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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I am so sorry to hear of another loss. You wrote another lovely tribute to your sweet girl.
  2. I hope you get to enjoy many more days like today.
  3. greytpups

    Nike Is Gone

    I am so sorry...how tragic.
  4. I'm so sorry...he sounded very special and loving.
  5. greytpups

    A Love Letter

    I am so sorry for your loss of sweet Tahoe. It is so painful. We hurt deeply because we love deeply.
  6. Great news...you must be so relieved. We worry about our pups so much because we love them so much. Here's hoping he heals up and is good as new in no time.
  7. I am so sorry...he sounded like such a little sweetheart
  8. Hee's hoping your sweet girl will be ok...don't beat yourself up, I know easier said than done
  9. She's beautiful and seems to be very comfortable in her new home. Congratulations and welcome to the wonderfuuuuuuuuuuuuul world of greyhounds.
  10. WOW...can't imagine how you can't see a 16" stick??? Hope he continues to mend quickly now.
  11. Thanks for posting this...I sing it to her now. I'm not sure what tune I'm using, but it's cute (the song I mean, not my singing!)
  12. You may want to consider supervising them until the treat is finished though. I let my pups work it out amongst themselves as I mentioned earlier, but I'm still in the room watching them...just in case. And my pups are incredibly gentle, but I always supervise when food is involved just to make sure they don't choke, etc.
  13. Sending lots of good thoughts for your and Hero for an uneventful surgery and very quick recovery.
  14. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss of Bug
  15. How awful...I'm sorry it's bad news He is so handsome...somedays life just sucks
  16. Awww Whitey...you are such a handsome guy. Hope you and your mom get to spend many more joyous moments like this. Thank you for sharing these wonderful memories and I hope Whitey continues to feel as good as he looks. I read about your many losses in CG magazine. My heart goes out to you.
  17. Dogs like structure in their pack...they're more comfortable with order...sounds like they've worked it out between them. If you take the bully stick, you established yourself as the leader because you distribute the food. I would step in if someone was going to get hurt, but I try not to disrupt the established order, generally speaking.
  18. Yep, she's back to her puppiness...thank goodness. Bailey symptoms started with vomiting undigested food. I couldn't handle losing Brooke too...ok...a bit melodramatic, but those were my first thoughts. I love my little Gloworm so much! Godmama...Thanks for thinking about us
  19. It's such a painful decision...I'm so sorry Sterling had to leave you.
  20. My heart sunk when I saw her name...I am so sorry...such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl.
  21. I am so sorry for your sudden loss of your beautiful girl...way too young
  22. Brooke threw up about 4 times today and I cried. We discovered Bailey had cancer when we took her to the vet because she was vomiting. I know my fear is irrational, but geez, I'm worried. I went to the drug store and got some pepcid AC...thanks GTer's...I found this in H&M. She stopped vomiting but is very lethargic. She's not her normal bouncy self at all. It's 6 pm and she still hasn't come to me to remind me to feed her That's not like my little hoover at all. I'm praying it's nothing serious and have been watching my little Gloworm at day. Please let her be ok (Gloworm is just one of her many nicknames...her racing name was Glo's Destroyer, so I want to honour her racing name in some small way since I didn't want it to be her known as name). Update April 5/10 Thank you for your concern and well wishes. She seems fine today. In fact she was dancing all around for breakfast. DH tells me not to let her jump on me when she's excited, but she only does it at meal time, I control it a bit, but I can't tell you how happy I was to see my little Gloworm excited and dancing up on me. Just to clarify so you don't think I'm a total nutcase...Brooke was throwing up undigested food hours after she had eaten. This is always a concern, and can be a result of lots of things, not always good. btw, she doesn't jump on anyone else, and I love to see the puppiness (new word ) in her. They grow up way too fast. She hadn't thrown up when I went home at lunch so I'm hoping it was just a little stomach upset and she's well now. A lethargic Brooke is worrisome. She didn't even lift her head when I ate an ice cream cone in front of her. I had a talk with Ben and Brooke. I told them they are not allowed to get cancer or anything else that shortens their life...and mine too cause I worry too much. Thanks again everyone...it really means a lot.
  23. Welcome and congratulations...hope to see lots of pics and stories
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