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Furniture Privileges

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I didn't want to hijack the "Unusual Aggression" thread, so I'll post a related question under my own thread.


We've had Tracker for almost 2 years now, our first dog. We don't have any particular problems with him. We never crated him (other than the first 3 nights) because we never saw a need for it. We work from home and so far have never left him alone for more than 3.5 hours. He's never had SA and never destroyed or even chewed anything inappropriate.


He has sofa (not bed) privileges. When we first got him I was delusional enough to think I could keep him off the sofa. And initially he actually jumped off as soon as he saw me coming for the first week. Point being, that whenever I wasn't around, he'd be on there. I figured what the heck, so he lives there now. He has never ever been location possessive, so even if we tug and pull him into a better (for us) shape when we want to join him there, he never even blinks (zero sleep aggression). Obviously it's not ideal since if I HAD to get him off there I'd need to get a leash and pull a bag of unwilling cement of the sofa. But it's not bothered me so far, especially since he's almost perfect in every other way.


My question is: how does one keep the dog off the sofa (if that's the desire) while one is gone?? What do members' dogs do while they (the owners) are absent? Are the dogs always in crates or are they so well behaved that they don't even think of reclaiming the sofa when no one's looking? Because every time they jump up w/o invitation and don't get ordered back down is a reward and a reinforcement to them.

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My grey has never shown any interest in sofa or bed,but this new foster will be a challenge. He rolls his big doe eyes at me looking for ok. I crate the foster when I leave for more than an hour.( It's the rules) I did have a foster that came from a vet tech school. The students took him home on weekends. A new director at the school says 2 years at the school was enough and called our group, I put coins in coke cans and placed them all over the furniture and beds. Worked for him,but not others.

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I just let her have the couch. I had planned at one time to redo the family room and eliminate the couch entirely... but no more. :lol But I've always been a "dog allowed on the furniture and beds" person. She sleeps on the bed, all snuggled up against me, too.

Edited by OwnedBySummer


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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I just let her have the couch. I had planned at one time to redo the family room and eliminate the couch entirely... but no more. :lol But I've always been a "dog allowed on the furniture and beds" person. She sleeps on the bed, all snuggled up against me, too.


Same here--I LOVE when he snuggles on the sofa, too; but does Summer get off if you ask her for it? Or is that implied by "I just let her have the couch"...

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I don't think sofas etc. are necessarily reinforcement if the dogs get on them while people are gone. They can easily learn to distinguish "don't do it while they're looking" :lol . If the hair is a problem, I'd just put a good, close-fitting cover on the sofa.


My current dogs are allowed on sofas, beds, armchairs. They do have to get down when asked, and occasionally they are asked.


Long ago I used not to like dogs on furniture, and I happened to have dogs who weren't interested in being on furniture. But things changed over the years ..... Seeing a dog Gidget's size -- she is a BIG girl -- take a flying leap and land in a perfect tight curl in the 14" of sofa left next to a beloved person -- I'll remember that with a big fat smile forever.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest PhillyPups

I looked at the title of this thread and thought, yep, sometimes my hounds let me have furniture privileges, if I am good. :lol


Actually, I look around now, DonnieDude is on the couch with JohnWayne, AnnaBanana is curled up in a big overstuffed arm chair, Moe, Gizmo and LadyLu are curled up on big Costco beds. Moe never gets on furniture, LadyLu rarely and so far Gizmo hasn't. I think it all depends on the dogs. :P

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Guest greysmitten

If I really want to keep hr off the couch, I strategically place remotes, books, or other hard things all over the sofa. She avoids anything that isn't soft and cuddly.

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I gave up on the sofa thing 10 years ago (approx. time of 1st greyhound), BUT...when I have had to keep them off due to being at someone else's house or trying to protect certain pieces of furniture, I "barricade" it with chairs or other things that they can't navigate around. I have an easy chair NOW that has a bar stool on it on a daily basis.


I wish I had a more high-tech solution for you, but that is what works. They are comfort seeking missles. In fact, have had foster dogs STRAIGHT OFF THE TRACK who made a beeline for the sofa. There is something genetically ingrained in them about it!!!!! Egyptian sofas? Dunno! B)

Missing our Raisin: 9/9/94 - 7/20/08, our Super Bea: 2003 - 12/16/09, our Howie: 9/17/97 - 4/9/11, our Bull: 8/7/00 - 1/17/13, our Wyatt Earp: 11/22/06 - 12/16/15, and our Cyclone 8/26/05 - 9/12/16

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Our dogs have both couch and bed privileges. Dessie and Deuce will sleep with us almost every night. And at least one of them is almost always on the couch with us. Danger and Disco have never shown any interest in the couch. Disco will sleep with me sometimes.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest shanesmom

Once Shane found the Sofa about 6 months into being here, he was always there. With Elton it took 3 years before he ever tried to get on the sofa. No problem getting either off if I told them to get down. Ace has been here since August and has not tried to get on the sofa yet.

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If I really want to keep hr off the couch, I strategically place remotes, books, or other hard things all over the sofa. She avoids anything that isn't soft and cuddly.


This is also my suggestion. I use it to keep my cat off the couch when it's necessary, for instance, I just cleaned, company is coming and I don't want to share cat hair with them. :P


Annie Bella has shown no interest in any furniture. I've had her for 4 months and her bed is the only place she sleeps. While we can never say never when it comes to our Greys, I suspect she'll never be a furniture person because she doesn't like small places or being crunched up and confined and always sleeps stretched out, taking up as much room as possible without touching anything. She never even roaches. :(

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Mine have furniture privileges. It can be a bit of a problem with one of my girls as she believes the couch belongs to her even with people on it. Still working on that!


There are two couches in my living room. One the dogs love and are on all the time. The other they are not so crazy about and pretty much leave it alone (old fashioned, straight-backed and narrow) so people usually sit there. It is actually very comfortable for people.


During the day when I am gone they are confined to the "dog room" which has a love seat large enough for two. This was a result of my coming home to cushions on the floor from their digging. They don't dig when I am home. They don't (so far) dig on the love seat in their room.

Edited by june
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Simple! Just use a 165 year old Victorian sofa, and no dog will actually WANT to get on it!


Cats, on the other hand, will still use it. As long as they don't claw it, I don't care.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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i have plastic carpet runners, sold by the foot at home depot and hardware stores that i put on the couch- UPSIDE DOWN. there are little bumps/spikes on the bottom side(so it doesn't slip on the carpet) and only has one boarder decided that it was comfy and slept ontop of the plastic. i roll it up, put a large heavy either wool blanket or moving blanket down then the dogs are allowed on the couch. felix will either bark at the couch or run over and ring the bells on the door and return to the couch when he is dying to sprall out. annie walks up and stares at the couch but waits. i lost one peice of upholstered furniture to a dog,(older incontient dog fell asleep on a club chair while i was passed out w/ the flu in the other room)-that's enough furniture losses for me.

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Guest greyers

My guys are not allowed on the couch, EXCEPT in the mountains in our 5th wheel when invited. And that is more an issue of "space" than anything else. They know the difference too. The reason for no couch and bed privileges is so that the cats can have a safe place to lay without intimidation from dogs. If you are not allowing them on the couch when you are home, they know they are not supposed to when you are gone. Now whether they CHOOSE to use the couch when you are away is a different story. If you see dog fur, etc, then I further the suggestion others have made to put items on the couch to prevent its use, if you cannot close doors so the dog isn't even allowed in the room.

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If I really want to keep hr off the couch, I strategically place remotes, books, or other hard things all over the sofa. She avoids anything that isn't soft and cuddly.


this made me laugh because it wouldn't work around here. My Jane will 'fluff' anything off the couch that is in her way and I have to hide things like remotes and books etc; because she will chew them to shreds if I don't!.

As far as the OP, a couch w/o a cpl GH's smooshing me against the arm of it is not something I'm familiar with and I'm not sure I want to be. :P

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Guest BrianRke

If I really want to keep hr off the couch, I strategically place remotes, books, or other hard things all over the sofa. She avoids anything that isn't soft and cuddly.


this made me laugh because it wouldn't work around here. My Jane will 'fluff' anything off the couch that is in her way and I have to hide things like remotes and books etc; because she will chew them to shreds if I don't!.

As far as the OP, a couch w/o a cpl GH's smooshing me against the arm of it is not something I'm familiar with and I'm not sure I want to be. :P


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest grammarules

I have a nice blanket on the sofa. When I know I'm having company I can just remove the blanket, dog hair and all. It helps when she's been playing outside and gets a little dirty too.

The same with the bed. She know that if we're not on the bed she's not either though. (At least until she thinks I'm not looking. LOL

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I have never let my greys get on the couch or bed ...


I foster quite often and I don't want a foster leaving here having been on the couch/bed because it is difficult for a dog to unlearn this behavior. The foster normally follow whatever behavior they see my dogs doing and I want to make sure that the behavior is appropriate. Potential adopters have enough issues to deal with at the beginning and IMHO it should really be their decision whether the dog gets couch/bed privileges or not.


But, my dogs have very comfy/big beds and quite a few of them as I have started using the plushier papasan cushions from Pier 1 and putting additional comforters underneath them.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Jayne is allowed on the furniture, but there were times when she lost privileges for guarding a couch from people when she was newer to our home. During those times she was told off every time she tried to get on a couch, she was not a happy doggy to have to lay on the nail embedded concreted slab we put on the floor for her (Read: dog bed).


As for keeping her off when we're not home, she just goes into her crate.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest abarnet1

I wish mine would get on the couch with me. I find myself sitting in the floor with her. I guess she is training me. What is an easy way to teach them to lay on the couch???? I would love for her to lay with me while I am relaxing reading a good book........ I guess I am having the opposite problem....

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Guest Dragon

i have plastic carpet runners, sold by the foot at home depot and hardware stores that i put on the couch- UPSIDE DOWN. there are little bumps/spikes on the bottom side(so it doesn't slip on the carpet) and only has one boarder decided that it was comfy and slept ontop of the plastic. i roll it up, put a large heavy either wool blanket or moving blanket down then the dogs are allowed on the couch. felix will either bark at the couch or run over and ring the bells on the door and return to the couch when he is dying to sprall out. annie walks up and stares at the couch but waits. i lost one peice of upholstered furniture to a dog,(older incontient dog fell asleep on a club chair while i was passed out w/ the flu in the other room)-that's enough furniture losses for me.



Agreed. The carpet runner are the only thing that works for us...

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