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Olewo Carrots - Help


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We just adopted a new boy in late December.  He's five, not too long off the track in Ireland and arrived in the US in early December.  He's tested negative for worms x3, but is having regular diarrhea.  I've started him on Olewo carrots - read about them here - but have some questions about how to use them.  Do you give them with each feeding or once a day?  Once the diarrhea is gone can you reduce the amount?  I started with 1 tablespoon (minimum recommended amt.) and it really seems to be a lot once the carrots are rehydrated, and I'm barely using the minimum amount of water.  

I'm not sure what the best consistency is, so any thoughts about amounts - carrots and water -  would be appreciated.  His regular kibble is Fromm's and he's at 60 pounds now.  The vet thinks another 2-3 pounds would be OK, but no more.  

Many thanks.

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I prepare two heaping tablespoons in a cup and 1/2 of water in the microwave for 90 seconds.  I get about a full margarine sized container once it is hydrated.  That lasts about 3 to 4 days giving a heaping tablespoon full with each meal.  I have been using the carrots for about two years.  There is no reason to stop.  He eats them well and he has "perfect" poop.  Your boy is still very new and getting used to things.  He will come around, for sure.  Congratulations.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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13 minutes ago, Houndtime said:

I prepare two heaping tablespoons in a cup and 1/2 of water in the microwave for 90 seconds.  I get about a full margarine sized container once it is hydrated.  That lasts about 3 to 4 days giving a heaping tablespoon full with each meal.  I have been using the carrots for about two years.  There is no reason to stop.  He eats them well and he has "perfect" poop.  Your boy is still very new and getting used to things.  He will come around, for sure.  Congratulations.

We prep ours in advance too - about 4 tbsp of carrots in a lunch box, with enough boiling water to cover twice the depth of the carrots, if that makes sense? I don’t measure it out. And he gets about 1tbsp of rehydrated carrots twice a day. We have concluded that our dog just has loose stools, and that amount of carrots makes his first poop firm although his subsequent poops on a walk are still on the loose side - this is just his normal. The carrots add fibre so while a small amount will help to firm his poops up, too much will increase the bulk and you could get more, or bigger poops but not necessarily firmer poops. This is what we found.

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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I used to make them daily to add to Rocket's food.  I used one TBSP of carrots and 3/4 cup of boiling water. I then split the carrots as add-ins to 2 meals. I did not use oil that was called for in the directions.  

The above amount just made enough to stir into the food without overwhelming the kibble with the carrots.  Rocket did well on the carrots for years, as he had colitis and some other stomach issues. It's okay to play with the amount  a little bit until you get some consistent results. 


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Regular diarrhea is not normal, something is wrong somewhere. Coming from Ireland, he probably doesn't have the hookworms that are so prevalent at US tracks, but I'd keep looking for the root cause.

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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Thank you all so much.  I'm so happy to know that I can prepare enough for several days and just scoop out some for each meal.  And getting a feel for the proportions of carrot and water is a big help.

His diarrhea is getting better - poor baby has had so many food and water changes in the last two months, but finally things are stable.  

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It can take some fiddling to get the right amount and the right number of times a day/week for your particular dog.  Remember, it's just adding insoluble fiber to his diet, which has it's own probiotic effect.  You need to add enough water to the carrots reconstitute completely - no hard bits left in the mush! - and add in the oil as directed by the company for the full/best effect.  We've been adding salmon oil in their food for years and a couple squirts each is enough for the carrots.

In our house, one dog gets one tablespoon carrots to 1/3 c warm water for one meal a day; one dog gets 1 teaspoon carrots to 1/4 c warm water one meal a day; one dog gets 2 tablespoons dry oat bran in every meal (instead of carrots) for added fiber and carbs.  I just put the carrots to soak for about 15 minutes before their meal for the ones who get them as it's easier for me to store the dried pellets than the rehydrated mush.

But, I agree with Jerilyn above.  If every stool is loose or all the way to diarrhea there's probably some root cause other than not having enough fiber in his diet, and this needs to be investigated.  It could be the Fromm is too "hot" for this particular dog (too high a protein content.  It could be he's allergic OR intolerant to an ingredient.  You've checked for parasites, but how about giardia or Lyme disease or SIBO??  Also, some dogs will get diarrhea just from eating too much, so be careful if you're trying to add weight that you're doing it slowly and appropriately.

And please be sure that whatever kibble you're feeding includes a whole grain to avoid the risk of developing Nutritional Dilated CardioMyopathy (N-DCM).

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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On 1/24/2022 at 3:36 PM, MerseyGrey said:

 We have concluded that our dog just has loose stools, and that amount of carrots makes his first poop firm although his subsequent poops on a walk are still on the loose side - this is just his normal.

This has been my Stanley's normal, as well.   When we first adopted him ~6 months ago, all his poops were runny.  Now, as is the case in MerseyGrey's experience--his first poop on a walk is the chef's kiss (well....better descriptor than that is needed :lol: ) then it goes from there to pudding poo, to puddle, to squatting wet farts (I wish I was joking about that) with subsequent poops on the same walk.  I'm willing to bet that if I teleported him home immediately after his first poop of each walk then he'd have a 'perfect record',  but I think the added exercise in a longer walk (avg of 45 mins) is worth the scientific experiments Stanley subsequently conducts regarding the different phases of matter. 

My preparation method is different (not saying 'better' by ANY stretch, just sharing my procedure).  I take a one-cup pyrex measuring cup, fill it with tap water and heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds.  Then I put one rounded tbsp of the Olewo carrots in and let it steep during the walk (I do this for both morning and afternoon).  Been mostly skipping the addition of oil, but I do use it on occasion (just a drop). Return from walk and the carrots are dissolved.  Pour the contents of the measuring cup over his kibble.  He devours happily. 

I'm in full agreement that no grey is the same, every one should adjust their own proportions and method accordingly. In my case I've even rotated in the addition other Olewo products (the beets, 'Rootsies', and even pumpkin power from a different manufacturer altogether. )  Meaning that he gets the carrots every time, with another spoon of one of the others.  Haven't noticed any major differences either way by adding the second foot topper, but I believe it's a positive thing overall from a variety standpoint--Stanley has shown no signs of being bored with his Grandma Mae's kibble, and that might be because we change up what we add to it.

Best of luck!



Was a subscriber in the mid 2000s (the aughts!).  Reactivated in 2021.  What'd I miss?

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had the worm problems after adoption.  I was a combination of Olewo, Forta Flora and metronidizol (antibiotic) that got him straightened out.  We continue to use the carrots and probiotic to this day.  Carrots with every dinner and probiotic ever other dinner (down from every day for the first 3 years.)

Approximately 2 tablespoons of carrots with each dinner.  We make about 3-4 days worth and store them in the fridge.  

Best of luck, it will get better with patience.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/4/2022 at 12:41 PM, NewGrey2017 said:

We had the worm problems after adoption.  I was a combination of Olewo, Forta Flora and metronidizol (antibiotic) that got him straightened out.  We continue to use the carrots and probiotic to this day.  Carrots with every dinner and probiotic ever other dinner (down from every day for the first 3 years.)

Approximately 2 tablespoons of carrots with each dinner.  We make about 3-4 days worth and store them in the fridge.  

Best of luck, it will get better with patience.

We are having similar issues with our recently adopted pup Elliott.  He was treated for hookworms and is now on the metronidizol.  We want to add the carrots, but the rehydrated carrots don't form a mush (so to speak), but stay flaky.  What is the consistency of the carrots when you are feeding them?   From reading this thread I think I'm looking for the consistency of something a bit mushier?  Thanks!

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We are having similar issues with our recently adopted pup Elliott.  He was treated for hookworms and is now on the metronidizol.  We want to add the carrots, but the rehydrated carrots don't form a mush (so to speak), but stay flaky.  What should the consistency of the carrots be?   From reading this thread I think I'm looking for the consistency of something a bit mushier?  Thanks!

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I put two tablespoons of carrots into a container with a cup and 1/4 of water.  I microwave for one and 1/2 minutes and it gets to be like a pudding.  I don't know how it could be flaky as the carrots are pellets.  

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Thanks.  I have ordered the Olewo carrots which are different than what I currently have.  Mine are more like grated / small chunks of carrots, and when rehydrated they don't form the pudding as you describe.  We are also adding a probiotic to his diet.  Appreciate all the suggestions here for helping a dog with a sensitive digestive track!

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I think the consistency will depend on how much water they take up, and how long you leave them afterwards, (to cool, with the lid) off before refrigerating them. Mine can look like fine dry(ish) breadcrumbs, or they can form larger wetter clumps. I wouldn’t get too hung up about this. It will slightly alter the amount of water your dog has, but they will probably compensate by drinking less or peeing a bit more on their walk

Buddy Molly 🌈 5/11/10-10/10/23

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On 2/21/2022 at 1:11 AM, MerseyGrey said:

I think the consistency will depend on how much water they take up, and how long you leave them afterwards, (to cool, with the lid) off before refrigerating them. Mine can look like fine dry(ish) breadcrumbs, or they can form larger wetter clumps. I wouldn’t get too hung up about this. It will slightly alter the amount of water your dog has, but they will probably compensate by drinking less or peeing a bit more on their walk

Thank you!

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