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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Yay for Darcy! Hope she continues to do well & snooze! Any updates now that it's September?!?!
  2. I'm so sorry, Wendy - it was a great tribute to your boy... Hugs
  3. ozgirl2


    I thought of Winslow last night as I was taking my walk. There was a plastic bag stuck up in a tree - I don't THINK it had poop in it, but I thought of Winslow & the poop bag raffle anyway. More hugs, Glynis...
  4. Sheila & Greg - I'm so sorry Snake had to leave you... Run free, buddy...
  5. ozgirl2


    Winslow will always be a GT tradition, and a favorite. Who could forget his painting style, the infamous poop-bag raffle, his parties, and on and on... Run free, Winslow, and watch over your folks in their new place... We'll all miss you, buddy
  6. I'm so sorry for you loss of Molly - I remember the feeling all too well. This is a great place to be though - and we all understand... hugs
  7. Congrats on Ajax! (Great name...) What group did he come from? I see you're in N.Va.
  8. Hi! Welcome from Maryland! I too live vicariously through this site - AND I go to greyhound events to get my massive grey-fixes!! I lost my Cody girl 5 & 1/2 years ago and have not gotten another... yet! I have 2 cats who entertain me at the moment. Beware! GT can be very very addictive!
  9. Then DON'T! I left Cody's nose prints on my car's back windows for well over a year... could NOT bear to clean them off... (I think I finally cleaned them off when Gil bought the car from me...) More hugs...
  10. Hi Kathy & Breeze! I think I did your 3 month follow up... she's a GW dog, right? Welcome to GreyTalk!!
  11. Run free Miss Princess... I'm so sorry, Diane
  12. ozgirl2

    A Place For Ryan

    Trudy - those pix you posted in Remembrance are really beautiful - I especially love the 1st one and the one of Ryan with the fish! Looks like he had a good time in AK. And, yes, he did have some great adventures with you & Jeff. I'm so sorry he had to leave you...
  13. ozgirl2


    Oh, I'm so sorry, Trudy & Jeff... The pictures are beautiful...
  14. Oooooooh! Off the grid?!? that's what I want to try to do on my property in VA... Yay! Glad the trip went well! And too bad you didn't see the girl (my Lord)...
  15. Hugs, Michelle... It's been 5 & 1/2 years for Cody.
  16. Poor Sid! Poor you! Hope you can get it sorted out & that Sid can do therapy work - he WOULD be perfect for it!! Hugs to you, DH and Sid!! I miss you!
  17. So the trek has begun!! Have a great stress-free trip out there!! And enjoy your new home, all of you!!
  18. I can't really believe she's gone... I loved that dog...
  19. Are you using a raised feeder? That helped with Cody's choking up food...
  20. Something no one else has said yet (I don't think) about the growl... was she on HER bed when you petted & she growled? Some greys will do this - it's THEIR space. I'd avoid trying to pet or hug her when she's lying down in her spot. She is gorgeous! And she looks very comfortable with you. Just give her lots of time & love. And I agree with taking some positive clicker training with her - may help with the bonding. I do follow up calls for my adoption group and I always tell people that even at 6 months, they're still changing and growing. Can happen for a year or more! My girl Cody continued to change and get mjore and more interactive with me for at least a year! So hang in there - it's worth every second! Greys ar the BEST!!
  21. Cody only had a Greenie once & she ended up with pancreatitis from it!! She also threw up & had bloody diarrhea. It was the fat in the thing. I KNEW she couldn't have fatty foods but I did NOT know that those dental chews are full of fat... Hoping Mr. Sid gets better soon!! Hugs
  22. Karen - I posted a few more pix of Lily in the other picture thread... Give me a call if you want...
  23. Welcome to GT! Janette sounds great! I knew someone with a greyhound I never got to meet because he was SOOO protective of her that she couldn't bring him to events! He was a super watchdog at home. So some are protective. Now, my Cody would have hid behind me if someone had come at me!!! (Or run away!)
  24. Here are a few from me, Lily's auntie... I'll miss you, sweet baby!
  25. Couldn't read the whole thread right now... Lily, my love - I'll miss you more than any greyhound except my Cody... Karen & Guy... nothing I can say... I'm so glad I loved on her at G'burg...
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