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On The Back Of The Walking Thread

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I was treated to a bit of a lecture last night on how I treat my greys. My girls are 2 years old and never raced - they trialled then went straight to adoption, so they really haven't had the same level of training and socialisation that others have. Having said that, they're perfect. :-)


At a party I had the misfortune to run into someone who had owned a grey (till she was 16 years old), came from racing and retired injured. On the basis of this, and having trained '100's' of dogs including racing greyhounds, I was told that my greys only need 1/2 hour walks twice a day if that, that I needed to feed them only once a day and then half of that should be lean mince, and that I was obviously letting them 'be in charge' when they bounced off walls because they didn't get enough exercise. I was also informed that, at 2, they were fully mature and finally, and this really was the LAST straw was when I was asked if I was aware that greyhounds couldn't sit. At all. Never. That physiologically they just couldn't do it.


So I curtly told him where to get off (I think the words 'patronising', 'ignorant' and 'insulting' may also have been used in my response).


What I wanted to do was to just check back here. My dogs are walked for around 2 hours a day, sometimes longer. And less, sometimes more, but the least they get is usually 90 minutes. Any less and they don't settle at night, do zoomies inside and are generally nightmarish. Question: am I walking my dogs too much? I don't think so and they look amazing, as every vet and greyhound person I've met says. Weight is good, well muscled, fantastic coats....


They get fed twice a day. TOTW Pacific Stream. A bit over a cup per meal, mixed with plain yoghurt and some hot water. PK seems to be sensitive to other forms of protein (and raw meat doesn't seem to agree with her - too much and it's a disaster, chicken doesn't work out well, beef doesn't seem to be as bad, but it still isn't great). They aren't overfed, aren't overweight, but what of the suggestion that I should walk my dogs less and then feed them only once a day. PK doesn't do great on once a day - tummy upsets. And leaving aside the idiocy of someone who has never met my dogs letting me know I'm doing the wrong things..... weight control is about calories in and calories out, but there's no hard and fast rule, right? I know that yoghurt is an issue for other dogs but it's presence or absence only decreases or increases the amount of gas passed by the dogs - it doesn't result in runny tummies or anything like that.


At 2, I consider them to be still immature, if only mentally. Accurate or not?


I won't even touch the sitting thing. One does only on command, but not otherwise, one does it when she feels like it, but not on command....


Finally, are greys who have raced qualitatively different from those who don't: calmer, more laid-back, and so on? Or is this a function of age? To what extent is it possible to generalise? My feeling was that all of them are individual and different, and that needs to be recognised, but that there are some real differences.


I think that the proof is in the pudding. The girls look great and are obviously happy, healthy and well-behaved. Vets, adoption agency, other owners, animal behaviouralists are all really happy with our girls and their condition, although they do get exercised more that others. I don't 'think' I'm doing the wrong thing, but I'm also afraid that in getting my back up, I'm not open to the idea that I maybe should change things.....



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Guest IrskasMom

A lot of Hogwash . My Morty never raced either and doesn't look any different then all the other, don't behave any different, eats any different,get walked twice a Day. The only differents I maybe see is his Preydrive. Zero to be exact :lol and that does not hurt my feelings. :)

Edited by IrskasMom
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Sunshine just turned 5 and I'm still waiting for her to grow up! Lol I say she's a fruit loop. No two dogs are alike. If I exercised Rainy that much she would die on me! Sunshine would love it, but increased exercise doesn't make her behave it just gives her more stamina to get into naughty things....


You sound like a perfect pup parent and your dogs sound wonderful. Everyone has to do what works for then ;) and dear lord good luck with two 2yr old! I might have nightmares about that.....


Ok will say that I think the ones that raced are a bit more grown up, since they had a job at one point. But I've only had two so it's only a guess




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Guest DragonflyDM

Yes… greys who have raced are different from those who haven’t. Let me tell you why--


1. They are usually older when you bring them home.

2. They have different experiences. Have a kid adopted at 5 years old and another at 14 years old and they will have different world experiences. In fact--- EVERY DOG will be different who has a different experience with a different owner. Regardless whether the dog is a greyhound off the track or a shepherd mix at the SPCA.


Other than that. I walk my dog about 2 miles or more a day and he loves the exercise as well as the mental stimulation. I feed him a raw diet. I love him often and never ask him to sit.


If your dog has a loving home-- then you are doing it right.

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Yes… greys who have raced are different from those who haven’t. Let me tell you why--


1. They are usually older when you bring them home.

2. They have different experiences. Have a kid adopted at 5 years old and another at 14 years old and they will have different world experiences. In fact--- EVERY DOG will be different who has a different experience with a different owner. Regardless whether the dog is a greyhound off the track or a shepherd mix at the SPCA.


Other than that. I walk my dog about 2 miles or more a day and he loves the exercise as well as the mental stimulation. I feed him a raw diet. I love him often and never ask him to sit.


If your dog has a loving home-- then you are doing it right.



I agree with all that 100%. You just met someone of an annoyingly bumptious nature. I don't blame you at all for engaging in a little bit of 're-educative' conversation. Some of them heartily deserve to be caught on the prongs of irony.


A friend of mine has one that never raced which they rescued at 18 months and another that is 5 years old. The 18 month old male has always been laid back yet bossy, and the 5 year old female is a lot more predictable and initiates play. Very different personalities but they get on fine after the odd difference or two at the beginning until muzzles could be put back in the bag.


Peggy gets 2 short walks and I long play/walk a day and can do zoomies in the back garden if she wants to. Maybe about 2 miles in all. If you walk 2 miles in one go she says 'that'll do' and sits down.

We did that once to this place, and had to take an hour's break over a meal there as we knew she wouldn't be happy going back another 2 miles to the car along the Teign River gorge which has some 'interesting' steps on the path

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I am sorry that you met this person. My dogs range in age from 5 to almost 12. They get walked twice a day, usually for more than a 1/2 hour at a time, depending on the weather and their mood and get fed twice a day. They are raw fed, but that is because the oldest was having all kinds of digestive problems when he came home straight from the track and raw worked best. Zoe also raced until 4, broke her leg, was fostered and bounced around, before ending up with me. She is by far, the bossiest, most headstrong hound of the bunch. The youngest dogs barely raced. Goose had two maiden races and then retired. Maverick was shipped to another track and when he realized his brother wasn't there, he stopped running. (That is according to his owner. He won at the first track and failed miserably after that. He just didn't want to run.) Goose and Maverick go on a jog with me (between a mile and 1.5) 3 times a week and then get their walk with the pack. Otherwise, they are too full of energy during the day while I am at work. All 4 are healthy, happy and considered by their vet to be in good condition. They are spoiled and loved. As are yours, they, too, are perfect. You sound awesome.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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You are doing just fine. I've owned several ex-racers and a couple who never raced. The differences tend to be in the area of prey drive and personality. My dogs got walked 2 miles daily for years. They are getting a bit older and get walked a bit less now.


Just keep loving your dog and remember "opinions are like noses; everybody has one."



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Guest Plygreygirl

I have two very happy well socialized female hounds! Who get fed twice a day. One needs to because of tummy issues and the other just seems crule to let her watch the other eating. Both are very healthy and very well behaved. The get a 20 to 30 min walk in the morning. 45 to 60 mins at night and longer on the weekends when we have more time. And when the weather is nicer.



It sounds like you are doing the right thing for your hounds! Try not to let someone who does not even know your girls rent any space in you head. If this person was an experience hound owner they would know that every hounds needs are not the same. Keep doing what's right for you not a know it all!!!:huh

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Summit is just like your kids. He was trained but never raced. For whatever reason though he never made it up to Canada for adoption until 3. Then he was adopted for 2.5 years by a lovely older couple so I have no idea what he was really like then. We got him at 5.5 (about 18 months ago now... he's coming up to his 7th birthday). He is calm and well behaved. He is not always great with non-greyhounds (but only certain dogs, sometimes predictable and sometimes completely random)... but I'm not sure I'd chalk that up to "less socialization" compared to a dog that raced a lot since most racing greyhounds aren't routinely socialized with non-greyhounds. He is much older than your guys, but if the pattern holds I'd say they'll mellow out just like him with age.


He is fed twice a day. 1 cup in the AM and 2 cups in the PM. Mixture of J/D, T/D, and Iams (either lamb and rice or healthy active... the red and green bags). I sometimes substitute raw for a meal here and there. I give him turkey necks. Usually on the weekend or another day when I'm home and almost always in the AM. If I were to feed him once a day I would be cleaning up puke every day. If he has an empty stomach he vomits. So if I have to feed him earlier than 6 PM (for example if we are going out for the evening and leaving before his dinner time) I often give him a snack when we come back so he doesn't puke in the middle of the night.


I'm not sure there's such a thing as "too much walking". I had a foster pup a few years back. He was a shepX and was 7 weeks old when I got him. I walked him almost 3 hours a day. I'd take him for an hour in the morning before going to work, then I'd come home at lunch to feed him and take him for a 20-30 minute walk before I had to get back to work, and then in the evening I took him with my friend's two adult dogs for a 2 hour walk. When he went in for his first set of vaccines I asked if I was walking him too much. Obviously I was concerned about causing him some sort of permanent injury/damage, but basically if the puppy/dog is keeping up with no problems then don't worry about it. This pup never had any trouble with 3 hours of exercise. He loved it. By the end of the long evening walk he'd be pretty pooped... which is exactly what you want for a puppy or other young dog. Remember, a tired dog is a good dog.


I too won't touch the sitting comment... save this....



oh, and this





Oh, and just to give you a bit of a laugh/sympathy... I was at the pet store with Summit last year. We were at the check out. This guy behind us in line started talking to us. He said that he had shown AKC (or I guess here it's CKC) greyhounds for 20 years, yadda yadda yadda. I told him Summit was a retired racer, yadda yadda yadda. Then he asks me what is wrong with Summit because he has so little hair. I tell him that that's normal and that a lot (if not the majority) of retired racers are pretty bald, especially in the bum and tummy. He says that that's absolutely no true and he should know because he's been working with greyhounds for 20+ years and that there must be something wrong with him... I should take him to the vet.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest barkdogs

My greyhounds sit (some of them do--I teach it to the ones who can do it, I don't push it with the ones who are obviously uncomfortable when they try) They get as much walking as I can and that weather permits, they go to the dog park, they chase a ball, they took agility (OK the tunnel was a no-go, but they loved the A-frame and even did the weave poles!) They eat raw, home cooked and a little kibble. . . . oh and they sleep on the bed. They also come when called, most of the time.


When Allistair sits his (formerly) broken left front pops up as though he is offering you his paw.

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Anyone who thinks greyhounds as a breed can't sit is a certified moron, and that one comment totally invalidates anything else she might have to say.


Beth says to her, "I fart in your general direction." ;)



Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Anyone who thinks greyhounds as a breed can't sit is a certified moron, and that one comment totally invalidates anything else she might have to say.


Beth says to her, "I fart in your general direction." ;)




Beth has such a pretty sit. I wish Summit had a pretty sit. He certainly can sit (as per posted photos) but he sure ain't pretty about it! :)

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest sweetpea

Oh, I'm just sorry you had to deal with this tool at all.


The fact that he's made you question anything about your treatment of your dogs is even worse.


I usually wait for someone to make an "absolute" statement, (like the greyhounds can't sit comment),

and when they do I feel completely justified in disregarding anything and everything they have to say.

People who frame their proclamations in absolutes are not interested in having a conversation,

and I'm not interested in wasting my time with someone so inflexible and pedantic.


My girl does fine with 10 minute walks 3 or 4 times a day, there are some folks who won't leave the

house until their hound has had an hour long walk in the morning. If Sweetpea was bouncing off the walls,

the first thing I would do is get her more exercise.


Please don't waste even one more minute questioning yourself over this incident.


Now if we all just want to post pictures of our dogs sitting, that would be well worth the effort.




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You're doing fine & the know it all at the party was hopefully already into his cups when he started lecturing. Otherwise he's just a big doofus who needs to shut his trap.


This made me laugh. And I totally agree.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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Its a shame that this guy who has so much self professed experience and therefore knowledge is unable to see that his way is not the only way or the right way. I can't imagine too much exercise for a healthy dog. You are doing a great job with your girls. How much exercise they get and how many times a day they eat is entirely up to you. It sounds to me that they are two very lucky girls that are happy and healthy because of you. As for the sitting thing ,well all of us really experienced knowledgeable grey owners know the truth. Yes they can sit! I did very little obedience training with my two just because they're so well behaved but I did teach them to sit for treats. Your girls are lucky so just keep doing things your way.

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Well, if his insistence that greyhounds can't sit didn't in validate everything else he said, the two comments, 1) they don't need anything more than 2 1/2 hour walks a day, and 2) they bounce off the walls because they aren't getting enough exercise :blink: should make you ignore anything else this moron says!

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THANK YOU ALL!!! I had a feeling that the guy was a doofus (excellent description by the way!) but wanted to confirm. I'm still new to this greyhound/ dog owning thing so although I was fairly sure things were ok, the reassurance is very helpful!


The girls got an hour and a half this morning (ish). It was pretty miserable out. When we came in, Brandi sat for a treat and breakfast, Paige worked off a bit of extra energy (because 4kms wasn't enough) by killing a rogue stuffy in the living room to work up a bit of extra appetite for breakfast. Obviously I'm doing something wrong.


DH has suggested I start taking a stopwatch on walks to try to ensure that they aren't over-exercised. He also informed me that this d&*( informed our hosts that their dog was dehydrated. He did this by pinching the skin at the neck (which is obviously fine) and, when it sprang back immediately, pointed to it as proof. As DH commented (he was also stuck with the guy for about half an hour), f$@%wittery comes in all shapes and sizes.

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Guest zombrie

I wouldn't worry about over-exercising them. Mine go for 4 mile walks and still want to run in the yard afterwards! They will let you know if they are being over-exercised.

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Anyone who thinks greyhounds as a breed can't sit is a certified moron, and that one comment totally invalidates anything else she might have to say.


Beth says to her, "I fart in your general direction." ;)




rofl.gif You tell him, Beth :rofl


But yes, exactly what Anne said.


Your dogs sound extremely healthy, happy and loved :):):)


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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People who frame their proclamations in absolutes are not interested in having a conversation,

and I'm not interested in wasting my time with someone so inflexible and pedantic.



Exactly! I think you have to develop the art of walking away from morons like that ("Would you please excuse me for a minute" and then just walk off) or my husband's favourite (from the film Run Fatboy Run): "Excuse me, can I just stop you there" and then when they look at him enquiringly "Oh, I don't have anything to say... I just wanted to stop you there."


I was in a vet's waiting room with Sunny recently, sitting next to a woman with a cat in a basket. Sunny approached the woman for lovings and she stroked him and then said "Greyhounds are lovely dogs but of course you can't ever trust them with cats". I listened politely to what she said, and then said quietly "Actually, Sunny is fine with cats and my other three greyhounds have been too. I even had one that was regularly loose in the house with a pet rabbit". I don't think she believed me, despite the fact that Sunny was not taking the slightest notice of her cat. Some people are just so entrenched in their views that nothing will change their minds. People like that are just not worth wasting your energy on.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

Always Greyhounds Home Boarding and Greyhounds With Love House Sitting

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Guest Gemma

Peyton is going to be 10 soon. He gets a 1.2mile walk every weekday, and a 2 mile walk on the weekend. I'd love to walk even further with him but he has a bad leg and it flares up if he does a long walk too regularly.


If I had active 2 year olds (and the time!), I would do exactly what you're doing. :)

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Guest sweetpea

>snip< their dog was dehydrated.

He did this by pinching the skin at the neck (which is obviously fine) and,

when it sprang back immediately, pointed to it as proof. >snip<


I'm sorry, but I had to come back to this, you probably know that this is a valid test for

dehydration in pets and humans, but he's got it completely backwards.

It's when the skin DOES KNOT spring back immediately that there's concern for dehydration.


It almost makes me wonder if there was a hidden camera somewhere catching people's

reactions to this boob.


Anyway, I'm glad you got to give him an earful.



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>snip< their dog was dehydrated.

He did this by pinching the skin at the neck (which is obviously fine) and,

when it sprang back immediately, pointed to it as proof. >snip<


I'm sorry, but I had to come back to this, you probably know that this is a valid test for

dehydration in pets and humans, but he's got it completely backwards.

It's when the skin DOES KNOT spring back immediately that there's concern for dehydration.


It almost makes me wonder if there was a hidden camera somewhere catching people's

reactions to this boob.


Anyway, I'm glad you got to give him an earful.




Yep. I know. Which is why I felt much better about thinking he was a complete idiot. Sadly I didn't see this at the time, as it would have made me feel better immediately. didn't find out till the next morning when DH let me know about his conversation.


It would have been easier to walk away had I not been wedged into a sofa with him looming over me. Fortunately, he seemed a bit taken aback by my cutting him off and he avoided me for the rest of the night. Apparently the little woman should have stayed in her place. Pity I've never subscribed to that theory. :rolleyes:

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