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Prayers For Foster Clark

Guest LokisMom

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Monday does feel way too far away. We've gotten him to eat so I am a bit encouraged by that and he even chewed a Nylabone for a little while.


He keeps trying to get up and falls over and it's bad. One of us is staying with him all the time to make sure he stays down.


I just want to know what is wrong so we know how to fix it. It's frustrating that when we went to the vet this morning, I naively believed they would tell us what was wrong and fix it. Instead we left in barely any better shape and still with no answers. I know it was silly of me to think that but...


The vet he was at today worked something out with the group but the specialist was unwilling :( I am sure we'll get some fundraising going and it will be fine, it just takes time and it is hard to have to wait for anything when he is in this condition. I am sure the holistic vet will have some answers. He just has to.

What's silly about thinking you go the vet and expect answers. I think we all feel like that and I often end up questioning just how much of this is science? Ya have to wonder. And shame on the speiclist. I just hope the meds work. We're keeping Clark in our prayers. Try to hang in there, I know it can't be easy


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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We have an appointment with a holistic vet on Monday. Maybe he can suggest something. I really don't know what the next step is other than that. The vet gave him steroids and pain meds and we're just hoping he improves.

I'm so sorry.... I've been through something similar. Up one minute and can't the next, it's just devastating. I am hoping for the best for you guys.

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Guest joedogs_mom

We just had to put our Joe to sleep last week due to ongoing, bad neck/back spinal pain and problems. I really hope you find some answers soon...and that the steroids and pain meds provide relief. I am thinking of you. I am feeling all the guilt in the world right now about NOT trying every thing...to include alternative meds...best of luck.

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Yeah there is news. He was not able to see the specialist after all. I misunderstood what the leader of the adoption group said. He is back at our house on complete crate rest and he still can't move his back legs. It's just horrible. I hate to see him like this. We were playing with stuffies just last night and now he can't even stand up.



"Adoption Leader" chiming in. :)


My heart aches for Clark and his foster parents right now. I feel so far away and helpless. Jen didn't misunderstand. When I first talked with the treating vet we were all ready to go to the specialist with a quote of something we could afford on the spot (kinda). Specialist office calls me while foster parents are on the way to take Clark there. The quote I was given wasn't near what it was going to be to even do a portion of what they wanted to do. The office manager is out until monday and the owner is out of the country until the 10th or something like that. So, no one was around to say if they would work with a rescue on a reduced rate or a payment plan. So, basically they refused to treat him.


Plan B got shot for very similar reasons. While I was fighting tears with the treating vet and telling them that it was unfair that they were forcing us to make a decision we were not ready to make without knowing what was going on because no one would take a stupid payment plan (I know we can raise the money), she said "oh he's trying to stand on his own. I think he can go home on meds and be monitored to see what happens."


In talking with the foster family, neither one of us believe the "he can stand" line. he's worse than he was when he went to the e-vet. Clark has an appointment with a holistic vet who has been given his history. The problem is, he can't see him until Monday afternoon.


I'm really sick over all of this. i know the economy is bad and no one dares give a little to anyone for fear they'll never see it but this hurts.....


Please continue to send your prayers for Clark.... he can certainly use them.

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Monday does feel way too far away. We've gotten him to eat so I am a bit encouraged by that and he even chewed a Nylabone for a little while.


He keeps trying to get up and falls over and it's bad. One of us is staying with him all the time to make sure he stays down.


I just want to know what is wrong so we know how to fix it. It's frustrating that when we went to the vet this morning, I naively believed they would tell us what was wrong and fix it. Instead we left in barely any better shape and still with no answers. I know it was silly of me to think that but...


The vet he was at today worked something out with the group but the specialist was unwilling :( I am sure we'll get some fundraising going and it will be fine, it just takes time and it is hard to have to wait for anything when he is in this condition. I am sure the holistic vet will have some answers. He just has to.


As Jen said, we've got to figure out what we are dealing with so we can make the right decision. This unknowing is so hard and even more hard on the foster family.


As for fundraising --- yep, it will be happening ASAP and a plea letter has already gone out. Keep praying that we get this figured out soon....

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This situation is so hard on everyone. You are all trying to do your best for Clark. All my good thoughts are going your way that you find a diagnosis soon and that Clark has a restful weekend. Perhaps the steroids will start to work and there will be a slight improvement.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Guest LokisMom

Well, Clark was able to stand up for about 3 seconds this morning before sinking back down! He did not put any weight on his left leg and it was still knuckled under but the right leg held his weight for just a moment. I know it isn't much but it gives me hope that there may be a solution, that maybe he is not completely paralyzed.


He so badly doesn't want to potty in the house that he tries to drag himself towards the door and I have to stop him, settle him down and tell him it's okay. He's a good boy. We were trying to leave the crate door open so we could pet him a lot but after the crawling incident, we have decided it might be better if we leave it shut unless we are able to block him in. He just wants to be a good boy :(


He ate very little breakfast and is refusing to drink water. I have to trick him into drinking by putting something that smells yummy in the water. I will be calling the vet later to see what she thinks about his not drinking. I got him to drink quit a bit this morning by mixing a little wet food in with his water. It's pitiful but anything that works right?


My job is being so understanding, they told me I could work from home today to stay with him. I keep crying every time I think of how nice they are being about the whole thing.


Thank you all for the prayers and keep em coming. They just might be working.

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Poor Clark, it just breaks my heart. And yes... anything that works, to make him drink! Poor baby :(

You're doing a fantastic job. So pleased your employers let you work from home today.


Sending lots of hugs and good thoughts. Please keep us posted...


:grouphug :grouphug :goodluck :goodluck :grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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I'm saying LOTS of prayers for Clark!


Unfortunately Gen (Peanut) is right that our adoption group is a very small one with just a few volunteers, and a limited budget - and being in Michigan, everyone here is doing their best to just squeek out a living. Raising funds in such a economically depressed area is hard.


No one wants to have to make medical decisions based on available funds.


I also dropped Gen an email this morning to see if she would contact Dr Couto and see if he has any ideas for Clark.


I hope we can save this boy ..... :sad1

CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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We've been through this with a boy who also hated to pee in his bed. One day I put his penis in a bottle and he peed in it from then on! He was one smart cookie. (This may be why Clark may not be drinking much water; he's smart too. Less drinking=less peeing.)


We kept Jonesy in the house in an enclosure made of hay bales on plastic which we then covered with towels, comforters, and put human incontinence pads under his rectum. Between peeing in the bottle and the pads, it kept him and the bed fairly clean.


Three of his four legs refused to work though and he developed bloody diarrhea, so we euthanized him after 3 weeks. The fact that Clark can stand, even for 3 seconds, is wonderful and reason for hope!



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Firstly, I'm so sorry this is happening to you & Clark. :grouphug But I'm glad to hear he's made some improvement this morning. :yay


From what you've described, maybe what Clark needs most is time - I get them confused sometimes, but it sounds like it could be an FCE or some other type of episode that heals on it's own. I'm thinking of greytdecals' Alan but there are other cases here on GT. If that's the case, you're doing everything right without spending funds you don't have at the moment. Also, your holistic vet will be the best one to see especially if he does acupuncture.


I've never tried it, but I think Batmom has recommended adding some milk to the water bowl to encourage drinking. I'd put whatever entices him to drink in there.


Good thoughts are going out to all of you.




Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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I'm saying LOTS of prayers for Clark!


Unfortunately Gen (Peanut) is right that our adoption group is a very small one with just a few volunteers, and a limited budget - and being in Michigan, everyone here is doing their best to just squeek out a living. Raising funds in such a economically depressed area is hard.


No one wants to have to make medical decisions based on available funds.


I also dropped Gen an email this morning to see if she would contact Dr Couto and see if he has any ideas for Clark.


I hope we can save this boy ..... :sad1

I know this is not realistic, but no one should have to make a medical decision based on funds.That is just so unfair!! But I know it happens more than I care to know. Clark and his foster mom have lots of prayers coming from here. I can only imagine what it's like seeing this boy in the condition he's in. If any of us can help in any way, please let us know. Email me at cbudshome@aol.com or pm me if I can be of any help.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. Foster parents are doing an amazing job with Clark even though we keep hitting one road block after another. (Don't want to go into the newest one now). One of our board members works with vets at MSU that maybe able to do us a favor, so we are trying to consult with them. Were trying to get the $$ together as we won't allow that to force us into a decision. Not an option AT ALL!


Keep the prayers and well wishes coming. I'll check back in tonight when I get back home...



CfG Director

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Guest EmilyAnne
Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. Foster parents are doing an amazing job with Clark even though we keep hitting one road block after another. (Don't want to go into the newest one now). One of our board members works with vets at MSU that maybe able to do us a favor, so we are trying to consult with them. Were trying to get the $$ together as we won't allow that to force us into a decision. Not an option AT ALL!


Keep the prayers and well wishes coming. I'll check back in tonight when I get back home...



CfG Director


I will pray for Clark's healing and for the $$ situation to not be so difficult. :hope

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Guest Spencers_Greyt
Yeah there is news. He was not able to see the specialist after all. I misunderstood what the leader of the adoption group said. He is back at our house on complete crate rest and he still can't move his back legs. It's just horrible. I hate to see him like this. We were playing with stuffies just last night and now he can't even stand up.



"Adoption Leader" chiming in. :)


My heart aches for Clark and his foster parents right now. I feel so far away and helpless. Jen didn't misunderstand. When I first talked with the treating vet we were all ready to go to the specialist with a quote of something we could afford on the spot (kinda). Specialist office calls me while foster parents are on the way to take Clark there. The quote I was given wasn't near what it was going to be to even do a portion of what they wanted to do. The office manager is out until monday and the owner is out of the country until the 10th or something like that. So, no one was around to say if they would work with a rescue on a reduced rate or a payment plan. So, basically they refused to treat him.


Plan B got shot for very similar reasons. While I was fighting tears with the treating vet and telling them that it was unfair that they were forcing us to make a decision we were not ready to make without knowing what was going on because no one would take a stupid payment plan (I know we can raise the money), she said "oh he's trying to stand on his own. I think he can go home on meds and be monitored to see what happens."


In talking with the foster family, neither one of us believe the "he can stand" line. he's worse than he was when he went to the e-vet. Clark has an appointment with a holistic vet who has been given his history. The problem is, he can't see him until Monday afternoon.


I'm really sick over all of this. i know the economy is bad and no one dares give a little to anyone for fear they'll never see it but this hurts.....


Please continue to send your prayers for Clark.... he can certainly use them.


How incredibly frustrating! I do feel that the holistic vet will help - hopefully they practice acupuncture.



Well, Clark was able to stand up for about 3 seconds this morning before sinking back down! He did not put any weight on his left leg and it was still knuckled under but the right leg held his weight for just a moment. I know it isn't much but it gives me hope that there may be a solution, that maybe he is not completely paralyzed.


He so badly doesn't want to potty in the house that he tries to drag himself towards the door and I have to stop him, settle him down and tell him it's okay. He's a good boy. We were trying to leave the crate door open so we could pet him a lot but after the crawling incident, we have decided it might be better if we leave it shut unless we are able to block him in. He just wants to be a good boy :(


He ate very little breakfast and is refusing to drink water. I have to trick him into drinking by putting something that smells yummy in the water. I will be calling the vet later to see what she thinks about his not drinking. I got him to drink quit a bit this morning by mixing a little wet food in with his water. It's pitiful but anything that works right?


My job is being so understanding, they told me I could work from home today to stay with him. I keep crying every time I think of how nice they are being about the whole thing.


Thank you all for the prayers and keep em coming. They just might be working.


Are you belly banding him to help with the peeing? I had to do that with Spencer. I put a Poise pad in the belly band which kept him dry. Before that he was getting urine burns from peeing so much on himself.

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Adding more prayers for Clark. Hopefully the meds will start to work their wonders and you won't need the stuffy specialist! Keeping our fingers crossed and sending lots of healing white light. Thank you for taking such good care of a sweet and loving foster.

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Where could I get a belly band quick?


I have made one in a pinch by taking a bathroom towel, folding it until it was the right width - putting a feminine napkin in it & safety-pinning it on (overlapping it over the top of their back).


It worked amazingly well.

CORY and CRICKET - Solitary Tremble & CASPER - Pj's Mia Farrow
* With CAPT. GUS - Solitary Trigger, RAINY - Peach Rain, PUP - Red Zepher, DOC - CTW Fort Sumpter
and MAX - Shiowa's Silver Maxamillion / Afghan .... all waiting at the bridge

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Guest LokisMom
Where could I get a belly band quick?


I have made one in a pinch by taking a bathroom towel, folding it until it was the right width - putting a feminine napkin in it & safety-pinning it on (overlapping it over the top of their back).


It worked amazingly well.


Thank you! I'm going to the store to pick up some Clark supplies when DBF gets home and safety pins are now on the list. You'd think we'd have some somewhere but...who knows.

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