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Everything posted by rycezmom

  1. I'm so sorry Wendy. I know it must have been very hard for you and Kevin to say goodbye your precious boy. L.
  2. Will continue holding Cali close in our prayers. L.
  3. rycezmom


    Remembering keeps her alive in our hearts. L.
  4. Three out of my four LOVE dirt. Their favorite flavor of dirt is under the avacado tree.
  5. I'm so very sorry Jonathan. I will miss the wonderful pictures of Zoey and her travels in Montana. She rests in your heart. L.
  6. Get Up And Go for Gustopher and his women...
  7. How very sad we are that you had to say goodbye to your sweet girl.
  8. Which pharmacy are you using. Mine costs about $40.00 for a 15 cc bottle that lasts me about 3 months.
  9. I dropped off Miss Roses' specimen on Friday after a bout of puddling. I do use a sterile specimen container when I want cultures done. Mark called and said she had a bad UTI and called her Rx in to Walgreens. I don't have to take my hound in for stuff like this because I have a long term relationship with my vets. I always bring copies of the latest research/clinical trials/grey related stuff in with me for them and it is always welcomed. Speak with them regarding your concerns about grey related medical differences/issues. If they blow you off about it, find a new vet. Most are willing to learn or do the research. I hope that you and your hound are comfortable with your new vet.
  10. I keep Gus's Tacro in the fridge. My "bag of rocks" girl is the one who wants to eat it.!
  11. Teeth are staying pretty good here with raw turkey necks every week.
  12. Holding our hearts on our sleeves for the Iceman from the Magic City Crew.
  13. rycezmom


    We are saddened by the loss of your dear Dakota. L.
  14. rycezmom


    She is one of the bright new stars in the night sky reminding us that the hounds we have loved and said goodbye to, are always with us. They pave the way for the hounds yet to find their forever home. I know that your sadness will change into the loving memories of Gunda and how she filled your heart. L.
  15. Its funny that I was just sitting here looking at Loca's Story for the quilt book and thinking that I need to still update the end of her story. She has been running in and out of my mind the last few days. Maybe its because her Birthday was coming. Happy Birthday To Roooo Miss Loca. Standing on the table at the bridge waiting for birthday cake?
  16. Sometimes a pup comes along that's just special. They fold themselves into your life and make themselves a part of your heart, your soul and your very being. They are special in that they love us, teach us, help us through our lifes little bumps and are happy just to be with you with no expectations. They are yours, unconditionally, just as you are theirs. It seems you were blessed with one of these special, exceptional, pups. Our hearts cry for the loss of the best part of her that you no longer have. Our hearts celebrate the love that she gave you and your family, both human and hound, and the joy that she leaves in your heart. L.
  17. My vet wouldn't dare not give me a script for stuff like that! He knows better! Get the script and take it to Costco/Walmart/Target.
  18. rycezmom

    Keep Moving

    Oh Jeanne, I'm so sad for you. It's so hard to say goodbye. Hugs from us to you.
  19. Might be nice though, to warn the new adopters that this pup likes to dine in the bathroom trash. I think its a pretty funny story and I know that I got a laugh out of it.
  20. Wont have it in the house. There was quite a bit of controversy some years back about the severe and multiple adverse reactions that were cropping up with this and a few other flea/tick control meds on the market. My vet does NOT recommend it either. Pyrithrans aren't regulated by the EPA as far as I know in this catagory even though is an insecticide. And frequently people dont pay attention to the dosing instruction for the product they use which leads to toxicity and other severe problems. They are not a one size fits all animals. There are several sites that you can go to regarding Bio Spot, just remember some/most of them are not official sites as such, merely places where people can talk about the problems they've had with Bio Spot and other OTC flea/tick meds. FDA has a few good site http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/NewsEv...r/ucm130778.htm
  21. How terribly sad. I'm so sorry. L.
  22. It is with sadness, regret and a great sense of loss that we report the journey to the Bridge of our "unofficial" adoption kennel manager, Miss Heart. Miss Heartthrob has held court in both her home and in her official place at the side of her Mom, Lee, in managing the Friends of Greyhounds, Ft Lauderdale adoption kennel. Her presence will be missed by her FoG family and all of us who have grown to love and adore her. Our condolences to Lee on the loss of her precious Heart. Auntie Leslie, Marian, Gustopher P Jones, Miss Skye, Miss Isabella and Miss Rose. Gustopher P has always been good with the girls but he was especially enamoured of Miss Heart. They were so very good together and as roadtrip companions, they were great. We will truly miss this girl..... L.
  23. We do them on people every day in the ICU. Please ask your vet what the procedure consists of for the hound. Ours are done on intubated patients with sterile saline into the lungs and suctioned back out from deep in the lung. Have never seen a complication from the procedure itself. Its a good way to find out whats growing in there. Please ask your vet to explain it to you as well as any issue he/she feels may be a risk. I would presume that they would want to sedate your hound first. Good luck in the search for answers. L.
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