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Aleeya Just Collapsed-- What To Do Next?

Guest sorenkkg

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Guest sorenkkg
The collapse and then later drinking a lot of water makes me think of possible internal bleeding. This is what Bruiser does when he has one of his internal bleeds.



She said her gums were nice and pink, and I specifically asked why that was so important, and she said if there were a bleed or bleeding tumor or something, they'd not be as nice as they were. She also didn't make any noise when palpated, and no blood in her stool (obviously, she could be bleeding elsewhere I guess?).


How do they find your boy's bleed(s)?


the hydro I think made her a bit weak-- she had more trouble standing up after the xrays than before-- and then she hates sitting (unless on a comfy bed, and just for an itch) so when she started to sink down, she got that LOOK on her face :( .


It's been 1hr, I've not heard anything yet, so I'm hoping no news is good news-- but I'll call in a bit for a check-in.



ps: if they don't find anything... then what? I don't want to put her through stuff she doesn't need (and frankly, neither does my wallet).

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Could this be from licking a piece of ice-melting salt? is that crazy to think?


I wouldn't think so. That stuff is made to be used outside, where pets and wildlife will encounter it. Obviously, you don't want a dog to sit and eat it, but it's unlikely to cause any kind of serious problem. I think wild deer even stand and lick the stuff obsessively.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest sorenkkg

I suggested the deicer/salt thing to the Vet, and she said she'd have to get a LOT of it in, i.e. eat it, not just lick her paws or a nugget stuck in her paw, so she doesn't think that's it. She's comfortable and doing ok with the IV (just had an update) and are still waiting on the labs.

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Guest sorenkkg

3pm update:

blood tests are back, Everything is Fine. Electrolites slightly decreased, but to be expected from the small amt of vomiting she did (and not eating and not drinking).


When the vet checked on her, she touched her neck and she made some noises (both sides and the top) so she xrayed that. Nothing. I said "greyhounds are drama queens". Which is totally diagnostically not helpful.


NEXT STEP: she's still a bit weak in the back, so will give a Metacam shot and wait an hour to see. Also, will try giving her a liver treat b/c she hasn't eaten anything all day. Expect an update in 1hr.


btw, I think she's thinking MRI as a next step, but she can't localize what part of the spine to look at and you can't send her for the whole thing nose to tail... sigh.

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Guest sorenkkg

5:00pm SHE"S HOME !!! :D :D :D

She *trotted* out of the back to see me, and was 100% a different dog on the way to the car. The vet walked her before sending her home, and noticed no neurological signs (weird walking, etc).

She FED her, and the little monkey ate a can and a half (tuna sized cans) of royal canin. Not our brand, but apparently this has more electrolites and is designed for "recovery"... hope she eats her normal food :rolleyes:


I have a copy of the labs-- not a thing wrong. Some dehydration (low electrolites), and the CK number was elevated a wee bit, but the vet says that could be from just sticking her with the needle for the draw.


Liver and kidneys ok. The AST number is a bit elevated, but she says that can show from muscle damage (as the CK can) and she says it's attributable to the muscle weakness. All other liver numbers were fine. Creatine was fine. Urea a bit up, and sodium and potassium just a hint low, all leading to (or from) the dehydration/vomiting thing.


Platelets a bit low (not by much) but the sample was clumped. I think it's always clumped.

Lymphocytes a wee bit low, but I think she always is, and the vet also says she notices it lower in older dogs.


We have metacam for 5-7 days, and we could consider a referral to a neurologist if she doesn't improve.


Thank you everyone for your support-- any follow up ideas are welcome.

:D soren

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Guest sorenkkg
So glad to hear she is home! And apparently feeling fine :) Maybe it was just one of those "old dog" things that you never figure out.


Please tell me there aren't too many of *those* things, b/c between her and littermate Haka, I don't think my heart (or wallet) can take this much medical exploration...

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One of our old lab crosses would fall over infrequently and I don't believe they found anything in the blood work that would explain it. She was eventually diagnosed by ultrasound with hemangiosarcoma in her spleen and heart. At that point it wasn't treatable, not sure if it ever is treatable. Hope your girl gives you much more time with her.

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Glad she's home... how is she doing on the hydromorphone? I've heard of dogs having horrible reactions to it, so when I see the word "hydromorphone," I always flinch! I agree with the others that a few more tests are probably in order. It just doesn't seem right that she would collapse like that but have absolutely nothing wrong.

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Guest cwholsin

Glad she's home! And for what it's worth, getting her urine checked shouldn't be very expensive. So happy to hear she's back up and willingly mobile!!

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Glad that she is feeling better, nothing better than trotting out of the vets office :)

Hope that everything is ok with her, sending healing thoughts your way

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Guest sorenkkg

Ok, i can ask for a urine check.


She climbed the stairs up to bed all on her own.


I don't think we should discount the effect of dehydration though, as well. She is a senior.

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