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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss. I know you loved her so much
  2. My message won't be too long (I hope!) because so many others have expressed the feelings I felt losing Bailey in Dec. We had to make a decision to let her go the same day as she was diagnosed and we had no idea she was so sick. Losing my heart dog was so painful, for days I felt I could barely function. I had trouble eating and sleeping. However, we always said that in honour of Bailey's memory we would adopt another grey because so many need loving homes. Bailey opened us up to this wonderful world of greyhounds and greyhound people, and for that I will always have her to thank. She was a blessing in disguise and came into my life when I really needed her. I always said that she saved me. We still have Ben and each day I forced myself to care for him. It didn't mean I loved him any less, I love him soooooooo much, it just meant that I could barely care for myself and wanted the awful pain to go away. But 10 days later we adopted Brooke. Initially, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to love another one like I love Bailey. That lasted for about 10 seconds until she walked into the room. Her foster dad said he could tell she was the one just by the look in my eyes. No one will ever replace Bailey and I still love and miss her terribly. But the pain is easing and Brooke has been the best grief councellor. Brooke is an addition because my heart is big and the pain of losing my baby will never equal the joy I experienced with her in my life. I've never regretted following my heart. And I love my baby Brooke soooooooooo much.
  3. Do not feel foolish...you are grieving. Many of us have been where you are now and we understand. By all means if you need someone to talk to find someone. Annie was your baby and the loss is painful. And if you wish to write more, we are here for you. Grief is so unpredictable. But it is real. I also felt I needed a grief counsellor but it was a weekend. I cried on many of my friends shoulders (only those who would understand the pain of losing a companion though). Perhaps this thread may help Grief
  4. I know how hard it is to lose one, but I can't begin to imagine how hard this is. I'm so sorry you have to go through this again.
  5. http://greytarticles.wordpress.com/behavior-training/to-pee-or-not-to-pee-where-is-the-question/ Interesting articles on this site
  6. I am so sorry to hear this...hoping for many more good days. Like so many others I HATE CANCER!!!
  7. many prayers for a positive outcome and to both of you
  8. So sad, run with the wind sweetheart.
  9. greytpups

    Goodbye Petey

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is so devastating.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss of Burnie.
  11. A beautiful and loving tribute. I like many others were with you on his journey and hoped for a different outcome. It was always obvious how much you loved and were loved in return
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute to Apollo.
  13. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. I'm sorry, I missed this...congratulations. He is so handsome.
  15. greytpups

    Wilbur ....

    I am so sorry to hear this...sending my condolences to Adrianne and all those whose knew and loved Wilbur.
  16. I am so sorry to hear your sad news.
  17. I'm so sorry to hear this. When I lost Bailey to cancer in December I had 0 hours, but brought her home for a day to say good bye. I wish I had 7 -10 more days but it wouldn't have been enough. It's never enough. I hate cancer! Please enjoy every single moment you have with Sobe and know that a lot of us are here for you, and unfortunately, have been there. Somedays life just sucks
  18. We lost Bailey to cancer less than 2 months ago but DH and I always said we'd adopt another as a way to cherish Bailey's memory because she opened us up to this wonderful world of greyhounds, plus so many need homes. We adopted Brooke 10 days later. Our hearts were broken and empty and then Brooke came into our lives. She has been an incredible grief counsellor and we have never regretted it. Our hearts a big and we expect to love many more as time goes on. Plus we never looked at Brooke as a replacement, rather she was an addition to our family. I grieved and loved again at the same time. Congratulations...I hope she helps ease your pain.
  19. Wow...this is so wonderful. I heard he was missing his last family while waiting for a new home so this is so heartwarming. You are a very special angel. A bunch of us were hoping he'd find a good home. I can't wait to share the good news with our group. Congratulations :confetti
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