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Please Keep Frazzle In Your Thoughts

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Frazzle's had back-end weakness since we adopted him a year and a half ago, but he slipped and fell on our floor (and I STILL don't know how it happened) at the beginning of April and has had trouble getting around ever since (thus the cart at GiG and the Adoption Expo). Well, late this afternoon, after chilling in the camper with me while I worked on getting it ready for Grapehounds, he was knuckling very badly and couldn't stay in one position long enough to pee - he kept trying to catch his balance and ended up peeing all over his front legs. He's gone downhill rather rapidly since then, and the only way he can move around really is if I hold his back legs up off the floor and he propels himself where he wants to be with his front legs. He can stand only if I'm right there to hold him upright. He's also a little restless, so I have given him extra tramadol to help with any pain he may be having.


I am scheduled to work a double shift at our vet's office tomorrow and so I had planned on taking him with me because I couldn't see leaving him here alone for 10-11 hours, but with this deterioration, I don't think he will be coming home tomorrow night. I have called his acupuncture vet, who was with us when Marcus suddenly crashed and left us, and left a message on her phone asking her to meet us at the hospital tomorrow, and Dr. Patty (the vet I prefer) is not scheduled to be in until 2 pm, but I will ask someone to call her for us. I suppose I will have Dr. Jim look at him, but I really want either Dr. Patty or Dr. Alison to be there to free him from his failing body.


Brian and I have taken him back to the bedroom to sleep. The poor boy can't even reposition himself. I heard him struggling (I can't sleep, so I'm in the living room) and went back to find him collapsed on the floor just off his bed. I picked up his back end and he went back to his bed and put himself down facing the other way than we had left him earlier. I suspect I may not sleep tonight just so I can be there when he needs help - Brian, despite the fact that Frazzle is right next to him - slept right through Frazzle's struggles. (Well, he woke up when I picked up Fraz.) Frazzle's movement would probably wake me, but I don't want to take the chance.


I was hoping earlier, when I saw him knuckling badly, that we might be able to take him on one last trip, up to Grapehounds, but.... Dammit, I thought he'd actually make it to Dewey - the acupuncture seemed to be helping. But he was just treated on Thursday, and it was lasting about 3 weeks up to this point. Dr. Alison did warn us that if it was a spinal tumor, the treatment she was using would make it grow faster. It's gotta be a tumor - he was relatively okay this morning. We didn't bother with an MRI because we weren't going to do surgery on a 13 year old dog with multiple health problems no matter what the MRI told us.




I know there are some people on this board who know Frazzle from his former life. Please pass the word on to all his friends, and if anyone knows where his first mom's final resting place is, please contact me.

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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Guest tricolorhounds

My thoughts are with You and Frazzle :hope:candle:hope


I understand having just dealt with my 13 year olds medical issues. :grouphug

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Oh no, not sweet Frazzle. :( I wish you a peaceful night tonight, sleep well good boy. My thoughts are with you and your family tonight.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Frazzle's had back-end weakness since we adopted him a year and a half ago, but he slipped and fell on our floor (and I STILL don't know how it happened) at the beginning of April and has had trouble getting around ever since (thus the cart at GiG and the Adoption Expo). Well, late this afternoon, after chilling in the camper with me while I worked on getting it ready for Grapehounds, he was knuckling very badly and couldn't stay in one position long enough to pee - he kept trying to catch his balance and ended up peeing all over his front legs. He's gone downhill rather rapidly since then, and the only way he can move around really is if I hold his back legs up off the floor and he propels himself where he wants to be with his front legs. He can stand only if I'm right there to hold him upright. He's also a little restless, so I have given him extra tramadol to help with any pain he may be having.


I am scheduled to work a double shift at our vet's office tomorrow and so I had planned on taking him with me because I couldn't see leaving him here alone for 10-11 hours, but with this deterioration, I don't think he will be coming home tomorrow night. I have called his acupuncture vet, who was with us when Marcus suddenly crashed and left us, and left a message on her phone asking her to meet us at the hospital tomorrow, and Dr. Patty (the vet I prefer) is not scheduled to be in until 2 pm, but I will ask someone to call her for us. I suppose I will have Dr. Jim look at him, but I really want either Dr. Patty or Dr. Alison to be there to free him from his failing body.


Brian and I have taken him back to the bedroom to sleep. The poor boy can't even reposition himself. I heard him struggling (I can't sleep, so I'm in the living room) and went back to find him collapsed on the floor just off his bed. I picked up his back end and he went back to his bed and put himself down facing the other way than we had left him earlier. I suspect I may not sleep tonight just so I can be there when he needs help - Brian, despite the fact that Frazzle is right next to him - slept right through Frazzle's struggles. (Well, he woke up when I picked up Fraz.) Frazzle's movement would probably wake me, but I don't want to take the chance.


I was hoping earlier, when I saw him knuckling badly, that we might be able to take him on one last trip, up to Grapehounds, but.... Dammit, I thought he'd actually make it to Dewey - the acupuncture seemed to be helping. But he was just treated on Thursday, and it was lasting about 3 weeks up to this point. Dr. Alison did warn us that if it was a spinal tumor, the treatment she was using would make it grow faster. It's gotta be a tumor - he was relatively okay this morning. We didn't bother with an MRI because we weren't going to do surgery on a 13 year old dog with multiple health problems no matter what the MRI told us.




I know there are some people on this board who know Frazzle from his former life. Please pass the word on to all his friends, and if anyone knows where his first mom's final resting place is, please contact me.



I'm am beyond heart broken..... I am so mad at myself for not getting down there Deanna last week.


Frazzle, my dear sweet boy. There aren't enough words in the world to describe how much you mean to mean just as Marcus did. I am very angry this is happening to you. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!! Deanna I wish I was there with you instead of stuck here at work. I know you will do what's best for him. I love you Frazzle, I really really do, you are such a special soul. Mommy will take care of you, do what you always do sweety lean on her. I'm sorry I didn't get down last week to spend time with you but I guess there was a reason for that. Thank you sweety for letting be a part of your life, you have touched my soul and I will love you always. Should you go to the bridge sweety I want you to run like the wind Frazzle Dazzle, you will be whole and healthy again. Your first mamma will be happy to see you and I know you'll be happy to see her, but remember sweety your other mommy loves you so dam much and will miss you so.


Deanna I'm here at work if you want to talk, I'll pm you my number but if you don't I understand.


I won't say goodbye Frazzle, only until we meet again sweety, I love you Frazzle Dazzle :wub::weep

Praying for all the missing greys!

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Sending prayers.


And just a thought, have you inquired about any sort of water therapy? I know it's done wonders for SuzieQ/Greytdecals' Alan and before they started his prognosis wasn't great, either. Worth at least asking about if you haven't.


Hugs to you both.

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Sending prayers.


And just a thought, have you inquired about any sort of water therapy? I know it's done wonders for SuzieQ/Greytdecals' Alan and before they started his prognosis wasn't great, either. Worth at least asking about if you haven't.


Hugs to you both.


We tried. He went to three sessions, with the third one being just a week ago. He was clearly terrified and stressed by the experience, and we decided any possible benefit was not worth putting him through the panic and terror he was feeling in the pool.

Deanna with galgo Willow, greyhound Finn, and DH Brian
Remembering Marcus (11/16/93 - 11/16/05), Tyler (2/3/01 - 11/6/06), Frazzle (7/2/94 - 7/23/07), Carrie (5/8/96 - 2/24/09), Blitz (3/28/97 - 6/10/11), Symbra (12/30/02 - 7/16/13), Scarlett (10/10/02 - 08/31/13), Wren (5/25/01 - 5/19/14),  Rooster (3/7/07 - 8/28/18), Q (2008 - 8/31/19), and Momma Mia (2002 - 12/9/19).

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I'm so sorry. :cry1 :cry1 :cry1


I was thinking 'trolley' while I was reading through, but then it became clear that he is in considerable discomfort/pain and can't manage repositioning, so that isn't going to help.... I wish there was a magic wand we could wave, but there isn't. :(


I'll be thinking of you both today. :bighug:hope:bighug


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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{{{{{{{{{{Deanna and Brian and Frazzle}}}}}}}}}}


God treat you gently.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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prayers coming from CT....

My sweet angel Tanner-"Showoffs Magic" 79D-82695. DOB 7/22/99. Gotcha Day 6/20/05. Bridge Day 3/11/10. Big Beautiful Brave Angel Norm-"Showoffs Storm" 89B-83263. DOB 8/16/99. Gotcha Day 3/24/06. Bridge Day 4/20/13. Angel Girl Bree-"Breezy Betty" 201A-93631. DOB 2/05/01. Gotcha Day 5/11/10. Bridge Day 10/07/11. She reached the beach.... Maci-"CF's Owhatanite" 44H-29320. DOB 10/05/04. Gotcha Day 10/11/11. Greta-"Greta's Milam" 90B-54582. DOB 9/17/10. Gotcha Day 11/30/12. Bridge Day 03/30/17. Ben-"P Kay Key Train" 63A-61271. DOB 6/2/13. Gotcha Day 12/26/15.

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Prayers for your family - fur and skin. :candle I am so sorry.

Carol Ann


Molly Weasley Carpenter-Caro - 6 Year Old Standard Poodle.

Gizzy, Specky, Riley Roo & Lady - Our beloved Greyhounds waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.

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