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Monty Has A Multiplicity Of Medical Problems Again

Guest greytmonty

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Guest greytmonty

Monty continues to worry about our vet's finances.

We are seeing the opth vet for a recheck of his Pannus. His eyes are pretty cloudy so I am guessing he will up the drops again.

Our derm vet is SO NICE he is going to stop in to look at Monty's inguinal (sp?) and penis area. Monty has a chronic rash there likely associated with his allergies, and occasionally it gets infected. We noticed a LUMP on the shaft of his penis last night, and I called the derm vet who agreed to squeeze him in today while we are at Penn. I am so worried, it is really weird looking.

Never mind his swollen toe and limp, for which we are seeing our regular vet Saturday.

Please send good thoughts that the lump is nothing.

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Guest Hollys2hounds



:candle :candle :candle:hope :hope :hope:goodluck :goodluck :goodluck:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug


You and my "boyfriend" are in our prayers! Like you said, Monty probably just wants the vet to be able to have a nice summer vacation, or he just misses hanging out with him ??!!


Let me know how the visit goes!!


Good thoughts, healing thoughts, and prayers your way!


Holly and gang




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Guest Bodie

White light and prayers coming for Monty that the lump is just another version of his allergies. Things do seem to happen in multiples for that boy, don't they? Here's hoping that all of his problems turn out to be minor.



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Is it a lump, like under the skin tumory lump, or like a ingrown hair/zit lump? Butkus occasionally gets blood-filled ingrown-hair type lumps on his shaft, and I just pop them and throw some bacitracin on and they're fine...just a thought!!



(Yes, I just admitted that I pop my dog's penis bumps. What, it's better than taking him to the vet to do it!!! :blush)

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Guest greytmonty

Embarassed but happy update. Indeed monty has awful skin in that area, with blackheads, thinning from Cushings, etc. His "tumor" is a normal bulbar area of the penis that enlarges with blood flow. It just looks bad because of his skin. Dr. Palmeiro was very nice, even saw him for free (more than I can say for the opth vet, CA-CHING). I am embarassed but relieved. :blush

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OLIVES !!!!!


Poor Monty. How embarassing for you. :blink:


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Guest taylorsmom

Oh, man!!! Poor Monty and poor you!! I am sure that Dr. Palmiero was very very nice about it though, and very understanding. Why would you be expected to know such intimate boy-part details??? Better to be relieved and embarrassed, though, then to be worried and not know what the heck this lump is!!

Hope Monty feels better with his other skin and eye stuff really soon!

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Embarassed but happy update. Indeed monty has awful skin in that area, with blackheads, thinning from Cushings, etc. His "tumor" is a normal bulbar area of the penis that enlarges with blood flow. It just looks bad because of his skin. Dr. Palmeiro was very nice, even saw him for free (more than I can say for the opth vet, CA-CHING). I am embarassed but relieved. :blush

Do not feel embarassed! Anything that is of concern should be checked out and you did exactly what all of us here would have done! :) Sending prayers for Monty's eye problems. :grouphug


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Nothing to be embarrassed about; but, you won't make that mistake again. ;)


Karen, Greyhound Baby tells the same story about her dog. Glad there was nothing major going on.

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Glad it was nothing, or nothing to worry about that is. Monty may want to sit you down and have "that" talk with you. Now might be a good time. :blush


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest greytmonty
Glad it was nothing, or nothing to worry about that is. Monty may want to sit you down and have "that" talk with you. Now might be a good time. :blush

You are too funny! :lol

Monty's, er, um, bulbar region does not have a corresponding part on humans.

The vet told me this is why male and female dogs sometimes get "stuck together" when doing the deed, as the bulbar region swells up and gets stuck.

Oh my, TMI!

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Guest ArtysPeople

Another victim of the "olives on his hoo-hoo", AKA "ping pong ball on his manly parts"! :lol They should seriously start warning first-time male dog adopters about those things!


Don't feel too bad; I posted a whole thread here about it when I first saw them, too, and Jeff even laughed at me because in my original post I admitted touching/feeling them while trying to figure out what it was. Not that I blame him, in retrospect and all. After all, I've read his signature. ;)


P.S. We need an olive smiley thing for this whole topic.

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Oh man, I am just seeing this for the 1st time. What an ordeal!

So happy handsome is OK!



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Guest TBSFlame
Another victim of the "olives on his hoo-hoo", AKA "ping pong ball on his manly parts"! :lol They should seriously start warning first-time male dog adopters about those things!


Don't feel too bad; I posted a whole thread here about it when I first saw them, too, and Jeff even laughed at me because in my original post I admitted touching/feeling them while trying to figure out what it was. Not that I blame him, in retrospect and all. After all, I've read his signature. ;)


P.S. We need an olive smiley thing for this whole topic.

Yes indeed we should warn them. I had always had girl dogs :blush and didn't know about olives. I did call a friend that had boy dogs and she told me what they were. I did take Beecher in because of the black dots on his tummy. My vet was on the floor on his hand and knees looking at Beecer's tummy and looked at me and said........" I think it's blackheads" :lol:lol:lol he was not a greyhound savy vet but he was right.

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