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Preparing For James Arrival

Guest juliagulia630

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Guest juliagulia630

We have read everything (thanks bigorangedogs!) and are installing a small ramp onto the stairs leading to outside. We have our bedroom on the first floor so he will be set up there. I just have a couple of planning questions.

How many days should I be taking off of work? Should I just play it by ear? My husband works at home but watches our 18 month toddler when I work.

How long should I have my toddler stay at grandma's house? When we are all home, James will definitely be kept away from the action but close enough to be monitored.

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Guest bigorangedog

We have read everything (thanks bigorangedogs!) and are installing a small ramp onto the stairs leading to outside. We have our bedroom on the first floor so he will be set up there. I just have a couple of planning questions.

How many days should I be taking off of work? Should I just play it by ear? My husband works at home but watches our 18 month toddler when I work.

How long should I have my toddler stay at grandma's house? When we are all home, James will definitely be kept away from the action but close enough to be monitored.


Totally need to play it by ear. His mobility sounds outstanding from your other thread, so he may not need all THAT much assistance. Until he is getting up and down reliably by himself, it's better if you can avoid leaving him alone. Or confine him to an area where he can't hurt himself. Nights actually seem to be the worst....Not sure why that is. But you probably won't get a ton of sleep for the first few nights. He'll be restless, can't get comfortable. Ask for some Valium or Ace (for him, not you! ;-) in case he has trouble sleeping. He needs rest to heal, and you need rest to care for him.


Wish I could give you more specific advice, but I'd play it by ear with your toddler too. If James is restless and you are exhausted, Grandma's house may be a godsend. But if James is doing great and resting well, you can probably bring your little one home quickly. One thing I would caution is to keep the toddler (boy or girl? sorry I keep saying "The Toddler") away from him until he is feeling like himself and off the heavy meds. Like I said in your other thread, if drugged up and in pain, dogs react in ways they otherwise would not. I would hate for your kiddo to get nipped at because James is feeling poorly and gets startled. I have a 4 and 5 year old, and they were old enough to behave around the post-op dogs, but my husband did most of the childcare for a few days while I took care of the tripawd boys.

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Sounds like you have things covered! Yeah! For bringing him home soon.


Dude was very mobile right form the day we brought him home, but we made sure he stayed at the hospital long enough until he was ready. We didn't ever use the sling they gave us as he was doing just fine - even pooped on his own as his first "act" in his own yard! We also didn't use much sedation. I don't like to use Acepromazine, and the couple of times we gave him a pill he was really zoned out. He slept a lot on his own anyway.


My biggest suggestion is to *really* prepare your toddler for the changes in James. I had Dude at the hospital for a check up a few days after the surgery and there was a little girl in the waiting room. Maybe two or three years old. She couldn't stop staring at Dude and his missing leg and got quite concerned and upset. She obviously knew Dude wasn't right even though he was acting like a normal dog. I'm sure her Mom had an interesting conversation with her on their way home that afternoon.


If James is good with your child and he can be safely ensconced away from curious hands, then I wouldn't hesitate to have the whole family together. If Gramma is close, you might want to see how things go, and then use Gramma's house for a break when you need it.


Bottom line is that every dog and situation is different, and you'll have to see how he does, how you do, and how things go when James comes home. Good luck!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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I stayed home a week for Diamond. I wanted to make sure she would take the ramp and not the stairs (like she did the first night home. She decided to jump 6 steps from the deck to cement patio) So you may want to make sure he doesn't try to do too much too soon.


Also, don't be too concerned if he anxious, is up and down and seems uncomfortable. It's more probably the meds. When I took Diamond off the meds 2 weeks after surgery, she suddenly calmed right down and was almost her old self again.


PS. By the way, I drove from NJ to OSU just for Diamond's surgery. Best choice I ever made.

Edited by MP_the4pack
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Guest bigorangedog

My biggest suggestion is to *really* prepare your toddler for the changes in James. I had Dude at the hospital for a check up a few days after the surgery and there was a little girl in the waiting room. Maybe two or three years old. She couldn't stop staring at Dude and his missing leg and got quite concerned and upset. She obviously knew Dude wasn't right even though he was acting like a normal dog. I'm sure her Mom had an interesting conversation with her on their way home that afternoon.


LOL - Thanks, I never even thought of this. One of my daughters has cerebral palsy, and my youngest is missing her right arm, so a 3-legged dog doesn't get a second look around here! :lol

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One big thing in leaving the dog is if you have other pets. Sorry, I don't remember if you have other dogs. Bringing pack members back together needs supervision and they should be separated for awhile.


And I don't know if you've heard of the night screaming. As Jen said, nights seem worse. They will wake up sometimes with that scream of death. Not sure if it is real pain or the drugs but it sure scares you! They settle back down quickly and go off to dream land leaving you wide awake.

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Guest juliagulia630

Thanks so much for all the advice! He is coming home tomorrow!!!! Post op day 3! I am so proud of him! My husband is putting together the ramp the stairs as I type! I am so excited! (sorry for all the explanation points) :P

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We stayed home with Charlie for two weeks, one week off and one week working from home. Charlie was doing quite well even when he came out of the hospital 4.5 days after amp. Our concern was inside the house as we have wood floors and covered as much as we could with area rugs. As our surgeon stated, the first time he falls it will freak you out a bit but he should be fine. Great to hear James is back home!

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest juliagulia630

Driving home with james. He looks as expected but so happy to be alive and out of pain! Hope things keep rolling in the right direction.

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Great news James is back home! I hope the first night went okay and now let the healing begin. It may be daunting now but before long, James will be back to his normal self. If you have any questions concerns, you know where to turn to as many of us have been down the amp route.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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Guest juliagulia630

Our first night was ok. He was up (as everyone told me to expect) walking around and a little restless. He didn't seem to be in pain just wanted to smell everything. He is starving! Eating his kibble up before it hits his bowl. We had our first poop which I was concerned about since he has a rear amputation. But he balanced fine and voila!! Only problem now is fighting for a clear path for him to go out as we are getting rain which is melting our snow but making it very icy in spots. I can't believe how well he is doing, even bouncing after one of his stuffies this morning and trying to jump on the couch (which I stopped).

I questioned my decision on our ride home. As you guys remember how bad they look right after coming home, swelling, bruising, 10 inch scar in plain view. Now that we are home and I am seeing my old James, comfortable but just a little off balance, I know we did right. My husband cried when he saw him which broke my heart. My toddler just pointed and said, "Ouch." She is keeping her distance and we have a book coming about a three legged dog. My husband is better this morning. I know we will get through this and have started to treat every pain free day we have together as a gift. Thanks again for all your advice and prayers.

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Guest bigorangedog

Our first night was ok. He was up (as everyone told me to expect) walking around and a little restless. He didn't seem to be in pain just wanted to smell everything. He is starving! Eating his kibble up before it hits his bowl. We had our first poop which I was concerned about since he has a rear amputation. But he balanced fine and voila!! Only problem now is fighting for a clear path for him to go out as we are getting rain which is melting our snow but making it very icy in spots. I can't believe how well he is doing, even bouncing after one of his stuffies this morning and trying to jump on the couch (which I stopped).

I questioned my decision on our ride home. As you guys remember how bad they look right after coming home, swelling, bruising, 10 inch scar in plain view. Now that we are home and I am seeing my old James, comfortable but just a little off balance, I know we did right. My husband cried when he saw him which broke my heart. My toddler just pointed and said, "Ouch." She is keeping her distance and we have a book coming about a three legged dog. My husband is better this morning. I know we will get through this and have started to treat every pain free day we have together as a gift. Thanks again for all your advice and prayers.


WOW! Sounds like he is doing amazingly!! Neither of my boys were even close to this level of activity for a couple weeks post-amp. I think he is going to do great! Yes, the incision is scary looking, but in a while his fur will grow back and it'll look like he was born with 3 legs. :-) Sending hugs!!!

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I have never been through what you and your husband are going through and I can only imagine how difficult it is to see him this way. Try to focus on what his life will be like once he has healed from the amputation. I don't know if anyone mentioned Darcy the Deerhound when they were giving you examples of successfull amputees. If you haven't you ought to Google Darcy Deerhound and check out her Facebook page. It is full of pictures and videos that will make you know in your heart the decision you made was the right one and that James is going to be just fine. Hugs to you and your entire family. James is very lucky to have someone who cares the way you and your husband do.

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Our first night was ok. He was up (as everyone told me to expect) walking around and a little restless. He didn't seem to be in pain just wanted to smell everything. He is starving! Eating his kibble up before it hits his bowl. We had our first poop which I was concerned about since he has a rear amputation. But he balanced fine and voila!! Only problem now is fighting for a clear path for him to go out as we are getting rain which is melting our snow but making it very icy in spots. I can't believe how well he is doing, even bouncing after one of his stuffies this morning and trying to jump on the couch (which I stopped).

I questioned my decision on our ride home. As you guys remember how bad they look right after coming home, swelling, bruising, 10 inch scar in plain view. Now that we are home and I am seeing my old James, comfortable but just a little off balance, I know we did right. My husband cried when he saw him which broke my heart. My toddler just pointed and said, "Ouch." She is keeping her distance and we have a book coming about a three legged dog. My husband is better this morning. I know we will get through this and have started to treat every pain free day we have together as a gift. Thanks again for all your advice and prayers.



Sounds like he's doing great! Very much like Dude right after we got him home. We were very lucky in that we never really dealt with a lot of the pain and restlessess issues that others have experienced, and Dude has really done super all in all.


Here's hoping you have many more pain free days with James!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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