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Hungry Hungry Hippo - When Good Dogs Eat Bad Stuff.

Guest blueberri

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Guest blueberri

My darling boy Sparky is a labrador in a greyhound coat. He is completely ruled by his stomach. He eats anything that vaguely resembles food and is within reach, and as a result is baby-gated out of the kitchen.


Last night I got home to find the tub of baby nappy rash cream was gone, the container chewed up and Sparks pacing. Next thing we had copious amounts of vomit all over the couch, carpet etc etc... After phoning for advice, we ended up going in to the emergency vet to try and prevent zinc toxicity, as vet said this can cause pancreatitis and death in greys.


He got a morphine tablet into his conjunctival fold (eye), and apart from it having the emetic (spew) effect desired, I ended up with a very dopey, stoned pup. He couldn't stand, ended up lying with his head on the absorbent pads and throwing up. The vet was stunned, saying even puppies can have that treatment without losing a beat in their frolicking. Poor Sparks was completely mentally AWOL for the next 4 hours or more, had to be carried to the car and positioned on his bed etc. Poor bugger.


The vet, bless his kind heart, couldn't resist commenting "Not so Sparky now is he??" :rolleyes::lol:lol


He is however full of beans today, and very grateful for breakfast, as he'd missed dinner and was not allowed anything other than an electrolyte drink overnight.


I really worry about the things this pup gets into! :wacko:


What have your pups gotten into?

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Sam ate four or five potatoes--raw. He proudly showed me the empty bag when I got home. (He'd gotten his muzzle off that day.) From then on, I kept raw potatoes in a spare dog food storage container. He never figured out how to get open anything but the trash can.


Last week, a friend was on poop watch for 72 hours, waiting for his greyhound to deliver up a Swiffer duster. Winston ate only the duster part--not the handle--but in my research into the hazards of Swiffer eating, I found instances where the dog had eaten the handle as well as the duster. And one dog who'd eaten an entire box of the dusters ($1200 surgery).

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest Lochshumans

One of non-greys ate a pack of birth control pills. I called the vet and he only said that Rudy would be nice and mellow for a few days and sure enough, that's exactly what happened. Teagan and Loch both love my psoriasis ointment. I don't know what it is, but I can't put it on my elbows without the pack following me around trying to lick my elbows clean! Must be something tasty in there....I feel like they want to attack me :-)

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Guest jetska

My dogs unwrapped and ate almost an entire packed of Daim chocolate covered caramels. The vet said it probably wouldn't be enough to cause toxicity because there wasn't enough chocolate but they were pretty damn hyperactive afterwards.

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Summer never gets into anything and I'm hoping, after 3 years with me, that this will continue.

I had a non-grey (lab/pointer) eat a super-ball on the morning of his adoption, at his foster home. I did diligent poop patrol for a MONTH and never saw it. So I figured it must have passed and I missed it. ONE YEAR LATER, he starts randomly gagging on his bed and pukes up the damn ball. FYI, a year in a stomach does NOT destroy a super-ball -- all it does it make the very outside layer black. But when you cut it open, it's still colorful and it still bounces.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest grey_dreams

Please don't give opiates to greyhounds. Most have a bad reaction to opiates, and Sparky did too. Glad he is ok today - some greyhounds require up to 3-4 days to recover from opiates. The one time I had to take Zariel to the emergency vet because he got into a bag of raisins, they filled his stomach with stinky canned food (to buffer what was going to happen to his stomach) and then gave an injection of a powerful emetic that made him vomit everything. I've never heard of a morphine tablet to the eye.

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Guest blueberri

. I've never heard of a morphine tablet to the eye.

Sorry, he called it Apomorphine. Googling Apomorphine and conjunctiva brings up plenty... pretty commonly used for inducing vomiting.



Summer ONE YEAR LATER, he starts randomly gagging on his bed and pukes up the damn ball. FYI, a year in a stomach does NOT destroy a super-ball -- all it does it make the very outside layer black. But when you cut it open, it's still colorful and it still bounces.



I thought the little ratbag would have learned, but no... he's been trying to claim other treasures to eat :wow Have had to bring out the squirty bottle of doom :ph34r

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Emmie got a shot of what I am sure the vet said was an opiate when he removed her dew claw after she injured it. She was incredibly dopey afterwards and when it started to wear off she stood in the hallway for most of the night crying. When i called the vet he said he'd only given her a tiny amount but that some dogs do have a real reaction, and that she was probably hallucinating. I don't think he'll be giving her that again as he could hear her crying over the phone.

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Brooks is immensely food-driven too. He is my first greyhound (my wife's second, but first in ten years) so this first 14 months has been a learning curve for dog-proofing our lives. On the short list of things he's discovered, frequently by counter surfing at the beginning of our time together, and more recently as he had to become more crafty and deliberate, are: several baggies of candle beads one hour after bringing them home as an Xmas gift, a brand new HUGE bar of green soap (broke into the closed bathroom for that one, blew soap bubbles from his mouth for 12 hours and then erupted in vomit for another 8), my wife's makeup case which was buried in a suitcase left half-zipped on a tall four-poster bed (still don't know how he got up there, it's too tall even for him, and when I say case, he ate the entire thing contents and all), and most recently a new cardboard box full of microwaveable breakfast cups of some supergrain blend that my wife had just bought on Amazon. So many gnawed-upon items that we managed to save from his wrath, too.


We're talking about a grey who has managed to carry a HEAVY glass food processor (not the base, just the top) out of the kitchen sink to his bed in the other room without breaking it. Lost several wooden spoons and rubber-blade kitchen utensils in this way, too. The worst was the first few months before we got Kali, and Brooks was a terror any time we left him home alone. Our kitchen trash was his favorite method of showing displeasure with our infrequent date nights. It has a foot pedal to open, so we assumed we were cool... until the day he realized he could just knock it over. I should post the photos of the first few times he completely destroyed a trash bag full of old coffee grounds, wet food leftovers, empty yogurt containers, etc. strewn about the kitchen, with his favorites brought to the bed. OR! I just remembered the time he found an old pomegranate in the trash and rescued it from its landfill fate, traipsing seeds across the white dining room carpet, splitting half of them open in the process. Bought a Bissel that weekend.


The thing is, we now leave the trash in the laundry room behind a bi-fold wooden door, and he recently has figured out how to pull the door open to gain access. They say sharks develop a taste for blood; I think Brooks has developed a taste for garbage now.


This thread is a great place to vent!

Drew and occasionally DW Melody, with Rosie (AMF Ready Made) and Marvin (Bella Riddick) in Louisville. Forever missing Brooks (KC Bastone) and Kali (Swish).

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I might have you all beat--my Shannon ate 4 SOS pads! I was cleaning the grill with one-I'm sure it's smelled yummy so she ate that one plus 3 more! By the time I got her to the clinic she was belching and had pink suds dripping from her mouth. That was one crazy looking radiograph. We induced vomiting and up they came-soap and all. She received carafate and Pepcid and was right as rain the next day. She did this as a 2 yr old-wingnut!! Thank goodness she outgrew such nonsense!

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Aston hasn't managed to down much while we've had him (4 years) -- most of it was food, or at least meant to be edible. However, I do have his past medical records, and Mr. Dog decided at two years old that it would be a good idea to scarf down an entire bottle of his doggie brother's Deramaxx, and chase it with some Gucci sunglasses... that was a hospital stay.

The only inedibles he has eaten here were a two-month-old hamburger patty that had just been purged from the fridge -- I promptly made him purge THAT -- and the wrappers surrounding his precious Halloween candy find a few years ago. :ph34r

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Guest OPointyDog

Mika also eats everything. His worst was that he chewed the ears off of an "indestructible" toy and then ate them. We called the vet and he told us what to watch for, but Mika was eating and pooping normally. He threw them up EIGHT DAYS LATER on his own. Talk about disgusting. He's so bad that he has to be crated when there isn't someone to watch him in the room because he destroys and eats pretty much anything he can find. We joke with our vet that his middle name is "dietary indiscretion."


Zoe just eats rubber bands. They look like giant scary colored tapeworms in her poop.

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Guest blueberri

I forgot to add the baby spoons... Sparky's chewed up I think 12 now? They tend to be quite bright in colour, so it makes for entertaining poop scoop days later.

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I had one eat a disposable razor. Talk about a panic attack! I was able to find the blades on the floor, thankfully. The vet just had me stuff the dog full of bread. Since I wasn't sure who ate it (my Xdh wasn't very good at watching the pups) everyone was happy to have a bread snack! I am happy to report that my dog chewed well and I had little pieces of pink plastic in his poo for a few days.


I realize how truly lucky I was.


Dante ate an entire unopened back of Hershey kisses one winter. I induced vomiting to be safe. So, it is cold and dark outside. My dog is outside horking up everything that he ate for the past three days. My son goes outside to see what is going on, sees the dog gagging and immediately got sick himself. So, I had TWO boys outside heaving! It was actually kind of funny. Had little piles of sparkly red, green and silver puke in the yard the next morning!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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My first grey at ea vanilla candle, a package of clown Halloween make-up,

More evidence that clowns are just evil, creepy things :clown:ph34r


I am afraid of how [cough] Paddy Mayhem [cough] may be contributing to this topic ... so far he has enjoyed destroyed a pink plastic can cover (Pink Party Poop for two days), the plastic toy box, an eggplant, a red potato ...

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Loving this thread. Brings back fond memories of dearest Eve, who once climbed up on top of a convection oven on the kitchen counter to get a 5-lb bag of raw rice. A frantic call to the vet elicited a "Just watch her; should be okay but you're going to have an eventful weekend." "Eventful" meant the backyard looking like a rice paddy from all the diarrhea.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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oh my gosh, I could write a book about all the things my naughty Labradoodle Lucy ate. Just off the top of my head: a tub of Vaseline, a huge platter of grandma's meatballs (before cooking), a box of hot chocolate packages, which she licked into the carpet because it was so delicious. All of my daughter's Easter candy one year (leaving the plastic eggs open and left on her bed), too many chocolate bunnies to list, lbs. of Halloween candy, a pair of reading glasses, the entire top crust off of a home made blueberry pie for my husband's birthday, cooling cakes, cookies, and an entire pan of brownies (breaking the glass pan in the process), numerous sandwiches, burgers, and snacks. A 2 lb. london broil, at least 30 beanie babies, MANY pairs of underwear, and a 24 hour old retainer and plastic case.


Wacky dog, but we loved her!

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Well, we had Lucy for 9 years, and beanie babies were the rage with all 3 of my kids, so they were plentiful! And in her defense, they were chewed, destroyed, and only partially ingested :) One of my favorite stories though is my neighbor's dog who ate a whole Go-gurt tube wrapper from the trash. My friend didn't know, took her out to poop, and watched in horror as the whole 8 or 9 inches of it came out. Slowly. Inch by inch. . .

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Sam chewed--but did not eat--wooden pencils, rolls of tape, and a Sharpie permanent black marker. My favorite was when I returned from dinner out and found him wearing lip liner: he'd gotten the pencil off the dresser.


My current foster is a bounce. Among other sins, he chewed the family's furniture: the rungs on chair legs, the foot of their bed. So far (this is only his second morning here), he's crated, ex-penned, or leashed, so the furniture has been safe. But yesterday he decided to leave the ex-pen by climbing on top of the crate the pen is attached to.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest DeniseL

Miami has, in the last year, eaten:


a brillo pad (vomiting induced), a trouser sock (passed), a sport sock (thrown up, re-eaten, and the vomiting induced), a clove candle (passed with some interesting smelling breath for a day), the lining of my winter coat (passed with a night in the ER), multiple plastic bags (passed with a night in the ER), a chunk of our cellular blinds (passed), a pair of my underwear (vomiting induced), and most recently he had pushed over a glass with water in it and proceeded to lap up all of the water and pieces of glass, I took the biggest chuck of glass out of his mouth (a loaf of bread and passed, thank god).


Needless to say, our home is COMPLETELY puppy proofed, however, most of it was nervous energy and as he settled in, it has, for the most part stopped. We are still very cautious with him.

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Guest houndgirl

About two weeks after I got my lovely lady, I came home from an errand (1 hour tops!) to find her laying tongue-out on the floor, instead of greeting me like usual. It turned out, she had climbed onto the counter and knocked over a container of sea salt. AND ATE IT. Both her water bowl and the toilet were licked dry. She also knocked over and drank up a water pitcher. Thankfully, she threw most of it up-- ON THE BED. That was our very first trip to the emergency vet!

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Thankfully, she threw most of it up-- ON THE BED. That was our very first trip to the emergency vet!


Since she came through it okay, is it all right if I :rofl ?


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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