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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Adrianne, I too was hoping this was just a temporary setback. I'm so sorry it was time. Everything you did for him was out of your enormous amount of love for him. I wish I could say something to comfort you, but words just seem so inadequate. I will miss his stories, his handsome face, and his pictures. Rest well sweet Larry, I'm sure no one could have loved you more these last few months and you will be missed a lot.
  2. Awwwwwwwwwwww...poor Robin. Sending lots and lots of healing thoughts and
  3. Me too. Sweet Larry - come on bud. We're all here with you. Same here Same here Please let the powers of GT continue to work their magic on Larry
  4. He fought such a valiant battle...I'm so sorry it's time.
  5. Another thought is to search for some posts from Giselle here on GT for "Look at Me" training or clicker training which might help correct both bad manners and prey focus. She's posted some greyt training videos in the past.
  6. that Larry continues to improve...and for you because I know you love him so much.
  7. I'm so sorry you suffered another loss so soon..how terribly heartbreaking this must be
  8. Have you considered contacting other GTers such as Neylasmom who have been having some success with pain management and using different treatments to slow the progression of OS. I'm not 100% sure what she has been doing, but I know if I was in your situation, she'd be one of the first people I would talk to because it sounds like Neyla has been doing pretty good these last few months. My first grey died of cancer, not OS though. There's another thread in health and medical...you may get some good info there too. Again, I haven't read it, but it might be worth a look. I am so sorry to hear about Freddy, but I hope he has many more good days.
  9. greytpups

    I Lost Suzie

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. Welcome from Waterloo ON
  11. I am so sorry for your loss...it's so painful.
  12. I'm just reading this now and am sooooo glad Ekko is doing so much better.
  13. I'm so sorry it was time for Rose to leave. Her gentle yet courageous spirit reminds me of Bette Midler's song, "the Rose". Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed Some say love it is a hunger, an endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you it's only seed It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows Lies the seed that with the sun's love In the spring becomes the rose
  14. I work out every morning and have been doing this for many years. I've been a runner for 24 years so if someone told me to cut back on my running as advice, I would ignore them. Here's what worked for me and DH. I get up and 5:00 am and straighten up the house. This allows the anti-inflammatory I take to reduce the pain to kick in before I run for an hour. I go to the gym and participate in a strength training class on Tuesday and Thursday and run Mon, Wed, Fri and sometimes on Sunday. DH walks the dogs for about 45 mins. in the morning while I exercise. I come home for lunch (12 noon) and let the dogs out. I get home after work before DH so I take the dogs for a walk for about 20 min. to go get the mail. This should only take 10 mins max., but Ben has to smell everything along the way then go home and feed everyone. Sometimes I take them to an abandoned ball diamond to run, but I find they are more interested in eating grass. If DH works out, he prefers to work out in the evening. Then about 9 pm he takes them out for about 45 mins again. I'm asleep by the time they return. So we split it up, although DH does more of the dog walking because I have limited time at lunch and am busy preparing dinner when I get home from work. Could your wife take them for a walk in the morning? It appears that you have some free time in the evening after dinner as well. Also, do you have a reason you need to crate them throughout the day. I'll admit, I'm not a big fan of crates unless it's for their safety or they prefer their crate but the door is left open so they can move around in the house. But that's a whole other topic. Don't give up your workouts, just find alternatives and share the joy of spending time with them. Include your wife. I agree that leaving them in a crate all day and then letting them out in the yard is not enough exercise...for any breed, not just greys. Hope this is helpful!
  15. Welcome and congratulations...isn't it wonderful to know how much he was loved in the prison program.
  16. If you want to see a lot of Greyhounds, you should drive over to Dewey Beach on Oct. 8 - 10th. The event is Greyhounds Reach the Beach and you will see a lot of greys and their owners in both Dewey and Rehoboth. I suspect Ducky is referring to this event...you'll have to excuse her though, sometimes she has problems with days of the week and now we can add dates to the list. btw...welcome from Waterloo, ON.
  17. Why oh why would the other greyhounds owners allow their greys to run with the IG in the first place??? There are lots of groups that have a list of "rules". Your group needs to borrow them or come up with some of your own. More importantly, you need someone with knowledge about greys to organize play groups. Perhaps I missed this, but the first question that came to mind when the greys were playing and the IG was also with this pack of greys was "what were they thinking??"I still can't understand this part. Thanks for posting though...we can all learn to speak up, even when it's uncomfortable, just in case...
  18. Whew! So glad to hear such greyt news about little Phantom. I know how much you love her.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to a well loved grey.
  20. What a heartwarming story. Heartwarming because Jonah will now have a wonderful home, plus the family gave him up so now he is able to have a better life. I believe if you can give up a pup who has been with you for a few years, you no longer deserve to own said pup. I feel so sorry for the puppy though. Congratulations! May you enjoy many more happy years together.
  21. greytpups


    I am so sorry for your loss of Talca. She received the love and care she so much deserved these last few years. Rest well sweetie...your story will never be forgotten. You certainly earned your angel wings.
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