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Sighted In... And Ready To Bolt

Guest carhound

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Guest carhound

Hi everybody!


A prospective needlenose owner here from the suburbs of Chicago. The wife and I got the call from Greyhounds Only this weekend stating that they have accepted/approved our application and will be calling to schedule a kennel visit soon to help a retired racer find their forever home. A couple weekends ago we went to one of the local pet store MnG's and we both fell in love, these hounds are beautiful animals with a lovable temperament.


My wife is experienced with dogs, having growing up with them as family pets. I'm pretty much a newbie though. This site has been a wonderful resource, and I've been taking all the trouble stories I've read with a grain of salt as I know people come to internet forums for help when they have trouble. My biggest worry so far is the how much time to take for the initial transition period so that we can help calm the dog and hopefully start the bonding process. Any suggestions?

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Welcome to the forum!


Each dog is different, some take months to adjust, some take minutes. My Bella walked into the house, did a full circle around the house and jumped up on the couch and laid down. She was calm since then, snuggled from day 1, never had any big issues with her.


I'm sure others will share their experience.

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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Welcome to GT and congrats on your application! The initial transition period can vary by each pup. Both of ours took approx. 12 mths for their personalities to really come out. Before that, everything was good, they just didn't show all their characteristics. Initially, they are scared of many things that they just have never encountered before, e.g. TV's, ceiling fans, flags, balloons, any loud noise, etc. It can actually surprise you how much some things just freak them out. The best advice is patience, you will love your Greyhound in no time.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Welcome from Savannah, Ga!! Both of my boys started bonding immediately to me. They still follow me from room to room when they are awake..LOL I did make the initial mistake of putting a crate in the utility room and expecing it to be used at night. That did not work. I just baby gated my bedroom and put their bed on the floor. I am one of those people that do not allow my dogs on any furniture, but there are 7 hugh dogs beds in this house. Best of luck and keep posting.

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Guest Wasserbuffel

Mine was anoying in the first few days I had her. Pacing, whining, leash pulling, crying at night.


I didn't really bond with her in those first few days, but I didn't expect to. She would hardly look at DH and I, but she would cry if we left her alone.


I fed her by hand for the first few days. Within a couple weeksI began training her and out bond solidified. She was MY dog within about a month.

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Welcome from Central Illinois.


The fun thing about these dogs is that the transition never ends. Just when you think you've seen it all and they are "settled," they do something they've never done before that either makes you laugh hysterically, cuss them, feel like they are now settled, or usually all 3. :lol


Don't be too nervous, they won't break but they do fold up small so you can fit more in your house and car. :lol




Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Don't be nervous! (easy for me to say, I was a basket case when my first came home :lol ) My girls were reserved at first, and have continued to show new aspects of their personality over the years. Fletcher has always been what you see is what you get :rolleyes: but we actually bonded before he was even mine. He is my shadow, my baby, my heart dog :wub:

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We bonded immediately. In fact, she came straight to me at the kennel and walked into my heart. I sat there, crying and hugging her. Then it was just the paperwork and into the car she went. She slept on my bed with me after the first week and the rented crate was returned at around the same time. She is definitely Momma's girl, although she IS thrilled to see her Daddy when he comes home. Within a month, her goofy, loving, apparently accident-prone self had emerged. We'll have had each other for 1 year this May.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

First of all welcome to GT -- and more than that, welcome to the wonderful world of Greyhounds and Greyhound people. Experience with "dogs" is only peripherally helpful when you first enter this world, because, well -- Greyhounds aren't like any other dogs in the world. (Including their veterinary care ). It would be very helpful for you to read Lee Livinggood's "Greyhounds for Dummies" and Cynthia Branigan's "Adopting the Racing Greyhound"; and I found some articles written by Kathleen Gilley of the Gilley's Dancing Greyhound troop (Kathleen died unexpectedly in February, which is a great loss to the Greyhound Community as a whole as well as to her husband and partner in all things Greyhound, Gil). One of her articles http://www.dancinggreyhound.com/no_fear_no_pain has some priceless words of wisdom regarding a newly retired Greyhound's perspective when entering the strange world of humans and petdom. Try to at least scan this article, I found she covered an amazing number of important realizations -- like the fact that they are never asked to make decisions during their racing careers, don't need to ask to go outside, are not touched while sleeping, are always with other greyhounds -- things that will be very helpful for you to know. She's also got a terrific article on introducing a new Greyhound to an existing pack in the spring issue of Celebrating Greyhounds (our award-winning magazine <G> )


That being said --- Greyhounds are magic, are the basis for most of my friendships, interests and goals, are my heart. Your bond with Greyhounds is like no other bond -- I wish you well on this magical journey you are undertaking. :)

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Congratulations! I think it depends on the dog. Treasure settled in immediately, it took Phoenix about six months to get over his initial shyness (his personality is still evolving at age 11) and I'm not sure Loca ever completely got used to home living (she was a brood mama who spent lots of time on the farm) but we bonded fairly quickly. All have been wonderful!

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest carhound

Thanks for the words of encouragement everybody!


I've done a prodigious amount of research prior to contacting any organization, and will continue my lurking here. I'm trying to learn when as much as I can before we bring the retiree home. Maybe I'm taking the decision more serious than most, but I want to make sure that SWMBO and I can do all we can to make sure the hound can succeed. Both the Dummies book and the Branigan book are on order and will arrive this week.


In addition to the weekend I plan to take 3 full days of work off and two half days to get the hound acclimated and comfortable as well as have some time to play with it and work on any SA issues that may appear. The wife and I will overlap our time off to make sure the dog gets acclimated to the house well enough before we go back to a normal schedule.

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Welcome from Ohio.....and wow..how organized are you?


Makes me feel like a real idiot. I knew NOTHING about greyhounds, but just jumped in with both feet.

Muddled through somehow, but since I found this site, I'm much more comfortable. Advice is only a click away.


Happy hounding!!!

Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog.

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Guest carhound

Welcome from Ohio.....and wow..how organized are you?


Makes me feel like a real idiot. I knew NOTHING about greyhounds, but just jumped in with both feet.

Muddled through somehow, but since I found this site, I'm much more comfortable. Advice is only a click away.


Happy hounding!!!


lol thanks... I think. I've noticed that the older I get the more my job rubs off on me. Planning ahead and architecture go hand in hand. It drive SWMBO nuts sometimes. She's worried that all my "research" will make me decide that I don't want a dog, and that they aren't for me. Not the case at all, I'm just trying to prepare myself for the worst so that I'll be prepared and hopefully pleasantly surprised.

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Guest fringepup

We did a lot of research too and are still learning...everyday. I have been the "question girl" to our contacts and new friends at the local rescue. We are new to this wonderful world of greyhounds and while Willie immediately bonded to me it was a problem at first because life was difficult for my husband to be home with him alone. My opinion is that routines are good at least for pups like Willie. He is fine at home now with his daddy now while I am at work but when I am away in the evening (like tonight for a meeting at work) he was unsettled and looking for me. He's had some SA issues that I am not sure he is done with yet. All I can say is a ton of love and a huge amount of patience and you will be fine. This is a terrific site for help and information. It is addicting, I know! And welcome!

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Guest Stripeyfan

Welcome! This is a fantastic, friendly site and always my first stop for advice. Like Fringepup with Willie, we found a routine really helped Kelly settle in, and of course lots of love and patience. Don't forget we want to see pictures when you bring your pup home!

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Adding our welcome, too. Everybody's different when it comes to what to do when a new hound comes home. I totally agree with the get-a-routine suggestions above. And I think that even if you take time off work, a good goal is to have a routine similar to when you return to work. Morning and night schedules roughly the same, and maybe practising some "alone time" so the dog is accustomed to your not being there.


I took a few days off for my first greyhound (my boss joked that she was used to maternity and paternity leaves, not puppernity) but not for the rest.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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Okay...you've had her for a few hours. Has she transitioned yet? :lol:lol:lol

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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Guest carhound

Okay...you've had her for a few hours. Has she transitioned yet? :lol:lol:lol


haven't brought her home yet. Yesterday was just the kennel day. GO brings the dog to you, they need to call and schedule the drop off day with us. But unlike most of GO's dogs she's been in foster for a while and has had all the necessary stuff done already, so it's only gonna take a week or so before she comes home. The wife is obsessed and can't wait until she's home, she's incredibly happy. :)

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