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Hungry Hungry Hippo - When Good Dogs Eat Bad Stuff.

Guest blueberri

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Oh boy. The salt story reminds me of when we came home to Pee. Everywhere. Upstairs. Downstairs. and Aston on his bed, squirming.. when we came in the door, he stood up and proceeded to pee uncontrollably all over his bed. It had been warm outside; we had the A/C on in the condo, but the upstairs still gets quite warm, so we usually gate Aston downstairs with the A/C on and a fan circulating air. We had forgotten to put the gate up in front of the stairs :( Aston spent the day on our bed (his favorite napping place), proceeded to get quite warm, and drank his way through a toilet bowl AND tank (since the tank kept refilling the bowl :eek ). I didn't piece it together until I wanted to use the upstairs bathroom, and noticed that there was no water in the bowl, at _all_.

Aston was fine; the condo was fine, too, and we wished we had bought stock in Nature's Miracle prior to the incident.
In hindsight, I should have called the vet to make sure that Aston wasn't in danger of a severe electrolyte imbalance.. however, he acted absolutely fine (and so happy to see us, and peeing).

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Miami has, in the last year, eaten:


a brillo pad (vomiting induced), a trouser sock (passed), a sport sock (thrown up, re-eaten, and the vomiting induced), a clove candle (passed with some interesting smelling breath for a day), the lining of my winter coat (passed with a night in the ER), multiple plastic bags (passed with a night in the ER), a chunk of our cellular blinds (passed), a pair of my underwear (vomiting induced), and most recently he had pushed over a glass with water in it and proceeded to lap up all of the water and pieces of glass, I took the biggest chuck of glass out of his mouth (a loaf of bread and passed, thank god).


Needless to say, our home is COMPLETELY puppy proofed, however, most of it was nervous energy and as he settled in, it has, for the most part stopped. We are still very cautious with him.


Miami sounds like she has pica !!!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest blueberri

Well, Willow's joined in the fun, and we can now add 6 plasticware containers (similar to tupperware) complete with a kid's lunch inside, and a baby bottle (and these were in an area where she must have either jumped the baby gate or jumped on the kitchen counter to get to them!), a bag of apples, bag of carrots, several boxed sets of blu-rays (she had dinner and a movie one night!) Several "little people" toys, the handles of a rocking horse, and has tried with several pieces of crockery and cutlery, usually getting a fright from the things smashing as they come off the counter and thankfully leaving them well alone.


We've just had a dog behaviourist in, as Willow's seems related to anxiety. Sparky does it just because he's an opportunist apparently :rofl

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