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Time For Feeding? Once Or Twice A Day?

Guest thatgirlfred

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Guest thatgirlfred

2 weeks until I can pick up my boy! :)


I was wondering what time I should feed him and how many times a day. I want to schedule feeding times to try to get around having accidents in the crate when I am not home. I will be home for a couple weeks after I get him, but after that I'll be gone from 8 am until about 2 or 3 pm every day, so I want to get him on a schedule right away.


What how many times and what time is best?

Thanks in advance! :)

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You'll get a lot of different answers. What works best for us is twice a day (6AM and 6PM). My guys get the same portion size at each meal. Some people feed once a day. Others make one of the meals bigger. I think it's probably more your preference than the dog's. As for the housebreaking, just be consistent with whatever feeding and elimination schedule you choose.

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It depends on your schedule and dog, but 2x/day is probably a good way to start. I go for a jog in the morning and the pups cool down while I get ready for work. Then I feed right as I go out the door to make my leaving a positive thing. Exercise + Food seems to put them into sleep mode. I feed later at night between 5 or 6. Then a snack or kong before bedtime. The majority of people do morning/evening feeding, but it really depends. Congrats on your new addition! :)

Edited by RedHead
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Guest OPointyDog

One of ours gets fed twice a day and the other three times: 8AM, 7PM, and then a snack/small meal at around 10:30pm. One of our dogs is on a prescription high-fiber diet and it seems to be better for his digestion to split things up into smaller meals so his colon doesn't get overwhelmed. I suspect that's unusual.


I know several people have mentioned that their dogs sometimes have upset tummies (grass eating and vomiting bile) in the morning after a long period with an empty stomach, so I think a cookie or snack before bed is good for helping avoid that. Ours also get a biscuit at 12:30AM when they go to bed.


I'd guess 2 meals, morning and evening, and then a cookie at bedtime would work for most greys.

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I am in the two-meals-a-day camp, too. But don't feed him right before or after exercise (be careful with his water after exercise, too). I prefer to leave an hour for spacing. And congratulations! Welcome to the cult!


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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As with so many things regarding being a dog parent, feeding schedule will be what works for you and your household. Annie gets fed twice a day, 1.5 cups of kibble each time. Her breakfast is between 6 and 7 AM (depending on when she gets up). Her supper is about 4 PM. By then, she is starving and lets me know it. That's kind of early, but once she's had supper, she settles down for the night and I often have to insist we either take a walk later on or at least she go out for a final P&P.


A little bit off topic and maybe it's been addressed elsewhere: I'd start right away leaving him a few times each day while you're on vacation so he doesn't get used to you being home all the time. Even if you get in your car and drive to a park to read a book for a half an hour, do it so he knows you come and go.

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I feed twice a day as well. I try and feed mine 2 hours before I leave for work so that allows time for them to go to the bathroom before I leave. They eat at 6am and 5pm. I also give mine a couple milkbones before bed to help with the upset tummy if it gets too empty. I also agree that you will find what works best for you! Good luck :)

**Shellie with GiGi aka: Good Girl (Abita Raginflame X Ace High Heart) and two honorary hounds Butter and Bella**


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Guest Bean_Scotch

I feed mine once a day at midnight. Yes, it's extremely odd but with my odd work hours(till 10pm at night) it works for us. I let them out, feed them, and then we all go to bed. Wake-up is usually at 11am or so.

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Guest Doggone

Autumn gets two meals also, but she just doesn't wake up hungry :(. She eats breakfast (brunch? :D) any time from 9:30 to @11am. Dinner is usually around 6pm, give or take 30 minutes.

When she first came to me (this past March), I tried giving her an earlier dinner, thinking she'd wake up hungry, but no dice! This is the schedule that seems to work for her, and since I'm retired, it's not a problem.

Btw, once dinner is over, the only thing she gets to eat are 1 1/2-2 Kirkland dog biscuits at bedtime (@10pm).


Oh, and she also doesn't wake up having to "p & p" ;).


Since in all other ways she's unbelievably easy and cooperative, no big deal (plus it means I can relax, have breakfast and read my paper before going out for our walk :) ).


I've never had a dog with these same quirks, but this is her :). Your dog may have some idiosyncrasies too about eating (most don't). I am definitely finding a greyhound a vastly different breed than the four others I've had, but in a wonderful way :)!

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Guest ShanYu

Twice a day here too. In the morning when I get up and again at 6pm. Nike is one of those clever dogs who can tell the time - he certainly let's me know when it is 6.

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Mine eat twice a day. Around 11am and midnight. I'm a night person and they now are too. Our morning routine consists of me getting ready, walking the dogs so they empty out, feeding them breakfast, then I leave. What works for us may not work for your dog though. Sailor gets 2 cups each meal. Bu eats however much he wants. Usually 6-8 cups a day. He doesn't tend to eat much in the morning and sometimes insists on an early dinner plus his normal dinner. He has a freakishly high metabolism and has me well trained.

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Guest Marsroving

When Mars first came home I only fed him once a day in the morning because that is what he was use to (one meal a day) after about to weeks I worked him up to two meals a day (same amount of food over all, just broke into two portions). Before bed we usually have a mid night snack. He sees mama sneak off to the kitchen and follows right along while everyone else is sleeping (hahaha).

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I've always fed twice a day, never had a greyhound who was particular about an exact schedule. Murphy's eating a light lunch, now but that's because of the predisone and because there's no risk at this point of him gaining too much weight.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Once a day, 2 cups of Purina One lamb and rice.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest Waterdog66

Welcome to the clan of the Derpy Hound :flip


Your life will never have a boring moment or one lacking undying love with a hound in the house. (Even when they are sleeping)


I feed Audrey twice per day every 12 hours and vary the amount a bit based on activity. I give her kibble with various mixins but only for supper chow.

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Guest johnmclaren

Hi There,


I feed my dog twice a day. 8 am - 8 pm, This timing suites me as I have to leave for my work and my dog has also got adjusted with this timing. However, in general I would suggest to feed your dog twice a day.

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Ours get fed twice a day, 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Just set the schedule to what suits you best.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Twice a day, 5:30 am and 5:30 pm. Plus a little bedtime cookie!



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Guest Brindle2Black

When I got my first Grey, I was told there should be two "main" meals. Because they are deep chested, they can easily get "bloat" from eating too much at once. Books I read about caring for Greys said this as well. It's more of a risk if they exercise close to eating a lot, but still recommended.

Mine get 2 cups, twice a day of kibble. Of course, a snack here and there in between! ;-)

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