beside you until his perceived danger passes. He's fine when the cyclist is on the road. Don't forget to stay calm when you anticipate his fear escalating and remain calm so he doesn't pick up on any anxiety on your part.
  9. Nope, he never has to keep up to Treasure, he's always ahead of her. Treasure just walks quietly beside you. His pulling is fear based, not trying to catch up. I suggest the swich in directiontoo. Biggest issue is when Iker's fear excalates, change in direction won't mean anything to him. You may need to work on desensitizing.
  10. i just made some the other day and got this recipe off the web 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup plain yogurt 2 T honey 1 mashed banana microvwave the peanut butter until it is creamy enough to mix add all ingredients together and mix well. I put a dollop in cup cake liners and froze them individually on a pizza pan and then put them in a plastic bag in the freezer. I also put some in an tiny ice cube tray so I just pop them out for a tiny one-bite treat. I questioned the use of honey so I may omit it next time. These were so easy to make, I made them while I was home for lunch from work one day. Ben and Brooke love these.
  11. You're going to get in trouble with your adoption group eta: I forgot to mention that I love the photo you and Hester.
  12. Welcome to GT Susan and Rocky. Your home sounds wonderful. Ben and Brooke absolutely hated the crate even though they both were kept in them in their foster homes, so they had free run of our home right from the beginning. Others will suggest blocking off safe areas with xpens and baby gates. Many greys also like to sleep in the same room with you too. You'll get a lot of different perspectives here on GT.
  13. Welcome, Thyme is so cute. She sounds like a greyt greyhound ambassador.
  14. Welcome to GT...thanks for sharing pics.
  15. omg...I'm so sorry you are both going through this...no words, I'm speechless and saddened for you.
  16. Are you in the UK (the spelling is my first clue)? I'm not 100% sure but I suspect the majority on GT will not let their greys off leash. However, it "appears" that greys are off leash more in the UK or other parts of Europe. The point I'm trying to make is that this can be a contentious topic here on GT and I just wanted to give you some warning. On the other hand, it's good to read the posts, experiences and the amber alert section.Some of the stories can be heartbreaking. Recall training is always a good idea.
  17. I put a light fleece coat on for 10C, especially if it's windy and we're going for a long walk. My rule of thumb is "gloves", if I need them, then I put a coat on the pups. Of course it they start to pant, coats come off. If it's 8C without a wind, I wouldn't put a coat on for short walks. Generally, I also consider the wind chill.
  18. Welcome and thanks for sharing pics of beautiful Bessie. What a compassionate act of kindness to take her in and heal her sores and other ailments.
  19. Hope it's something simple and she feels better soon!
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