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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Greg, I'm so sorry to hear the news. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish I could say more to comfort you but words are always so inadequate at times like this, especially when our puppers are still so full of life and we love them so much.
  2. I can understand...I gave away one of Bailey's collars to a grey that was getting scratched by her old one. I had regretted it and thought I was being silly for feeling sad and not wanting to let go. But it went to a really sweet black girl who is really loved. I know the collar will always mean more to me, but my compassionate side won over. However, I have no issues with Brooke using Bailey's stuff...after all, Bailey paved the way for Brooke.
  3. Well, at least he chose something healthy I imagine some extra poop for a day or two.
  4. Hobbes, I still remember meeting him...how nice for you to celebrate his life, rather than dwell on his passing.
  5. I'm right there with ya...I miss Bailey more than I ever thought possible. We grieve deeply because we love deeply.
  6. Congratulations...you deserve many years of happiness after these last few months. She is very very cute!
  7. I am another who is in tears over a pretty little grey whom I never met, but know she was loved and left her paw prints on lots of hearts. What a beautiful tribute.
  8. No ideas Judy, but when I saw Sid's name, my heart fell. Hoping he gets better rightawayquik. I know how much you love him and we never want our hounds to get sick or hurt I thought the x-ray sounded like a good idea. Have you considered an allergic reaction?
  9. Congratulations...what a wonderful family photo!
  10. Calieb is beautiful and seems to be fitting in so well. I love your pics and your captions. Welcome. I look forward to many more stories.
  11. Sure hope it's something treatable and soon. Poor Rocky...and poor you and Ken . It's so tough when we know something is wrong with the pups and they are hurting.
  12. I am so sorry Dallas had to leave you...it was a beautiful tribute to him.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss of Bailey. Rest well sweetie
  14. I had 29 hours with Bailey from the time of diagnosis to her death. It was painful beyond belief and I don't know how I did it, but I did. I believe it was is the immeasurable amount of love I had have for her that got me through it.
  15. greytpups


    What a beautiful tribute...I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. I am so sorry for your loss...it was such a beautiful tribute to Palu. Thank you for sharing what must be an extraordinarily sad time again and again lately in your beautifully written words.
  17. I am so sorry. What a terrible shock It's very painful, no matter how they leave us...
  18. Our greys have always been loose from day 1...not sure if we are just lucky, but when we brought out the crate for Ben and then again for Brooke, no one ever showed and interest. They new grey just seemed to follow the grey who was here at the time so we never have had issues.
  19. Welcome! And Delphi is very beautiful.
  20. What a wonderful tribute to Xena. I am so sorry for your loss.
  21. I've been watching Brooke because I'm concerned about the amount of fur she's losing. She has a greyt appetite, in fact she has a "Slow down" bowl, plus a stainless steel ball we put in her bowl to slow her down from inhaling her food. She's energetic, playful, alert, and no signs of lethargy. I haven't observed any worms, etc. in her stool, however they are a bit soft. But she's not just shedding, she's getting bald in areas such as her neck and legs and underside. She was a deep rich red colour when she arrived but now she's fading a lot along with her baldness. I've added oil to her meals because her coat is kinda lacklustre. Anyone experience this or have any ideas? I've checked out the (oops forgot the name) Greyhound Medical book and can't really find anything other than thyroid issues, but that doesn't really address the fading colour. Bailey shed a lot and and coat faded just before she died, but I'm not going there Ok...maybe it's crossed my mind and I may be a little bit sensitive.
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