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Mason And Molly Have Colds

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I think the Twin Terros have colds. They're walking around sneezing constantly. Unsurprisingly, Molly isn't bothered at all. Mason is mopey, not wanting to walk and I think he may have a bit of a fever (I'm going to take it now).


I'm afraid they're going to generously share it with the dogs who are visiting us. :(


Poor babies.

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Maybe spring allergies? Not sure where you're located, but everything here is blooming and it's equal parts beautiful and miserable. Hope they feel better soon!


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
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Bingo!!! Wipe the dogs off with plain clear water,use paper towels after you take their temperature and make sure that they are NOT running a fever. If this started after the straw went down it's most likely the seeds in the straw. You can also hose down the straw as well, wash the pollen off. I purchased one lot of straw filled with weeds, I raked it,bagged it and dumped it. Many trees are pollinating now

Edited by cleptogrey
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Right now it's normal but in the past when I've taken it it's always been below normal. Basically. I think the thermometer is off so I'm wondering if he does have a temp. Plus, his nose is warm and he just feels warm compared to the other dogs. I do have antibiotics at home I can start him on.

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Many other possibilities too. Could be parasites (e.g. nasal mites, worms), viral, bacterial, fungal, respiratory infection, foxtails, etc.


I don't know your region or the region in which your recently laid straw was grown, but foxtails are worth knowing about since they can be deadly to pets: http://www.acadiavetclinic.com/news/foxtail-gras/


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As far as I know, seasonal allergies do NOT cause sneezing in dogs (they cause itching) and dogs do not catch "colds."


I would have them to the vet. If they both have it, it's probably something contagious.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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As far as I know, seasonal allergies do NOT cause sneezing in dogs (they cause itching) and dogs do not catch "colds."


I would have them to the vet. If they both have it, it's probably something contagious.

I would rec a vet visit too. I would be more concerned about a virus they picked up.

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Yep, turns out it is a virus. Poor Mason had a temp of 103.6 and he's dropped 10 pounds (I almost cried). He's on doxycycline and Rhimadyl to help bring down the fever. We're not testing Molly at this time since she's showing no symptoms other than the sneezing. If she starts showing symptoms I'll call and the vet will prescribe meds. It's my first dog with a fever.


Oh, and they're not to be around other dogs for 2 weeks so no meets and greets. Mason is thrilled!! :)

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Yep, turns out it is a virus. Poor Mason had a temp of 103.6 and he's dropped 10 pounds (I almost cried). He's on doxycycline and Rhimadyl to help bring down the fever. We're not testing Molly at this time since she's showing no symptoms other than the sneezing. If she starts showing symptoms I'll call and the vet will prescribe meds. It's my first dog with a fever.


Oh, and they're not to be around other dogs for 2 weeks so no meets and greets. Mason is thrilled!! :)

When Mason is feeling better, he can come to FL to gain some weight again with his brother and Face.


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Feel better ASAP, M&M. Rest from your hectic schedules. Lots of fluids. Chicken soup. Daytime tv.


(Not to make fun of poor Mason's illness. Hoping he kicks this virus pronto.)


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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