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Tick--next steps?

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We found a tick (not engorged) on Petey Thursday. I removed it and he had a tiny bite mark. He's going in Monday--should I jump straight to an antibiotic, regardless of test results (my inclination)? Wait if results are negative for TBD (DH's inclination)? If it matters, I'm 99% sure he picked it up in NC, possibly in SC. He's being treated for resistant hookworms but is otherwise a healthy, 2.5 year old.

Any advice?

Edited by PatricksMom

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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I honestly wouldn't flip out at one non engorged tick.  If people did that every other dog in Oklahoma would be on antibiotics. 

Remember when I got Bella from the farm and pulled ticks off her 50 at a time and quit counting at 200?...or the boy who had so many grape ticks his toes didn't meet?  Those are immediate antibiotic cases.  One tick really isn't in my book - but what do I know?  Not a vet and don't play one on TV.

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It's not unusual to even find multiples over the course of a couple days when a dog has been around ticks. Be sure to check between the toes. 

Also, check and launder any blankets and beds used since the exposure including blankets in the car if you traveled. I don't usually worry about 1 or 2, but if I think they got them in our yard, then I treat the yard with the Adam's tick spray that you hook up to the garden hose. 


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Hi there. I would just follow up with your vet and be diligent about blood work. My female was dx'd with anaplasmosis (a tick-borne disease; we have deer in the area - I live in Metro Detroit). I have a fenced yard and NEVER found a tick on her -- but there must have been some contact as she tested positive when she was six. (I adopted her when she was five; she is now 11).

So just a head's up and best wishes for Petey.

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I use this protocol for my dogs and myself and have for years.  I believe it is an effective preventative and it feels a whole lot better than just doing nothing. It is also completely safe.  You never know :)


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Thanks, he didn't have the bull's eye, but he did have a bit of a rash so phone call into the vet now that we're home. I feel like in 2020 better safe than sorry.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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On 11/30/2020 at 11:32 AM, PatricksMom said:

Thanks, he didn't have the bull's eye, but he did have a bit of a rash so phone call into the vet now that we're home. I feel like in 2020 better safe than sorry.

Just an FYI...dogs don’t get the bullseye ring like people experience.  Dogs will often have a raised, irritated dermal area as a reaction to the tick bite often lasting up to weeks.....does not mean your dog has a tbd..simply a reaction to the ticks saliva. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally following up. TBD panel was negative. What can I say, 2002 + nervous mom.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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