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Suddenly Limping

Guest debster

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Tonight I took Talos out for his last pee. While inspecting a bush, he suddenly came up limping. I have examined his foot and don't see anything stuck, no cuts, no punctures or bites that I can tell.


He is now on the couch licking his foot. He can put weight on it but prefers not to. He did not try to guard his foot from me when I looked at it, but was obviously pained.


I'm suspecting a muscle pull or something of the sort (like an arch pain or something). Thinking of giving him some melatonin to help him sleep through what is bothering him. He is 2 so it can't be arthritis.


Thoughts? It is later in the evening where I am and I have no animal medicine in my house. I'm not worried worried but a bit of advice would be appreciated. Should I give him a foot massage?

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It would be hard to see through the fur, wouldn't it? :/


Looks like I'll be staying up another hour with him to make sure he's okay.


Edit: from what I just read about, it shouldn't be a brown recluse, as those don't hurt in the beginning. Black widow bites are excruciating and he'd be crying in pain by now.


Possible tiny weed nettle maybe? Perhaps he got a thorn I can't see on it.

Edited by debster
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Good thought. I'll give him a 25mg dose.



I just reexamined his foot and splayed all his toes to look. No marks and he didn't care that I was touching it at all. In fact, he stayed asleep while I was doing it. So it must have been a temporary pain.


Still, I'm going to be paranoid because this is my baby :P

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Good thoughts for your boy. Hope it's something minor and he is better today.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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You'd be suprised what sissies Greyhounds can be.


The first time George limped, I was still a newbie, and didn't realize this fact--but you would have imagined his leg had just snapped. It was actually the top of an acorn stuck to his foot!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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You'd be suprised what sissies Greyhounds can be.


The first time George limped, I was still a newbie, and didn't realize this fact--but you would have imagined his leg had just snapped. It was actually the top of an acorn stuck to his foot!

how true....felix dropped an acorn next to the bed when he jumped up this morning. he had a pained look and wasn't sure of what was going on until it finally released itself!

check the paw/pads/nails he may have stubbed it. cuts and knicks on the paw heal really fast.

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You'd be suprised what sissies Greyhounds can be.


The first time George limped, I was still a newbie, and didn't realize this fact--but you would have imagined his leg had just snapped. It was actually the top of an acorn stuck to his foot!

:nod Exactly what I was thinking. For good measure, Sweep even continues limping for a few steps once you've removed the acorn/pebble/whatever. Then she realizes she's going to live and ceases her dramatic display. Hope your boy is fine today!


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Yeah, he's totally fine today. Probably stubbed his toe. When I looked at it last night his leg was shaking in pain so I got a bit worried for him.


In fact, he ran around the bedroom today and started pouncing and barking. He wanted to jog on our walk today to but I wasn't keen on that in case it was a muscle pull or strain.


Actually, the other night, he got a cut on the knuckle of his big toe. When I cleaned it off with some sea salt water, he was shaking and upset. I pointed to the big scar on his chest and said "that was painful. This isn't."


Big baby :P

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And there there was the screaming, crying Staghound on my porch, holding up her leg, totally freaked out. OMG! "Monkey, what happened! Poor baby. Hold still. Let me look at it." I pulled off the damp leaf covering her knuckles so I could get a good look at them. Screaming stopped. "Seriously?! You're terrified of a leaf?" I continue looking just to make sure there wasn't anything else. There wasn't. She continued to hold her leg up & refused to walk. Then one of the other dogs takes off running after something. Staghound's head whips around. I let go of her & she takes two strides, part way down the ramp she leaps off & zooms across the yard.


A leaf.

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Smiley came up limping about 2 months ago, bad limping. Made me sick. So I immediately took him to Dr B. He's at that age where osteo hits. But before I went, I got him on my bed & did some massage, shoulder, elbow, leg, ankle, then I did each toe & when I touched this one particular toe, he gently pulled his leg away & folded it under him, then laid his head on my hand.
So we go to the vet & as Dr B is sitting on the floor with Smiley, examining the same areas I did, I told him about the toe. So when he gets to that toe, Smiley pulls away. Ah ha...So he x rayed from the neck down....no tumors. He told me the toe was not inflamed. So we got some rimadyl & went home. He told me he thought it might be a pulled/torn ligament from racing in grass.....he & Thurles race twice a day. He may have gotten a toenail caught in the grass from running or from digging. The boys are digging to Ireland.
So it could be a toenail, he may have turned wrong while pee peeing. Every once in a while Ethan yelps, limps & then runs. His is an old racing injury, a sprain.

Smiley is fine now, no limping.

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And there there was the screaming, crying Staghound on my porch, holding up her leg, totally freaked out. OMG! "Monkey, what happened! Poor baby. Hold still. Let me look at it." I pulled off the damp leaf covering her knuckles so I could get a good look at them. Screaming stopped. "Seriously?! You're terrified of a leaf?" I continue looking just to make sure there wasn't anything else. There wasn't. She continued to hold her leg up & refused to walk. Then one of the other dogs takes off running after something. Staghound's head whips around. I let go of her & she takes two strides, part way down the ramp she leaps off & zooms across the yard.


A leaf.




Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest Waterdog66

And there there was the screaming, crying Staghound on my porch, holding up her leg, totally freaked out. OMG! "Monkey, what happened! Poor baby. Hold still. Let me look at it." I pulled off the damp leaf covering her knuckles so I could get a good look at them. Screaming stopped. "Seriously?! You're terrified of a leaf?" I continue looking just to make sure there wasn't anything else. There wasn't. She continued to hold her leg up & refused to walk. Then one of the other dogs takes off running after something. Staghound's head whips around. I let go of her & she takes two strides, part way down the ramp she leaps off & zooms across the yard.


A leaf.


Wash must be her co-pilot :flip

I guess Audrey is not that typical. I had her out for a walk on a trip this Summer and she insisted on walking through this big dirt lot behind the hotel. By the time we got to the other side (Where the grass was) she was limping a bit.


When I lifter her paw, she had at least 4 stickers firmly planted in her pads. She did not even flinch when I pulled them out and was even keen on walking back through the lot to get back to our room.


She has only been home just under 6 months now and we have yet to hear the GSOD from her. (I guess we have been lucky)

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Guest Branna



Wow... so interesting! I haven't ever had a greyhound before (just adopted but don't have yet). My Newfoundland was so stoic, I can't ever recall her crying in pain even though she had a lot of hip displasia and other issues. This is such a helpful post to learn about the quirks of these lovely dogs.

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Glad Talos is feeling good again.


My favorite greyhound "injury" story was told here on GT some years ago. There was a playdate with many greys running around a large field. Suddenly one grey lets out the Greyhound Scream of Death and pulls up, holding one front leg in the air. Humans converge from across the field, certain of dire injury.


The grey had gotten a slug wedged in between her pads, and wanted everybody to know exactly how disgusting that felt.


Actually, I might have let out the GSOD myself in the circumstances.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Glad Talos is feeling good again.


My favorite greyhound "injury" story was told here on GT some years ago. There was a playdate with many greys running around a large field. Suddenly one grey lets out the Greyhound Scream of Death and pulls up, holding one front leg in the air. Humans converge from across the field, certain of dire injury.


The grey had gotten a slug wedged in between her pads, and wanted everybody to know exactly how disgusting that felt.


Actually, I might have let out the GSOD myself in the circumstances.


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