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Behaviour Questions

Guest SoulieBaby

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Guest SoulieBaby

Hi everyone, I've got a 10 month old greyhoud mix (she's literally 50% greyhound, I had her DNA tested), she seems to have a lot of greyhound traits. She's sweet, she's gentle, she's quiet (although she does bark), she's pretty lazy most of the time lol but I was wondering if anyone else has come across their dog "bowing" to you. She usually walks up to me, or one of my housemates, and just stands by your legs with her head lowered. She doesn't do anything else, but she just stands there, if you pat her she turns her head to the side, but she still keeps it lowered. Does this mean anything to anyone? I don't know if she's being submissive, or if she's unhappy, or what exactly she's trying to tell me?


I'm also not sure whether she's too skinny or not?This is the only pic I have of her uploaded anywhere, but maybe someone could see if she needs to eat more, or less, or if she's ok as is? She hurt her tail so it looks weird coz it's shaved and yes, she is standing on my bbq lol



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Guest SoulieBaby

she gets fed twice a day, a bowl of dry food in the mornings, and at night it could be rice/veggies/chicken, dry food, canned food, food scraps mixed with a dry food, etc. Should I give her higher fat content dog food?

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Guest grey_dreams

What quantities of food are you giving (in measuring cups)? And which dry food?

Edited by grey_dreams
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She could be a little thin, but it's hard to tell from this picture since her posture is weird. How old is she? How much does she weigh? Do you have any idea what the other half of her is? If it's something like Ibizan, or another super skinny breed, she could be OK. In general, dogs with this body type should have a nice, tight tuck up, and maybe show 3 or 4 ribs. Maybe some hip pointers or spinal prominences.


As far as the play bowing, I have one that does that. He spends a significant amount of time with his butt in the air and his chest on the ground. Sometimes, he's stretching. Sometimes playing. Sometimes it's an invitation to play. He does "normal" play bowing to our other dogs, though he only does the extended one when people are around. It's not an "ab"normal behavior by any means. And I always think it's kind of cute!

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Guest SoulieBaby

The DNA results were: 50% Greyhound, 33% Tenterfield Terrier, 7% French Bulldog, 6% Australian Cattle Dog, 3% American Cocker Spaniel and 1% Basset Hound lol


She's about 10 months old and 24kgs (from memory) when I weighed her at the vet for her tail injury (about a month ago).


The dry food is SuperCoat (Purina) Adult food. It's about 2-3 cups of dry food.


She does do the thing where she's on her chest with her bum in the air too, when she stretches and even just randomly around people, or other dogs too - which is super cute - the thing I'm talking about is she just stands with her head lowered, she's not on her chest when she does this, if I go down to her level, she puts her head even lower lol I'm guessing it's a submissive thing?

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Guest SoulieBaby

Thanks for everyone's replies by the way :) I'll start feeding her a bit more and see if she puts on any more weight, I also don't want to over-feed her and make her overweight either lol

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In the BBQ picture she looks very underweight. In the other 2, she only looks like she could gain a few. I've found that as puppies grow, they go through periods where they grow in height and periods they grow in weight. While they grow in height, they often look thin and lanky, so I'm wondering if that's what's happening.


As for the head down, it could be some fear, but I'm wondering if she just really likes her neck being rubbed and is encouraging you to pet it. She may have figured out that the neck rubs feel best in that position.

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I agree, she could do with a little more weight. Some pups do run a bit thin, and she's only ten months, but I would definitely offer her more food and see how you go.


The bowed head thing, it could be submissive, or she could simply be politely asking for affection. What does she do if you pet her? Some greyhounds will do this and stand quietly while you pet them, and then if you stop they'll nudge you with their head to ask you to continue. :)


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having brought up both a greyhound and salukis from puppy hood i'm inclined to say, "she's in good weight". she's young, just did lots of growing and will still continue to grow. good wholesome nutrition and exercise, which i can see by her thighs she's getting, is what she needs. my dogs have the same profile as your pup in all but the first pic and they are 6 & 7, pictured below and seem to be a similar weight. i wish felix was that filled out at 10 months. some days he look good back then, some days out right skinny. part if weight apperance seems to be a matter of hydration from what i have noticed.


i also agree w/ the beezer/grey combo.10301190_772498896102762_828956891572422

Edited by cleptogrey
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I wouldn't worry about the weight if she's really 10 months old. They tend to be beanpoles at that age anyway.


This was Kili at 10 months old. Rail thin. But eating well, training well, extremely active.




I tried increasing her food and at one point was trying to feed her almost double her daily suggested intake. She didn't put on weight, she just got horrible diarrhea. I decided to back off and just feed her what she was supposed to be getting and try not to worry about her weight.


This is Kili at 20 months. She filled out just fine all on her own.



Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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I think she looks fine for a dog that young. The quantity of food seems correct. My dogs are thin. It is healthier to be a little thin, not skinny.

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I'm with the others that say that she may just be going through a "thin and gangly" stage. If she eats good and she has good energy (it looks like it if she can jump to your grill shelf!), and her output is good, you may just have to wait her out. If you do increase her food intake and she shows more loose stools, it's probably just that she's a thinner type or at a thinner stage of development.


As for the bowing the head when coming up to you, it could be that she just wants to make sure you're petting her on her neck and shoulders instead of aiming for her head. Some dogs don't care for head or ear rubs, and it could be that she's just asking for what she'd prefer in a very nice way. My Monty loves his ear rubs, but only from select people and only at certain times. Otherwise he'd prefer a good neck and shoulder scratching and he makes it pretty clear which he'd prefer by where he puts his own head.

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I think she looks good at that weight. I wouldn't be trying to put weight on her.


The bowing sounds more like appeasement behavior to me than play bowing from your description of the way she holds it and turns her head in response to your hand. Could be she's been roughed up by someone in the past, could just be that she has a very conciliatory personality or is a little shy. Either way, I wouldn't worry about it, just make sure you use PR training methods and avoid corrections or punishment with her.


She's beautiful by the way.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

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I have not had time to read all the replies but I would say that she is just a little lean, probably will fill out a bit as she matures.


The bowing and head turning are "calming signals", it's just doggy language, do a google search for a fuller explanation (sorry , a bit pushed for time)

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