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Osteo Thread V

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Guest greytmom_chi

Hi Charlies_Dad, that was actually my question I forgot to ask. KB is 58lbs right now and right - I have to make appropriate amount of each supplement... well, I started giving her since last night, and she has gotten the amount you told me this morning as well. I just don't have any idea how I should give her - they are 7 supplements you mentioned. I don't get L-Gultamine now but rest of them I gave her. From now on, I probably will somehow alternate amount for each, but if you have any suggestions I can get from you, I'd appreciate it. I will check dried shiitake mushroom at local Japanese grocery store - I know they have good ones.


You all are so so supportive, and actually I am encouraged and sustained by each of you. Yes, it will never be able to overcome, but I know I have to have strong hope as well.

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Guest greytmom_chi

HI joejoesmom- thank you very much for your warm words. I actually know "you" - I emailed you few times about my girl. (I'm sure you get a lot of emails from many people...) For now, please let us being here as anonymous. I understand OSU does not believe holistic diet or methods as Dr. Fenger (oncologist) there (whom we have been seeing since March) also does not seem to have positive thoughts of it as well. Yes, KBs kidney is now ok as she never had any issues (well, she is now taking Rimadyl and once she had high number of liver...) I want to try anything which is supposed to be "not bad idea," you know.


I'm checkin out Circle of Grey right now. I'd like to ask the same question there and hope to get some detailed answer from those who actually are going through or used to go through the same or similar situation as we are having right now.


Thank you very much.

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KB's mom, Lynn's blog is up again for you to look at Charlie's diet, supplements and herbs. There is also a picture of out sweet boy. Go to this link: http://pinneyandpnut.blogspot.com/p/charlies-cancer-diet.html


I hope you find it useful.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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KB's mom, I'm attaching the list of foods and supplements we used when facing a glioma (brain tumor) with our bulldog. We aren't following this same protocol with Gia, our current osteo dog, because we were told that osteo doesn't respond to carbs and whatnot the same way as the glioma did, and also because we're doing the chemo for Gia and we didn't for our bulldog. Here you go:


2 scoops grain-free kibble

2 scoops yogurt

7 maitake supplement pills

1 I-3 supplement pill

1/2 dropperful goldenseal

Pinch of plant enzymes

3 tablespoons essiac tea



1-2 scoops hamburger/veggie mix (once a week I sauteed 5 lbs hamburger along with tomato, kale, broccoli sprouts, blueberries, and edamame...all had various cancer-fighting agents)

5-6 raw thawed chicken wings

7 maitake supplement pills

1/2 dropperful goldenseal

pinch of plant enzymes

3 tablespoons essiac tea


Twice a day, on an empty stomach, we gave 3 IP-6 pills.


All of the pills, supplements, etc. we either found online or at a nearby 'crunchy' grocery store (whole foods, local co-op, etc.). Good luck, and welcome (unfortunately) to the group!

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:beatheart Pinky photos! Smoochies to her sweet nosie.

Mom to Macho (JS XtremeMachine 1/12/2007 -8/17/2012 ... Gotcha day 9/2/2011. I miss you BigMan)
Moonbeam (Ninos Full Moon 11/1/2009, Gotcha day 9/2/2012), Hattie (Kiowa Hats Off 4/14/2011, Gotcha day 10/13/2012), Keiva (JS Igotyourbooty 1/12/2007, Gotcha Day 1/8/2014)
Jimmy (Blu Too James 06/26/2014, Gotcha day 09/12/2015)
, a shepard mix named Tista, some cats, and some reptiles.

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KB's mom -- you might want to call Michelle Herlihy at Pawsatively Balanced -- she's Nube's chiro and really nice. I'm not sure if she does holistic but you could call and ask?




ETA: Pinky looks great! :)

Edited by RaineysMom

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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I wish I'd have snagged some video a couple of weeks ago out at my parents' place when she and Carrie (my 13 year old) were running the fence with the rest of my pack plus my mom's two and my friend's boy. Both were keeping pace with everyone and having a ball. I was too busy enjoying it to the point of happy tears though to get my camera out.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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HI joejoesmom- thank you very much for your warm words. I actually know "you" - I emailed you few times about my girl. (I'm sure you get a lot of emails from many people...) For now, please let us being here as anonymous. I understand OSU does not believe holistic diet or methods as Dr. Fenger (oncologist) there (whom we have been seeing since March) also does not seem to have positive thoughts of it as well. Yes, KBs kidney is now ok as she never had any issues (well, she is now taking Rimadyl and once she had high number of liver...) I want to try anything which is supposed to be "not bad idea," you know.


I'm checkin out Circle of Grey right now. I'd like to ask the same question there and hope to get some detailed answer from those who actually are going through or used to go through the same or similar situation as we are having right now.


Thank you very much.


When I saw your Circle of Grey post, I did recognize you. Without your name though I just didn't put it all together. Some of the people on Circle of Grey are the same as here, others don't do GreyTalk.


I am so sorry that your KB didn't get as great an outcome as my Joe. It is a total crapshoot -- there is no way of knowing how long the treatment will help.


I put a list of all the things that Joe loved doing on the refrigerator. I did my best to focus on him and try to do those things every day.


Joe always loved doing meet and greets. He loved going into OSU to give blood. I would have to take him in at least 45 minutes early so he could "greet his public" and let them fawn all over him. He knew that when I got out a fancy collar he would get to go meet people. He got so excited he would jump up and down and then slide his head right into the collar (I didn't have to put it on for him). As the pain from his leg got worse, I was able to arrange with his local pet store some mini meet and greets. They let me bring him in and put a bed on the floor next to the register but out of the way so no one would bump his leg. It was a small store so he didn't have to walk far. He would just lie there and let everyone come to him and love on him. He would get tired after about an hour and we would go home. We did this every weekend until 2 weeks before I had to let him go. I am so glad I was able to arrange this -- it meant the world to him and to me.


I guess what I am trying to say with this story is to find ways to do what brings KB pleasure. Try to keep it always in your mind and do something every day that is special. Make memories. If KB is not afraid of the camera (Joe was), take pictures. You will never regret the time you spend with KB. Don't waste the remaining time on things that you can do later.


It is easy to spend so much time researching how to make her better, that you aren't able to spend as much time with her. What she wants most is to be with you. I'm not saying that you shouldn't pursue treatments that might help her, just don't lose sight of what is important -- making her remaining time with you as happy as possible.



Edited by joejoesmom
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Guest snakes

Hi all. I've been off for awhile but wanted to chime in for KB's mom. FedX is now at 1yr8months on just palliative care. I do believe that the artemisinin has helped greatly. He is also on a Chinese herbal remedy through our vet which they strongly credit to his survival time. If you can find a holistic vet this could help, if I remember right Charlie was on them too.

I also credit the supplements he is on including the fish oil, cod liver oil, and the flax seed for all their antioxidant powers.

I changed his diet for awhile to meats and veggies but he went off them and is now on a higher protien kibble.

good luck to you at this trying time.

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I meant to suggest a chinese herbal blend as well. Neyla was on Max Factor and we also got Bone Stasis, but it seemed to upset her stomach so I didn't keep her on it. You do need to get these from a vet who practices chinese medicine.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest greytmom_chi

joejoesmom - thank you very much for your kind, encouraging words. I tried absorbing word by word what you told me into myself. Yes, reading and educating myself, getting advice are so necessary for my at this point, just make myself do as much as possible, that's what I want to do (I am fighting against fear. I am scared, honestly) - hope you understand that. However, my most and best focus is my little girl's happiness and our precious moments. You are absolutely right - I cannot cure this. KB and I went to an event together today. Saw many of her friends there. I am now much more active to bring her to local M&G, just like what you mentioned. Taking tons of pictures (KB doesn't mind but she doesn't like the idea my focus often tends to my smartphone)


I gave her the supplements (which Charlies_Dad and gave me a list) two days, and I think they haven't been well in her stomach. Well, maybe it's because probably she started taking rimadyl since Tuesday (50mg Morning / 50mg Night). She is now on Metronizadole because she's been having diarrhea. Usually when KB is on Metronizadole, the effect is immediate which means next day her stool got so much better. But this time, I feel a bit "not really." Well, it's only 2 days on so I shouldn't judge too soon but I am thinking because I gave tons of supplement all sudden, and she is now on Leukeran as well (started since yesterday - it'll be every other day)... I just probably stop giving the supplements and see how she will do. Fish oil and joint supplement (it contains some of the supplements ingredients which Charlies_Dad gave me the list) are still on, which she has been getting for a long time already.


snake- thank you for your advice. I will be getting the product from Pet Wellbeing - it's cancer support for dog. Its ingredients are several herbs. One of my friends told me this product. I am interested in Chinese medicine thing and now try looking for people who is good for both of us... we will see how we can do.


While I am getting so many great information I might want to try, the reality is obviously I can choose only few of them at a time. Honesty, I still don't know where I should start from as I am probably overwhelmed, and tend to be too "rush" to try getting too many. I know I should get calm. but I'd like to see what makes KB the most comfortable... I know there would not be any RIGHT answers existed. Eventually, I just really have to listen to my heart.


KB is a happy girl in general but I've noticed KB's energy level is getting changed - she is now really easy to get tired. Maybe weather affects it (morning is KB's most enjoyable time for walk) but just wondering because of her condition...


Well, get rid of any negative thoughts. Try being cheerful, positive and courageous way to think about everything.


I am supported and sustained by all of you here. Please keep giving me your advice and comments - sincerely appreciate it. I'd like to continue posting about us here.


((( Charlies_Dad- I mentioned your name few times about your advice, but please kindly do not misunderstand what I wanted to say - I sincerely appreciate all of your advice. Each dog reacts differently with each thing... Thank you for all of your advice. I took a look at your wife's blog. I am amazed by how much you guys put time to prepare all food for your Charlie. I'd like to try few of the things you mentioned in the recipe.)))

Edited by greytmom_chi
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Greytmom, is KB taking Pepcid (famotidine)? The Rimadyl alone is enough to upset her stomach, even without the supplements. You can talk to your vet, but you probably want to try 10mg to 20mg of famotidine about 30-40 minutes before mealtime, and then give KB her meal, and then the Rimadyl.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest greytmom_chi

Hi KF_in_Georgia, thank you for your comment. Yes, forgot to mention but KB is on Pepcid 20mg morning and evening ordered by Dr. I usually give it to her 10-20minutes before the meal... maybe it's too soon? I'm going to talk with Dr. at OSU Monday in anyway but I cannot think of any except her Rimadyl-on or giving her supplements all sudden? Well, only guess. Tomorrow I will try giving her 1 capsule of Metronizadole (500mg) at once in the morning instead giving her 250mg morning / 250mg evening (as it's a capsule it's anyway difficult to split... and Dr. once said it's ok to give her entire 500mg in the morning)

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Guest snakes


While I am getting so many great information I might want to try, the reality is obviously I can choose only few of them at a time. Honesty, I still don't know where I should start from as I am probably overwhelmed, and tend to be too "rush" to try getting too many. I know I should get calm. but I'd like to see what makes KB the most comfortable... I know there would not be any RIGHT answers existed. Eventually, I just really have to listen to my heart.


KB is a happy girl in general but I've noticed KB's energy level is getting changed - she is now really easy to get tired. Maybe weather affects it (morning is KB's most enjoyable time for walk) but just wondering because of her condition...



We have all been through this and understand, it is completely overwhelming. I know I wanted to try everything all at once but the reality is I couldn't, for the same reasons you state. FedX has a lot of GI sensitivity and doesn't react well to many things so we had to go slow at first which can feel as if you are just standing by doing nothing. Logically I knew that wasn't right, but sometimes logic isn't the first thing you are feeling with this cancer.

You are doing all you can to keep KB comfortable and that is the best thing you can do for her.


In response to energy levels...my experience was that rainy or the hot humid days made FedX a lot more lethargic and achy. He loves the cool weather the most. I think others have said this as well, so waht you are noticing is "normal" from what I have known and read on here.


We are all thinking strong and good thoughts for you and KB.

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Pinky went meeting and greeting with me and Fritz yesterday...you'll notice that she's very good at using her friends as headrests, but even better that she is an equal opportunity rester :)


Pics were taken by our friend Vickie (Greytgrandma here on GT)









Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Hi! I'm just popping in after months of not doing so!! So good to see the Pinky pics and hear that so many other hounds are still fighting the good fight!


It's been 4 months since Hurley's passing and I had to explain the whole end time to my dental hygienist (who I get along with very well) and I was happy to realize that there weren't any tears welling in my eyes at all. I have moved on and feel completely honored to have been his co-owner and loved one for over 5 years. Things went so quickly that last weekend after so many months of hopeful recovery from the amputation and chemotherapy. I guess it happens suddenly like that sometimes. It should not have been a shock and yet it was acceptably so.


I'll try and check back more often so I can catch up on all the stories and all the good news (and hopefully less of the bad).

Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo Yippie Yay :)


Johanna with hounds: Woodie (Molly's Marvin) (Grenade X Kh Molly) and Petra (Make Her a Pet) (Dodgem By Design X Late Nite Oasis)

and forever missing Hurley (Jel Try Out) (Gable Dodge X Kings Teresa) with Kalapaki Beach in Kauai as the background

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Pinky is so cute! Seeing her photos makes me smile.


Hope everyone is doing okay... i keep you all in my thoughts and prayers daily. :beatheart

Mom to Macho (JS XtremeMachine 1/12/2007 -8/17/2012 ... Gotcha day 9/2/2011. I miss you BigMan)
Moonbeam (Ninos Full Moon 11/1/2009, Gotcha day 9/2/2012), Hattie (Kiowa Hats Off 4/14/2011, Gotcha day 10/13/2012), Keiva (JS Igotyourbooty 1/12/2007, Gotcha Day 1/8/2014)
Jimmy (Blu Too James 06/26/2014, Gotcha day 09/12/2015)
, a shepard mix named Tista, some cats, and some reptiles.

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Johanna, good to see you!


Hugs to all of my friends missing their babies :grouphug

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Do any of the folks who've been in here a while know how Lucy is doing? I don't recall seeing anything for a while and I'm wondering if I've missed updates or worse a remembrance thread? :( I hope in this case no news is good news.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Do any of the folks who've been in here a while know how Lucy is doing? I don't recall seeing anything for a while and I'm wondering if I've missed updates or worse a remembrance thread? :( I hope in this case no news is good news.


Jen, I was thinking the same last weekend. Haven't seen a post about her in a long time but could have missed it too.


Pinky is looking good! She is adorable.

Edited by Charlies_Dad

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Hi all! Gia had her first set of X-rays since starting the metronomic protocol (2 months out from starting the treatment), and she's totally clear! :yay Our doctor called her a model for the treatment, she's taking to it perfectly with excellent results and zero side effects. She was also in the best mood yesterday that I've seen her in for quite a while. She LOVES going to the vet, weird girl! She's at 6 months post-amp, and she's as happy as she ever was. I'm so glad we decided to go through with the treatment!

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:yay Gia!


It is about time to take Pinky in for some checking up as well...

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Do any of the folks who've been in here a while know how Lucy is doing? I don't recall seeing anything for a while and I'm wondering if I've missed updates or worse a remembrance thread? :( I hope in this case no news is good news.


Lucy, as in RedFawnMom's dog? She's on FB... Lucy just celebrated her 18 month all clear report from the vet!

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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