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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry...I was hoping he'd have many more days with you.
  2. i just have a couple of comments. Ensure when you are correcting her that you don't use her name, rather use trigger words like leave it or off, etc. Make sure your male knows the correction is for the female mounting, not his growl which is appropriate in this situation. Lastly, I would redirect in this situation, meaning redirect so she knows what is appropriate such as throwing a stuffy or praising her right away when she gets off him on her own. If you can intervene and redirect before she actually mounts, that may be helpful too so she learns what is appropriate behaviour.
  3. I haven't read all of the posts, just yours, but I'm wondering why you aren't trying a different vet because it appears you don't have much confidencein your current one. I'm really hoping the shots work and you have more quality days with him.
  4. Diane, I'm so sorry for your loss...he was a real sweetheart.
  5. We had to go through this with our first grey, Bailey who also had cancerous tumours in her stomach and we were not aware until the diagnosis and had to make a decision. I kept thinking about the track I cleared for her in the snow just five days prior, and the walk my dh took her on earlier in the morning. She never gave us the "sign" that it was time for her to go, but knowing she must have been in pain was our sign to let her go. I think it's just too much to take in at the particular moment you hear the words and then have to make a decision, meanwhile thinking about them leading a seemingly healthy life just a short time ago. Nothing makes sense at that moment, but the pain is unbearable and everything can feel so overwhelming.
  6. Congratulations...you should start a new thread with pics...we'd love to see them....hope your new girls helps mend your heart.
  7. Yes, we do...plus I have 2 leashes hanging up on the back of the door just in case there's an emergency and we need to get Ben and Brooke out of the house safely.
  8. There are some toys on the market that are "guaranteed" not to get destroyed. I don't have this problem at all so I never really looked into it, but I have seen them in pet stores.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss...I'm sure he knew you were with him.
  10. she is beautiful...I hope she continues to do well and you share lots of tripod stories with us.
  11. Judy, Mike and Kevin, I'm so deeply sorry to hear that is was Jilly's time to leave you. I wish I had more comforting words to share but all I can offer is a
  12. I too was hoping she'd continue to get well. it's such an adorable picture of her...her gentle spirit is so evident..I'm truly sorry for your loss of sweet Pusley.
  13. Poor Lucky, can't seem to get a break. Hope it's an easy peasy one.
  14. Mary Pat, 3 years ago today we lost Bailey to cancer. I seem to remember every moment of the last 24 hours of her life still. I was thinking this morning that the pain never really goes away, we just learn to tolerate it. I really wish we didn't have an anniversary like this in common All that's good will never be forgotten.
  15. Congratulations...he's very handsome too! Glad to hear it's working out so well.
  16. I'm not surprised that Jilly continues to do everything on her terms
  17. I walk four at a time when we're pet sitting and one has poor leash manners, however, I find when one poops, I stop within picking up distance and everyone stops and waits too. then I guard the poop so no one steps in it until I pick it up. I also give every one a treat after so they've learned that waiting until mom picks up the poop bag is a good thing.
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