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Tasty Goodies For My Greys

Guest IndyHound

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Guest IndyHound

Ok I got a new kitchen-aid mixer for christmas. And I'd love to make something for my greys. But have no clue what they can have. And i Absolutely refuse to google it. I don't trust non-greyhound owners with greyhound related questions. So I would love to know some recipes (the non-family secret ones of course!) that anybody is willing to share. I am a good cook (though to be honest my baking could use some work. My icing technique looks like a blind man tried to ice something.)so i look forward to taking something on for the kids?

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I have to say - I got on this same kick of baking treats for my greyhound




Bella loved them


And dropped some of the most foul gas bombs I have ever encountered


I don't bake treats for her anymore


She gets Charley Bears and other treats from Trader Joe's and treats from Rain Dog Treats (pictured below)



No more gas bombs


Not what you want to hear, I'm sure :lol

Edited by sarabz

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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I do a fair bit of cooking for my hounds -- here's one of the easiest for treats, and hasn't produced any... let's say downsides, here.


Peanut Butter Rounds


1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 6C

3/4 cup oats 3C

1/4 cup wheat germ 1C

1/4 cup creamy peanut butter 1C

1/4 cup vegetable oil 1C

1/4 cup honey 1C

1 teaspoon baking powder 4t

1/2 cup water 2C


Mix dry ingredients first, then combine all ingredients and mix gently.

Form mixture by hand into 1-inch sized balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten balls with a fork (and form the traditional crosshatching).

Bake at 325°F (160°C) for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Treats keep in the fridge a month, in the freezer at least six months.


This recipe scales well -- the amounts at the end of each ingredient line are the amount for quadrupling. You can also lessen the water and used canned pumpkin in its place.

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i make these for my hounds all the time:


Peanut butter and oatmeal


2 cups flour

1 cup oatmeal

1/3 cup peanut butter

1 and 1/4 hot water


preheat oven to 350

mix dry ingredients then add wet ingredients. if too stiky add more hot water

knead the dough, roll to about 1/4 inch, and cut into desired shapes

bake about 40 minutes and let cool completely


good in an airtight container for a week, fridge for 3weeks, freezer for 6 months

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I make treats for my guys too-- this one requires a dehydrater but, is super easy. I grind skinless boneless chicken breast and mix with skinned ground sweet potatoes about 50-50% (or to your liking). Form small cookie size patties and place into dehydrater for 12-14 hours. Allow to return to room temp and store in fridge. My guys go insane for these!

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There is nothing mysterious about what Greyhounds can and cannot eat. They're dogs. Some Greyhounds have sensitive stomachs, many do not (like mine). My mongrel was WAY more sensitive to dietary change/medications than my Greyhound.


So anything that is safe for a "regular" dog to eat, your Greyhound can eat. :colgate


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Liver Brownies: a box of Jiffy CornBread mix, a pound of chicken livers, and a tablespoon of minced garlic. Whip up the livers in the blender :puke and add to the cornbread with the garlic, and spread on a cookie sheet that you've covered with tin foil and sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 (I think) for 20 min? Cool and cut into pieces, store in refrigerato.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mirinaaronsmom

I make treats for my guys too-- this one requires a dehydrater but, is super easy. I grind skinless boneless chicken breast and mix with skinned ground sweet potatoes about 50-50% (or to your liking). Form small cookie size patties and place into dehydrater for 12-14 hours. Allow to return to room temp and store in fridge. My guys go insane for these!


I'd love to try this because I need something grain-free for my houndies, but I don't have a dehydrater. Guess I'll have to stick to buying my treats.

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I make treats for my guys too-- this one requires a dehydrater but, is super easy. I grind skinless boneless chicken breast and mix with skinned ground sweet potatoes about 50-50% (or to your liking). Form small cookie size patties and place into dehydrater for 12-14 hours. Allow to return to room temp and store in fridge. My guys go insane for these!


I'd love to try this because I need something grain-free for my houndies, but I don't have a dehydrater. Guess I'll have to stick to buying my treats.

You can most likely bake them!!

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Guest NJgrey

I have to say - I got on this same kick of baking treats for my greyhound


Bella loved them


And dropped some of the most foul gas bombs I have ever encountered


I don't bake treats for her anymore





My wife did this for Ellie' birthday a couple years ago - baked her a cake with all sorts of goodies, none of which seemed bad for her at all.


Big D. VERY big D. Plus the gas.


lol. Like you said, never again. These days we use Old Mother Hubbard cookies for main "before bed" snacks, and Dr. Harvey's freeze dried tripe for something really special.

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I make treats for my guys too-- this one requires a dehydrater but, is super easy. I grind skinless boneless chicken breast and mix with skinned ground sweet potatoes about 50-50% (or to your liking). Form small cookie size patties and place into dehydrater for 12-14 hours. Allow to return to room temp and store in fridge. My guys go insane for these!


I used this one over the weekend. Freddy loves em'! Now I can't open my fridge without him running over to see if I'm pulling out a treat for him. Thanks for the recipe. Quick and easy.

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Liver Brownies: a box of Jiffy CornBread mix, a pound of chicken livers, and a tablespoon of minced garlic. Whip up the livers in the blender and add to the cornbread with the garlic, and spread on a cookie sheet that you've covered with tin foil and sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 (I think) for 20 min? Cool and cut into pieces, store in refrigerato.


We used to make a similar recipe with cornmeal, garlic and liver and every dog went nuts for it. But...you are right, the blending of liver and the smell of it cooking is pretty disgusting! :blink: We started cooking them outside on the BBQ!!

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Liver treats! They smell like....well...um... it's bad. :blink: But you can actually google for the recipes. Just sift through them with a grain of salt - and rule out the ones that have ingredients you don't want to use. Or modify them. I've had dogs actually stare at the oven with drool running down their faces while liver treats were baking! :eek I had to put the treats in the freezer to cool them off quickly enough to get the dogs off my back! NO purchased dog-treat has EVER had that response in my house.


I've modified many dog treat recipes replacing, or eliminating ingredients. Some worked out great, others were a mushy mess - but the dogs NEVER COMPLAINED. :)


Just go for it! :) And have FUN! Your dogs will LOVE you for your experimentation! And don't forget - if it's ONLY a treat - a tiny portion of their diet - a little bit of "not perfect" food is OK. A little junk food mixed in with good stuff in moderation is FINE. :)

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Guest Matty

I love that most of these treats are perfectly suitable for human consumption too :) Something feels good about feeding my boy something I'm willing to eat too.

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Guest greygirls2

Going to try the ground chicken/sweet potato dehydrator recipe.....sounds greyt! I dehydrate chicken strips, beef strips etc. but never tried that before and I can't get my pups to eat sweet potatoes plain. This sounds like a great way to add them in. Thanks for the recipe!

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I've been making dried sweet potato for Katie (slice sweet potato relatively thinly, put on pan, cook at 250 for around 3 hours or until dry and hard. White sweet potato seems to dry faster than orange).


The other thing I make that she just loves is peanut butter balls. This is actually a human breakfast-food recipe, so you can feel free to eat it too!


1/2 C peanut butter

2/3 C corn flakes, crushed

3 tbsp honey

1/3 C powdered milk


Mix it all together, form into logs, balls, or whatever shape you think is handy, and eat. I generally store them in the freezer and take a few out at a time. They will be firm, but still breakable and eatable within a small amount of time to thaw.


My blog about helping Katie learn to be a more normal dog: http://katies-journey-philospher77.blogspot.com/

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  • 11 months later...
Guest TheModernMutt

I make treats for my guys too-- this one requires a dehydrater but, is super easy. I grind skinless boneless chicken breast and mix with skinned ground sweet potatoes about 50-50% (or to your liking). Form small cookie size patties and place into dehydrater for 12-14 hours. Allow to return to room temp and store in fridge. My guys go insane for these!




I'm just wondering how long these keep, and if there are any issues with mold or other food born diseases?


As well, do you cook the potatoes any before grinding them, or do you grind them raw? I'm assuming raw, but its not specified.

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Lately I've been making my own treats for my hounds. I've been doing it becasue it seems that lately there has been so many recalls on dog treats and or dog foods. That I decided to bake my own treats for them.


This is the recipe that i normally use


1 cup of of whole wheat flour

1 cup of white flour

1/4 of a cup of cornmeal

1/4 of Parmsean cheese

1/4 of cheddar cheese or whatever kind of cheese you like

1 large egg

3/4 of a cup of water


Knead all the ingredients together in large bowel.I then wrap the in plastic wrap and then put in the freezer for about 30 minutes. It makes the dough easier to work with when it cold.


I then rolled it on a floured mat and use a rolling pin that I rubbed a little bit of flour on, Roll the dough out untill it is about a quarter inch thick. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 30 minutes and then let cool. And then you can put them away.


My dogs love these treats!

Sarah, mom to Stella and Winston . And to Prince, Katie Z, Malone, Brooke, Freddie, Angel and Fast who are all waiting at the Bridge!


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I think I'm going to try slicing sweet potatoes with a mandolin and dehydrating them!


I dehydrate chicken breasts for my kids...I also do banana chips for them.


My dehydrator was only like $50-it's a Nesco American Harvest rectangular dehydrator. But, you can accomplish the same result with the oven-low and slow (low temp, long cooking time). The dehydrator just does it faster.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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I have the Three Dog Bakery doggie cookbook. I've made about 5 or 6 recipes out of it, all with good success.



I have used this book too and the recipes work great.


I just picked up a new recipe book and it has some great recipes ... http://www.amazon.com/The-Organic-Dog-Biscuit-Cookbook/dp/1933662956/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363272582&sr=8-1&keywords=organic+dog+treat+recipes

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We have a local business here that makes homemade meatloaf food for dogs. I occasionally make it and the dogs LOVE it. Here is a simplified recipe (meaning it has the basic ingredients, but not all of the extra vitamins and supplements added to the store mix as it is a complete food)


This recipe is BIG, so obviously you can cut in half or quarters. This makes like 32 small loaves!



2-3 eggs

1/2 cup vegetable oil (safflower, olive oil, etc.)


2 cups of any shredded veggie(s) (e.g. carrots, greens, broccoli, canned pumpkin, etc)

1 cup finely cubed or mashed potatoes

1 shredded apple

2 cups quick cooking oats

7-8 cups any type of ground meat (if you like you can mix some organ meats like liver in)

8-9 cups of flour or a mixture of grains/flours like rice flour, spelt, etc. (add more if the mixture is runny). The store here adds in small amounts of nutritional yeast, calcium, lecithin, carob powder, kelp, wheatgerm, brewers yeast, etc. but you wouldn't have to do this for treats. I am assuming the consistency would be the same without them.

a big pinch or two of garlic powder

6-8 cups of water or until the right consistency



Mix eggs, oil, apple and meat together.


Add in the oats, flour, water, and mix well adding extra flour or water if needed.


Press mixture into loaf pans (I like to buy the throw-away aluminum ones) or make paddies on a cookie sheet. Bake @350 for 25-30 min. or until done, depending on the size of your pans. A bit of work but you can freeze and use as treats or as an add in to kibble that the pups will love!

Edited by RedHead
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  • 3 weeks later...

This recipe nearly causes a dog-stampede in my house. And it smells like death to humans. It does have flour, so not good if you're anti-grain.


Liver Biscuits

1 1/2 lb beef liver

3 1/4 c. whole wheat flour

3 c. water

1 c. wheat germ


Simmer liver in water until no longer pink, about 10 min. Remove from water and cut into pieces. Puree liver in food processor, adding reserved water. Scrape into bowl. Stir in wheat germ, then enough whole wheat flour to make stiff dough. Roll on floured cutting board to 3/8" thinkc. Cut with cookie cutter (or slice into squares with a knife). Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bak for 3 - 3 1/2 hours at 250 degrees until thoroughly dry.


Your dog will love you.


Also -

Tuna and Cheese Biscuits


2/3 c. shredded cheese

1/2 c. whole wheat flour

2 T parsley flakes

1 small can tuna and juice

1/2 c. cornmeal

1 c. unbleached flour

2 T vegetable oil


Mix chees with dry ingredients. Puree tuna and juice in food processor or blender. Stirr tuna, oil and enough water into dry ingredients to make stiff dough. Roll on cornmeal dusted cutting board to 3/8" thick. Cut into cookies. Back on ungreased cooke sheet 3 - 3 1/2 hours at 250 until thoroughly dry.

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