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Doesn't Run....ever!

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Hey folks,


So I've had Freddy for about 2.5 months, he's been a complete joy to own and I feel very lucky to have him in my life. We've been going to the local park during off-hours to let him run around off leash and blow off some steam. Everyone that meets him says they can't believe how calm and easy going he is. While I love the fact that he is very well behaved and not bouncing off the walls, I'd love to see him cut loose for even a moment or two and stretch out his stride. Zoomies are not in his vocabulary at the moment and I've never seen him move faster than a gallop. He will fetch a ball but is in no hurry to retrieve it. He enjoys running after other dogs that are fetching a ball but has zero interest in getting there first or moving fast. He goes nuts for the lure pole and squeaker toys but I can't run fast enough for him to really start moving.


For those of you that are familiar with this situation, did it take time before your dog was comfortable with a space to just cut loose and run? Or should I just be content with him wandering around and approaching other owners with the occasional gallop after a few dogs playing fetch? Are there any things I can do to provoke him to really start running or should I accept this as just the way he is. Thanks!

Edited by Jimbuck
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Guest Tiptons_Mom

My two boys will go to the dog park and trot around checking the "pee mail" but that's about it. They do not run, sometimes I can get a zoomie from Tipton when he gets really excited about a toy, but that only lasts about 3 seconds and he is done.


I have a really small yard, so when I take them to the park I was hoping it was to stretch their legs, but that doesn't seem to interest them much.

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Guest dizzyLu72

Jacob rarely moves above a walking pace at a dog park... he checks pee-mail..poops 2-3 times..visits every human in the place.. then realizes that there are also 4 legged creatures in the fence and may sniff around with them a bit. I think there are too many distractions for him there.. things he'd rather investigate. BUT, when we go to by man-friends house... he will haul-booty. He has a smaller fenced in area and does not have other dogs or critters to leave their pee-mail updates behind. He will run to exhaustion there! It's so fun to watch! Sometime it takes a toss of the tennis ball to get the games going.. but other times he'll do it freely.

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Guest thecoyotesgrin

My boy is very much the same way - unless there is a squirrel available. He is also not quite used to me - however, I would say to do the running thing with something he really enjoys in hand.


Auggie is the laziest creature I have ever met (and thats what the skeptic dbf loved) but when I took him out to my grandmas backyard, he loved to trot/lope/canter with me. I could never go fast enough to make him cut loose, but it certainly encouraged him to open up to the backyard.

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Meet up with another greyhound... and he just might run. The lure pole is a good exerciser and the human hardly has to move (although I find I get dizzy, LOL). Another idea is to hold your pup in one corner of the park/field/diamond/whatever... and have someone else be waaaaay over there... with a lure and squawker. The far away person gets the lure and squawker going and you release your pup. He should race over to the lure with all possible haste. :lol


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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It took me months to discover this, but the absolute only thing that works with Tracker is to throw a short bully stick. He will take off like a bullet, grab it, and run two or three big celebratory loops until he's panting hard, then he'll plop down to eat his booty. That's why the bully sticks are short, so I won't have to wait too long!

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Guest DragonflyDM

Jacob rarely moves above a walking pace at a dog park... he checks pee-mail..poo



Boomer is just like the rest of the stories-- He will trot about and only engage with the other dogs to sniff them. He then does check the "pee-mail" and moves about.


QUESTION: Do you practice recall? I can get Boomer to run by waiting till he is on the other side of the park and call him back for a peanut butter treat. He will definitely run then. Also, when you walk him, try jogging and see how he takes to it. Boomer will certainly jog with me.


Even with other greys in the park running and playing-- Boomer could care less.

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Some great advice here I will surely try. We've been practicing recall and he seems pretty good about it. He doesn't quickly respond by running over, but will recognize the recall command and then trot over. I tried bringing some training treats with to the park once and ended up being way too popular with the rest of the dogs there. I couldn't keep them off of me and as a result, couldn't really do any training with Freddy. I'll try bringing his favorite stuffy and running around wildly with it to entice him to run/chase a bit more. Whatever it takes! In the end, if he's happy trotting around marking and greeting other people, I guess that's all that matters. ;)

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Bootsy was a successful racer, and he only runs when I ask him to - as in when he is outside and I offer him a treat if he comes inside. :lol I guess for him, running is akin to a plumber clearing his own drains. He prefers retirement. :)


Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest zombrie

I've had Doolin for about a year and a half and I can only think of one time that he ran on his own just for the joy of it. He's a very active dog but he expects us to play with him and entertain him, and I've had his littermate sister for 2 months and she's the same way :rolleyes:

A lunge whip with a toy or bag tied to the end is the only way either of them will really run. That or having them chase a remote control helicopter or car :lol


ETA Your hound is still new so he may not "get" what to do yet. Also, ditto on finding a greyhound friend. The only time Mira plays with other dogs is when another greyhound is around, it makes her happy and excited :)

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Guest shanesmom

Shane never ran on his own and Elton only sometimes did. Shane would run only if he was with other greyhounds. Ace runs any chance he gets. He loves to run. I think they're all different but if you have a greyhound group around that gets together for the greyhounds to run there's a good chance he may run with them.

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My Lorelei did not run for almost the first year that I had her. Then, one day, she started running and I noticed that she ran rather oddly. Turns out that she has had some type of injury to her hips/back end before I got her. She does not have full range of movement. She runs a lot now but it is an odd gait.


My others all ran pretty soon after I got them. I run around the yard with them, throw toys and balls, and encourage them to run together. My biggest runner is my Galgo though. He's my only one that will run alone just for the love of running. My Greys have to be chasing something or running with others.

Edited by GreytHoundPoet
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Desi raced for 3 years.....226 races. You'd think he loved to run, yes? I'd had him for 6 months & since I do not have a fenced-in

yard, we were doing leash walks, only & I was feeling mightily guilty that he had nowhere to run.


One of the ladies I work with has 2 acres fenced, and a young boxer that makes use of every inch, invited us out for playtime.


The boxer ran and jumped and chased a frisbee, and begged Desi to chase her, play with her. No way, Jose. He did trot after the

frisbee for a few steps until he saw it land & not move anymore, so just came back & returned to doing what he does best.

Leaning on whomever was handy, begging for scritches.

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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I was the "hound catcher" during the speed run at GIG last year and, despite the lure pole and squawker, there were a couple of dogs who walked or trotted down the course. Did Freddy race? If so, he may be taking retirement very seriously.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Guest zombrie

Yes but get Doolin on a lure and he runs! lol


Uhmm, yeah I'd say so :lol :lol At the speed run at GIG I was told afterwards that Doolin won "the most crazed look coming onto the lure" and "most drool on the lure"


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Guest Trammell

My girl was only trotting in the park too, sooo cute kind of hopping back and forth. She did the same thing chased the dogs chasing balls, but in a jog. Then poof, one day she found some dogs that wanted to chase her and she was off! The other dogs gave up but she ran all around. It was very cute, guess she just wanted someone to chase her. After that first run she rested and then just started a run on her own, looked like she was having a good time! She is just a puppy though 18 months.

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Guest Angelique

My boy is somewhat antisocial, ie. not interested in other dogs. He watches them and is soooo above that. Every once in a while, about ever 3 or 4 months, the other dogs start running and he becomes interested, then he shows them how to run, for all of a minute. Then he's done with that for another 4 months.


Tip 1- In a quiet place, get his favorite ball/fluffly/toy get him interested in it and then toss it. He may start running after that.

Tip 2- Wait for him to be far away from you sniffing, and then call him and start running away from him.

Tip 3- Run/trot with him.

Tip 4- Find a group of greys to run with.

Tip 5- Just let him sniff, mental and sensory stimuli is as important as exercise. If he wanted to run, he would.


Congrats on the hound!

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Bu runs every so often, but usually at the dog park he pees, poops, sniffs then crawls under a picnic table and naps. :rolleyes: Laziest dog ever AND I have to lift up the table so he can get out from under it.


On the other hand, he LOVES to run in water. When we were at a beach house that was near a huge sand bar I would take him out there and let him go and he had a blast. He also likes to try and pull my arm out in the brook.

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Guest Plygreygirl

I have one who thinks life is a game! When she's off leash she will get in the mood and do zoomies with little provation. However I have a high prey drive one who you have to wind up. I go to her and hold her in place and talk excited. Then I push her and release her and 50% of the time if she in the mood she will go! However it's only when she's in the mood. Being that they are now 7 & 8 it is not anywhere near as often that they get going together. Which is fine with me having been to the eVet's a couple to time for injuries. So as long as your hound is healthy and you leash walk to keep him fit. Be happy that he's a laid back dude! Cause the EVet is no fun!!:huh

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